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i am not able to install windows XP no my system.
i was using windows XP but when i formatted my drive my hard disk became undedectable i got my hard disk replaced but still my system doesn't dedects the hard drive.(Western digital) but works fine on other systems.
then i got a new hard drive this time samsung but still i am not able to install windows XP.
i am able to install windows vista.on the samsung one.
get me out of this trouble thanx a lot in advance.

how can i make my WD hard drive work on my system and install windows XP???????????
Hard Disk is not at all at fault. Actually i guess ur motherboard doesnt support some drivers that are needed to detect the Hard-drive. Which mobo u have? These sata drivers now come pre-installed in VISTA installation CD, so it will detect them when u install Vista.

I have gone thru a similar problem, so i know. Read this .

But, my suggestion to u is-

Install Vista, then ur hdd will be detected, now insert the XP installation CD before booting and it should work hopefully :hap2:

Just remember to do partition accordingly. Once u have installed XP, u can remove/format the vista partition and ur system will still detect the hard drive and XP.
the prob is that i am not able to install windows XP on any of the hard drives.
the WD HDD which i was using i formatted it and the prob started my WD HDD is not dedected at all on my system not even in bios but works ok on other systems
check with some other hard disk on ur c if its not a problem with your motherboard...
i have intel 915GAG it was ok till i formatted the drive
what can i do now explain this to me in detail me guys thanx a lot
i am able to use other HDD other than WD
my system does not detects WD HDD all others work fine and i am able to install windows vista
Mate u can try d followin:
Check master/slave/CS jumper position.
Check IDE cable to ensure it is securely plugged in to both motherboard and HDD connectors.
Try a different IDE cable.
Check it is getting power. Do you have a multimeter to test the power output at the molex connector?

n if nothing works at all...try chaging ur bios settings to optimized defaults..
reset the cmos too..
hardware is allrite its the soft ware prob. the the windows XP did the damage don't no what to do.
Are u using a SATA hard drive? Windows XP does not have inbuilt Sata drivers, u need to press F2 on the setup screen while installing XP.

After pressing F2 on setup screen, after a few seconds it will ask you to insert Sata/Raid drivers floppy in the floppy drive. You need to have SATA drivers ready on a Floppy drive.

Vista has inbuilt Sata drivers hence u don't have any issues installing Vista.

Alternatively download SATA drivers from Motherboard manufacturers website and prepare a floppy and use it when prompted after pressing F2 in windows xp setup.
But isn't the Mobo/Chipset drivers that we install first after Windows? In fact I never had to use Raid drivers or a floppy and have been using SATA for nearly 3 years and several format/installations.
It depends on the Copy of XP CD used. Some later released XP Cd's have inbuilt SATA drivers in them.

Since he is saying that his Hard Disk is not detected in xp installation that means the XP CD he is using does not have inbuilt SATA drivers so the hard disk is not detected.
i was using my WD harddrive SATA for 2 yr never used SATA drivers its just that my WD hard drive is not dedected on my system works fine on other systems
got a new HDD samsung SATA dedects normally but i can not install windows XP
i can do partition copy setup files and then the error occurs
my frd had the same copy of windows he is facing the same prob.
i just don't noe wat to do
Since u were already using SATA hdd, so ur copy of xp has inbuilt drivers so thats not the SATA driver issue.

What error occurs, is it a blue screen error? Give more details about the error......
blue screen doesnt appear after copin setup files system restarts and then comes a msg can not install windows
its the first time i hav seen this kind of a prob
and then again it starts booting
my frd is facing the same prob
i think its the windows XP copy i was using did the damage no hardware prob now my old WD HDD which was working fine on my frd system doesn't work any more as my frd is facin the same prob
You are just telling facing "problem", its impossible to troubleshoot if u are not able to post the exact error message or error code...... :huh:
what happens is that setup files copy as normal then system reboots as to start installation then a msg appears cannot start setup no blue screen
the procedure is the same that i am doing for years now its just that the copy of windows XP i was using did the damage
hardware is all rite
i hav asked many people and shown them the prob. but no one is able to ustand this thing
don't noe what to do
any thing that i can do to repair my systems boot
First off, you say that the disk is not detected. Then you say it gets to the step of copying files. The files copy only after the disks are detected and partitioned, so which is it?

It would be helpful if you tell us step by step what happens when you set up, including the successful steps. Then we'll know what's working and what's not.

If your XP CD is damaged, you can use another media to install the OS, but be sure to use your own serial number or you won't be able to activate. Of course, if you're not using legal OS, we don't want to know about it and can't help you.

And I still don't understand what you mean by "repairing your system boot". If your system didn't boot, the XP CD wouldn't start up. Be a little more descriptive. I understand that you may be in a panic, but calm down and be lucid so we can help you.
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