Hitman: Absolution - Discussion Thread

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I am playing Hitman contracts & resumed absolution. Contracts may be difficult in some levels but its still better. I still feel absolution's design is not good. When you have a contracts mode why make the single player too tough unnecessarily? These evidence collection stuff best suits for side challenges, unlocks & contracts mode.It should have no effect on the final ratings.
Anyways I will be playing it like I had played the previous titles. I will do the exploration stuff later. I will mostly avoid any type of walkthroughs unless its really required (for absolution). I will just post my ratings & experiences here as a reference.(Both contracts & Absolution).
You are welcome to post your views/suggestion etc.If you play contracts mode you can share your experience on that too. I will go on updating as I get time since I also have too many backlogs.

Lets continue.
Game: Absolution
Difficulty: Purist (Will be same throughout)
Level: Terminus
I don't know what the ultimate rating is in this segment. However I found a total of 3 articles to collect. 1(Video tape as evidence) at hotel lobby & 2 (film reel & key card) at upper floors. However I only collected 2. (I got spotted at some point when I had collected the 3 articles.I ran out of patience thus in next try ignored the key card).
If you have followed the same pattern you may get this rating.
[DOUBLEPOST=1419980005][/DOUBLEPOST]Next level is damn buggy & may take time. Checkpoints are not getting saved properly.
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Completed run for your life
Evidence collected: None
Disguise: 1
This level is damn buggy & pathetic. The cops become superhumans in purist difficulty. More than once I managed to reach the station office to call the train with suit only but got caught while escaping. After 10-15 tries I gave up. However I may try this mission again after I have finished the game with suit only.

Anyone completed this with suit only yet?

Sorry missed the final rating screen.

I really miss the previous hitman games. This ranking system sucks! I think I collected every evidence still got this rating.:banghead:
I think I did complete each and every level 'Suit Only' when I played Absolution, which was quite a while back. The screenshots of my stats are all there on earlier pages of this thread. I had done Suit Only, No shots fired, Purist Difficulty, Accident Only play-throughs for some levels to see if I could.

I still remember back then @Ethan_Hunt and me were engrossed in playing this game and uploaded our stats as we progressed through the levels.
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Yes I have seen those.I resumed this game after a long time since honestly I was somewhat not happy with its stupid unnecessary ranking system. Silent assassin ranking can be earned with disguises too but unfortunately in hunter & hunted I didn't get it due to some unknown reasons.
Suit only I will do later since I think some levels require multiple playthroughs to acquire certain points then there is contracts mode too. Btw did you managed to complete "run for your life" with suit only? Have you completed contracts mode too? If not I think we can play contracts mode together if possible.

Anyways this is one of the toughest levels. I don't know after how many tries I finally succeeded. Depends on too much timing, wit & luck.
All evidences collected.

&The easiest mission.
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I agree, the rating mechanism in the game is weird. The way the game dishes out Shadow and Professional rankings is frustrating at times, more so when there aren't any targets for certain sub-sections to levels where you just need to pass through without being spotted with the absence of a target to eliminate.

I dug out my screenshots from my HDD which I took while playing this game almost two years back... I actually did complete the level 'Run For Your Life' suit only... here's the 'Challenges' screenshot that I took after completing the level in it's entirety back then:

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^^ Hitman game levels without a target to eliminate just feels weird isn't? To top it no target = no attainable SA rating in this game... meh.
^^ The story has some major loopholes which kind of spoils the interest.
1. In the mission "rosewood" wearing a masked disguise & a non masked disguise have same effect. Its really absurd. A lot of innovation could have been done here to make it real challenging than just increasing the no of enemies & their movements.
2. In the same mission towards the end lenny clearly sees 47. Now let us assume the game wanted us to have a masked disguise towards the end. Well even if we had that lenny still knows some features of 47. Then how in the mission shaving lenny 47 can easily roam infront of him wearing a suit without raising his suspicion. Is he that dumb? (I think I have completed that mission without wearing a mask & I was somewhat uncomfortable while playing shaving lenny due to the given reasons)


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Enough with evidence I am tired of this. I will only focus on main objective now. I don't care about the ratings as long as I am not spotted or violated any SA rules I will consider it equivalent to sa.

Another one of those toughest & trickiest levels. Especially the second part of this level.

[DOUBLEPOST=1421224966][/DOUBLEPOST]The story is really uninteresting & inferior compared to other series.

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Finished the game about 4 hours back. Quite possible the worst Hitman of all time. Probably just cashing in on the name. Uninspired game. Felt like a chore with little enjoyment most times.

6/10 max. If you don't want hitman ruined for you, you should skip this.
Completed.(purist mode) Towards the end like I had mentioned I cared less for evidences.

The story is somewhat boring & predictable. Also the rating system is equally bad as compared to the previous titles. The gameplay is really good & some levels are fun & challenging to complete. Also this game has been designed keeping the hitman communities or fans in mind which is a good thing if you like challenging your friends. @Black_Hawk have you created any contracts?
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Completed.(purist mode) Towards the end like I had mentioned I cared less for evidences.

@Black_Hawk have you created any contracts?

Congratulations mate on completing the game on Purist. :)

Nope, I hadn't ventured into creating Contracts. I had enough fun with the single player missions trying different runs and approaches and that kept me busy for a considerably long time. Then I moved onto another title... by that time I had had enough fun with the game!
Congratulations mate on completing the game on Purist. :)

Nope, I hadn't ventured into creating Contracts. I had enough fun with the single player missions trying different runs and approaches and that kept me busy for a considerably long time. Then I moved onto another title... by that time I had had enough fun with the game!
Yep the game has flaws but its very very long. It took me around 34 hours to complete it.
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