Hey Oldies...remember Hulk Hogan?

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There was time it was all big personalities in wwe. And when I watched it recently, it's all hopeless right now. As far as I know, there's Undertaker, Kane, Big Show are still going on. And when they retire it will be like the end of an era.

God, I miss The Rock. I still wander in youtube looking for his clips.
i saw hulk hogan in tna with sting and kevin nash.

i liked the good ol' chris benoit days but i dont see all that for a pretty long time now.
Chris Benoit is a murderer. He killed his family and THEN committed suicide. WWE have erased all traces of him from all records and past matches..
WWE is a shadow of what it used to be. Stone Cold and Rock held the crowd in their palm of their hand with their promos. Every word they said, every move they made had a reaction. With HBK gone, there's only 'Taker to interest me once a year for Wrestlemania record. He too is well north of 40 and could last another 2 years (with his usual 8-9 months off). The Attitude era is when wrestling used to be interesting.
Attitude Era was the "Jurassic Era" of pro wrestling. I don't know if WWE or any other wrestling business will see such popularity again for a while.
I just love this thread!

Those Stone Cold - Rock days were the best. But WWE finally started getting boring after Goldberg stopped appearing. Man that guy was epic. Also, the Undertaker - Kane matches. Remember the fire match? And 'Takers burial match? 'Taker had the most memorable special matches.

Nowadays, its just some losers and posers. Except Undertaker, there's no one interesting now.
Bill Goldberg... got hooked onto WCW Nitro because of him. Was watching the telecast when he Jackhammered the Giant (now known as The Big Show) with my uncle and grandpa, left us all wide mouthed.

WWF (as it was known earlier) was far more interesting and entertaining, provided us the right doses of adrenaline at the right time.
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