How do I increase my bandwidth ?

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Iam able to play DOTA thru the garena client with virtually no lag,,and average upload torrent speed is 30KBPS,,which depends on torrent again..and at times the upload goes to 45KBPS...steady..
Iam buying a new gaming rig(desktop) for myself.and my net connection is thru a 10/100Mbps LAN routed by a server in the hostel. from an Optical Cable network spread around the campus,, main concern is :
1)can I have MULTIPLE VIRTUAL IP ADRESSES on a single ethernet card..thru sum software,,,so that I can maximise the bandwidth that I get from server,(AND Thru second ethernet card host this to my Xbox play without any lag)because it seems there's some download/upload speed limit on each IP address..though not very sure about the upload!
2)is there some hardware solution,,some kind of 2:1 splitter,,and if i get two connections in my room..and get two ip address,,on a single ethernet card ,,enjoy the double bandwidth thus attained and stream it to my xbox 360 thru second ethernet card on my pc.
3) the most mechanical one,,(WANT 2 AVOID THIS)is I get two connections to my rooms,,feed them thru 2 independent ethernet cards,,and use a third one,,to stream the DOUBLE BANDWIDTH to 360!

P.S.1-Iam aware that online gaming requires 30-35 KBPS upload speed..but I want t be on safe side,,and enjoy gr8 download and upload speeds thru any of the above solutions,
P.S.2-the cost involved is only for the ethernet cards,,and the cables,the connection itself(howsoever) is free!!!!
maybe you can bridge the 2 connections but the net speed wont add up will just access the second connx when the first one is down...thats what i know maybe someone knows something more :)
Are there any Software hacks,,available, copying server's MAC address on to mine...and makin it think like a server..hoping that there are no speed restrictions on the server...!!!!!!
You won't be able to assign multiple IPs to a single NIC. Not happening. At the most, you can use multiple NICs. Not sure about Windows' teaming capabilities. You will need identical NICs for sure. And they should support teaming through their drivers. Not too sure. Google is your friend!
Yeah, that too! The router or switch you are connecting to needs to support teaming, otherwise everything you do is just an exercise in futility!!
if this aint possible ,,then would buying better cables,,improve my bandwidth..would cat5e/cat6 cables improvise the same for a 10/100Mbps lan..and how much would they cost,,also..advise which company's cables are the best???
Using CAT6 cables in a 100Mbps LAN wouldn't make much of a difference. Decent CAT5e cables should be good enough. But don't expect to see a really big difference in speed unless the cables you're using right now are really crappy.
am not sure if u can download/upload from 2 different ip at a time.

Now heres what u can do and i think it MIGHT work, try using a proxy server.
Edrill said:
Using CAT6 cables in a 100Mbps LAN wouldn't make much of a difference. Decent CAT5e cables should be good enough. But don't expect to see a really big difference in speed unless the cables you're using right now are really crappy.
i dont think the quality of my cables is good enough...
which company's cat5e cables you would suggest>>>wot price...
SumitB said:
Lookup pfSense Open Source Firewall Distribution - Home. I am currently using it for the last 12 months and use it with 5 Dataone connections (3 on NIB I and 2 on NIB II). It supports bandwidth aggregation, teaming, loadbalancing and failover.

but this is an open bsd software..i went thru the screenshots and features page of the link...will it work in windows???,,,
and would it help in my iam not hosting the conection,,and there's only one server..
all i can get multiple connections,,i mean get 2-3 ip adresses..
and try to emulate them on a single NIC...wot do u mean by NIB???
please illucidate ur point...mate!!!
but still this software seems to be worthy i wont need hardware solution for the same...
parasharenator said:
but this is an open bsd software..i went thru the screenshots and features page of the link...will it work in windows???,,,
and would it help in my iam not hosting the conection,,and there's only one server..
all i can get multiple connections,,i mean get 2-3 ip adresses..
and try to emulate them on a single NIC...wot do u mean by NIB???
please illucidate ur point...mate!!!
but still this software seems to be worthy i wont need hardware solution for the same...

I think you will. I just took a quick look but I think this requires a separate machine to do all the work :P
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