How can I move to Russia ?

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Why do you want to move to Russia...Chances of being stabbed by some the racist neo Nazi is far higher than any other place in the world.... Even studying there is not considered safe forget moving there...
^ as far as i remember there was a similar thread in the past on TE where the above was discussed about how and the risks are , but then the thread became a popcorn thread and went everywhere :lol:
OMG I can't laugh... my manager is sitting right behind me... am gonna go home and read this again :bleh:
if you guys can't even answer anything (which you probably don't even know about) without opening your seriously lacking comedy box why even post on te & make newcomers think that everyone here (even the better members) are idiots
Its not easy to go and settle in a country where U dont even know the lnguage. So plz work on it.:)

And yeah u need $$$$ else Zimbawe......1$= 1 millions Zimbawe currency.:bleh:

And U guys want to go out for work or settle up there?
Rather than move to Russia, why not place an order for one of those mail order brides and have your very own authentic piece of Russia in your house? :D
Udit said:
if you guys can't even answer anything (which you probably don't even know about) without opening your seriously lacking comedy box why even post on te & make newcomers think that everyone here (even the better members) are idiots

Well what do you expect with such a weird query? OP has given no details- is he going for education/work/running away from police? :P And where has he disappeared to now?
Aladdin said:
Bahh, and i am concerned right now about how can I move to my Girlfriends house?

1. Pack your stuff into some sort of suitcase or bags something like that.
2. Put your belongings into a car.
3. Get in and drive to girlfriend's house.
4. When you get there, unload your stuff.
5. Take it in to the house.
6. Make yourself at home.
No need to thank me. I know how some people lack common sense.
guys if you answer in such a manner making fuss of it then how come you again expect him to reply back.

@ Udit: i 'm with you. Seriously imagine what newbies like him will think of TE?

He might be serious either for job or education.

bt education wont be the choice as he can opt US or UK having many good universities there and easy visa/ stay options.

@ ayascool : Dude if you grab a job over there then you can enjoy stay there but no idea about citizenship. You may inquire there if you go through a job.

still let us know your motive.
Russia is a bad ass country, I want to go there once and wrestle some Russians (and get beat up ofcourse).

sato1986 said:
Goto Goa, Ask for a russian prost with valid russian citizenship. Do contract marriage in front of two witnesses. Goto russia via plane, take the girl along.

- You will get what you wanted: Russian citizenship :)
- She will get what she could only dream of: End of prostitution and Start of a New clean life at Home country :)

PS: Beware of the pimp, dont let him know.

But first check if she isn't already married and is free of STD's >__>
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