Holy Cow! What is going on..

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See what happened in ADAG group stocks, RCOM in particular, they brought it down form 3 digit to single digit. ( 700 or so to 9/-) Jan 14 2008 @ 800 + to 10.10 on 15 Nov 2017
Now WhiteKnight MOOcash ambani says he will buy the ASSets. For peanuts.
All this while Sanghis shouting 1,76,000 crore scam, they dont understand shit. They just wanna repeat what their masters on WA forward to them
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See what happened in ADAG group stocks, RCOM in particular, they brought it down form 3 digit to single digit. ( 700 or so to 9/-) Jan 14 2008 @ 800 + to 10.10 on 15 Nov 2017

Wow wasn't aware of the details, the family feud was probably all theatre if that's the case.

All this while Sanghis shouting 1,76,000 crore scam, they dont understand shit.

It's the same everywhere in the world unfortunately, people think their worst enemies are their saviours.
Wow wasn't aware of the details, the family feud was probably all theatre if that's the case.

It's the same everywhere in the world unfortunately, people think their worst enemies are their saviours.

yes it was a scripted drama. Remember Dhirubhai words ? Karlo duniya muthi mein...
yes it was a scripted drama. Remember Dhirubhai words ? Karlo duniya muthi mein...

Lol I was telling someone the exact same thing sometime last week about how Reliance is a shady company and that their old slogan only applied to the family.
Some enlightening info there! So, whats the alternative investment, which is safe and fairly high on returns?
As of now go for MF only, keep watching performance, also buy gold coin from bank or tanishq on monthly basis . 1-2-4-8 GMs as per your comfort level.
In MF ur value may dip if MKT crashes, keep only long-term goal in mf sip, if your fund does not perform well after 2-3 years, switch out. Invest in 4-6 funds.
so its advisable to keep emergency fund in FD or Post office.
Link: https://www.ndtv.com/business/interest-rates-on-small-savings-schemes-cut-1792846

So many rate cuts! If this is to follow, we could soon expect PPF rates to go below 7%. This is a big blow for many lower and middle class people, including me, who has been planning to keep PPF as a viable and safe savings option for future. I don't no what kind of agenda this government has, everything they introduce is affecting the common man's way of life.
Below 7%? That's less than inflation. You'll be losing money in long term.
Below 7%? That's less than inflation. You'll be losing money in long term.
Govt wants us Indians to earn and spend instead of earn and save.
Then it will change to earn to pay debt.
That will change to debt and more debt, and death. Only top corporates will have money.
They will buy out farmers, make them labourers in shopping malls, etc., they will control food produce. What happened to dal prices? Any one talking about it now. No , cos we are used to it. Remember the hullaboo created during upa rule.
My brethren , we are, totally ****ed for life and also in death.
All interest rates except for debt are going to reach below 4% over time. debt interest rates would soon be isolated from investment interest rates.

People are no more than expendable assets for the present govt. In fact, they even used the term "strategic assets" in reference to the innocent people living in the border areas (and of course dying every day due to cease fire violations). They said that these people are strategic assets that help establish the borderline and that they shouldn't be allowed to move to safer places. Soon, people would just be assets meant to earn revenues for the govt.

Its not going to be long before we reach a North Korea like system. It may still be a democracy, but so is North Korea and we know what kind of democracy exists there.

Everybody has to work for the govt. Even farmers cannot work for themselves. All their produce is taken by govt and work is not optional.A farmer gets about Rs 120 (converted) per month as wages. They cannot take leave from work. Leave requires permission from govt and each day costs a quarter of their months salary.
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^^ I doubt they will do anything about it. In fact, I suspect that they were banking on the very fact that finger prints and Iris scans could not be collected or matched which would allow them to throw out a number of pension beneficiaries and reduce the expenditure for the govt.
The most effected people will be above 70 years and won't be in a position to do anything about it.

Apart from the aged people, many disabled people are losing their disability pensions because they can't get Aadhar since they don't have hands or eyes or in some cases both.
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^^ I doubt they will do anything about it. In fact, I suspect that they were banking on the very fact that finger prints and Iris scans could not be collected or matched which would allow them to throw out a number of pension beneficiaries and reduce the expenditure for the govt.
The most effected people will be above 70 years and won't be in a position to do anything about it.

Apart from the aged people, many disabled people are losing their disability pensions because they can't get Aadhar since they don't have hands or eyes or sometimes both.
How dare you say that, don't you know our supreme leader is avtaar of Krishna.[emoji23]
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