Hey there bro, just wanted to drop some advice from someone who's probably in your age group (Just entering college right? same here).
During lockdowns I gained alot of weight, taking online classes, sitting on my ass for that long, eating whatever I wanted, it was bound to get me fat. And I did, almost touched 90kg when ideally 70-75 would have been a good weight for my height (6ft). Eventually I just looked so bad, although I only realise it now after having taken a look at my pictures from then. Fast forward to today, having got some crazy ass motivation to pickup girls about a year and a half back, I started doing silly core exercises everyday for 30 mins to an hour. However I swear these were extremely hard for someone who was never ever athletic in any way (I couldn't even run 50m if I wanted to). But I pushed through every plank hold, every freaking X MAN CRUNCH by constantly thinking and reminding myself why I was doing this and just pushed on.
I then joined a gym on Jan 5, 2022 and have worked out as consistenly as I can for a year and a half. At the moment I'm 75 kgs, decent amount of muscle but there's more left to be desired. I understand that your weight is more than what I had to lose but if you have the real true motivation to actually lose it, you can brother. Where there's a will there's a way. I emphasise this because I have a friend who's severely overweight. If he would just lose it and enter double digits, my gosh he would look like a film star with his height and fair skin. But he just doesn't have the motivation to do it. He's not at all happy with his weight of course but he just doesn't have that fire in him to lose the weight, he would rather drink up, eat up. But I feel that you have all the right reasons and desire to make a change in your life. By posting this on a public forum here, you do indeed have that strong desire and I urge you to use it.
Some tips that I'll share for you
- Go to the gym. A good private one, not the corporate types like cult or iconic fitness or whatever that have multiple branches. Go to a gym where you'll see the same owner/trainer everyday, the same gym goers, familiar faces etc. Hearing the gym owner say, "EY MACHA YOU BECOMING MORE MUSCULAR EVERYDAY" to finally being able to outlift that one guy you first saw a year back to just nodding heads with the other 2 guys who workout as the same time as you, social interaction is essential for humans. Going out of the house, burning calories, hitting reps, it always improves my mood no matter what. Staying inside your home and sitting on the PC for too long (as our parents would say) is terrible for our mental state. While most of what I do part time requires me to stay online, try and always disconnect yourself for the few hours you spend outside. Exercising and just going out has really helped me think more clear and feel better on my worst days. Do not try to lose weight by just following a DIET and sitting at home, I've tried it, I know even you've probably tried it too, it works for some people but exercising is a good distraction to not eat, otherwise what else do you do at home? Watch movies (and eat), play video games (and maybe have a bowl of chips on the side). lol it's how we got this big in the first place. Also follow a routine that you can actually do, yes college really takes up my time, so what did I do? I switched from a PPL 6 days a week to an upper lower split 4 days a week, there's always a way brother.
- Diet. I'm still figuring this out as well. I've never followed a diet strictly honestly speaking, taking the scales out, measuring this or that (until recently). For the most part what I've done is cut down what I usually eat. Obviously remove the junk food that I know is just not healthy for me and just kept hitting the reps. However I suggest you take diet tips from other members here as they are more experienced with this (DM that member too who said he can help you with the diet)
- Stay positive and push on, no you won't turn into a 6 pack machine in 3 months or so but I promise you within a month, if you follow what everyone here has said ( don't follow all the advice on here religiously lol, take the ones you can actually do, Turning vegan works for some but for some they just can't give up the taste of meat. Both are equally good) you'll start seeing the potential future you. The great thing about looking better and being better is it's just so tough in the first few months, but eventually that switch just flips in your head and you thoughts just convert itself from "Gosh I wish I could have a burger rn" to "Gosh I shouldn't have eaten that burger I feel like shit". You'll start regretting missing this specific exercise day or that. You've probably not experienced this yet I believe as you have gone to the gym for 2 years, but not "consistently". It's that consistency where everything just starts to click.
I have so much more to say but I feel like an uncle typing this already

But Best of Luck my friend. Your future you btw is thanking you for what you're doing today.