High end phones

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Beer connoisseur
Hi guys,

I don't know if this is the right area to post this, but I wanted your help with something.

I work for a magazine called GQ, which is a guy's magazine focusing on style, girls and gadgets. We are starting a dedicated tech section, and we have decided to do a feature on high end multimedia phones.

I have gone through the press route with few tangible results. We have phones from Vertu and Apple, but I wanted to to include some more brands.

What I really need is high end phones for a review and photoshoot. If any of you have any contacts in LG, Samsung, HTC, Sony Ericsson and Nokia, I would be happy if you can share. I don't mind contacting dealers to source the phones. We will be happy to mention them in the magazine.

If any of you actually OWN these phones, we would be very grateful if you could either lend us the phone or come to the photoshoot with it. We can work out some compensation for you if you can help us.

Please PM me any info that you have. The phones we are looking for at the moment are:

Nokia N900/N97 mini
Samsung i8910HD
LG Chocolate BL40
Sony Ericsson Satio/X2
HTC Tattoo/Hero/HD2

I would be very grateful for your help, and if you decide to help us we can invite you to a photoshoot for one of the world's premier magazines.

Thanks in advance for the help,

Conde Nast India

PS: Admins- If this is in bad taste, please let me know and I will delete the post immedietly. I don't want to piss off anybody :)
If not, I would like to post in Member's Market too so that I can get max exposure. I will publish a shout out to techenclave in the March or April issue.
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