How have your work/career experience been in this covid lockdown?

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Brutally Honest
Hi guys, can you share about how this lockdown and covid situation affected your professional lives?
I would especially like to know from freelancers and individual business people since they usually are the ones getting hit the hardest when poor economy strikes.
And as I understand many media companies in India laid off many employees and many business people also couldn't do their usual work anymore due to lockdown. And let's be honest, salaried employers in govt sector or reputed private companies (which gives signed severance package in case of a lay off) probably won't care too much about this.

Anyway, a little background of mine, I was in private sales many years ago then I joined the news media industry which I again quit as it was getting too hectic and crazy which I didn't feel justified the low salary. Media industry is a screwed up one let me tell you. Only the upper echelons people enjoy it. And I had a first hand experience in learning how personal connections are very important you might want to puke. When your bosses don't entertain you. you should probably just quit if you don't want to drag yourself any longer. Meanwhile the higher ranked employees make multiple lacs annually rather easily.
Anyway as you know early this year covid/lockdown hit us. And I took up a part time job in one org (along with the old one which I've been working for the last 2-3 years). It was not really for the money since they were the ones who actually called me over to join them as they were severely understaffed. But I later realized what a shitty job they did with the management and I quit after two months. A common feature of the two orgs were they both screwed me over and I've quit both for good. Really shitty employers. I know the people personally in real life and they seemed to be fine people but damn looks can be deceiving. I was working for one of them for close to 3 years now when I quit this year.
Anyway I'm thinking of rejoining back as I suddenly remembered that the Tokyo Olympics will be held next year and I need to finance myself for the trip! (Yes I'm serious! LOL). But for some reason I don't feel motivated enough to get back to work. I don't know if its because of my past experience with terrible employers or the change of atmosphere brought in by the covid lockdown. I do have some savings but only for medical emergency.
I want to be a variety youtuber now lol. The first thing I want to do it take up new part time jobs for a few days or a week most then record the entire journey in a camera. I'm 30 right now and still single so if possible I want to enjoy myself during the limited time which I have while making some money just to have a more secured future.
I was talking with some friends about what we could do now that covid lockdown has effectively paralyzed and I had that though so sharing it. That's all.
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Working in Pharma industry in Plant for last 10 years, so when covid strike essential duty sticker got stump all over us.

I have seen quite a few employee died who didn't take it seriously in April - May so after that company started working us every alternate day.

I have recently change the job in same industry and moved to Himachal Pradesh but after few year like to settle down in Goa.
HI, I work in the media industry too. Currently 28 years old (i Guess) I am a watchout and resolume Operator (VJ).
We Set up led screens and run content on it. Working with current employer for close to 40 months now.
was the lead engineer for the Lakme Fashion Week (4 Seasons), Aircel Chennai Open (3 Seasons), IPL On ground (2 Seasons) and IPL Studio work Star Sports (3 Seasons)
Apart from this I also work in conferences, corporate shows , award Functions.

Before the lockdown i used to work for 240-260 hrs. per month for a grand total salary of 40k, Agreed for 60k just before the lockdown but did not go through as planned. And i am one of those guys if i see work i do it whether mine or not, and it has come back to bite me a lot. But old habits die hard.
Created a new setup/technology/innovation to conduct online webinars, R&Rs and conferences, and it ended being the company ip. now the company wants me create something new and evidently its my job !!! all the while working 10Hrs per day /6 Days a week. with no annual paid leave for this accounting year. Had joined this job bcoz of a earlier boss (Gem of a person). Now i have decided to quit in February and start freelancing. Would have quit already but need money. Travel for 3 hrs every day on my bike. (Was able to convince for fuel allowance).

I am not that great with words, Yes you need a lot of connections to survive in this industry. I know a lot of people who are not as half as good as me who earn twice/thrice that of me and less work hours.
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Working in Pharma industry in Plant for last 10 years
Can I ask what company? Or is it in general drug distribution? Also what does plant mean? I hope you get some kind of perks during the covid situation.
We Set up led screens and run content on it.
Does it involve lots of green screen too? Because ours did and they brought a new streaming device for on-live streaming but I felt it was not worth for me anymore and had quit it by then.
And i am one of those guys if i see work i do it whether mine or not, and it has come back to bite me a lot.
Don't ever do this again lol. My company also did the same with me with another product which I was heavily involved in day in and day out and they took all the credit. I didn't get anything, no bonus, no perk, no promotion nothing!
I know a lot of people who are not as half as good as me who earn twice/thrice that of me and less work hours.
I know right??
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Does it involve lots of green screen too? Yes

Don't ever do this again lol. My company also did the same with me with another product which I was heavily involved in day in and day out and they took all the credit. I didn't get anything, no bonus, no perk, no promotion nothing!

I know right??
Feels like I'm speaking in front of a mirror ;)
Currently working on Unreal engine for virtual production on my own.
I am in IT. So only shift is instead of work from office it is work from home. Nothing else has changed much except I don't have to travel 4 hours daily to office.
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I work in the research department of a major semiconductor MNC. Covid had almost no effect on us other than everyone working from home and being more productive.
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I work for a multinational pharma corp (NOT in sales), and thankfully the company did not cut any salaries, and even doled out all the promised bonuses to all employees, including sales people (who were without sales for months due to COVID).
Don't expect any appraisals next year though as sales have to get back on track first.
Looking at other industries, can't complain though.

Work from home has taken away all the travels I used to do - 7 to 12 days a month. Miss the hotels and food, but was recently blessed with our second daughter, so WFM was a perfect opportunity to be with family and take care of them.
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Can I ask what company? Or is it in general drug distribution? Also what does plant mean? I hope you get some kind of perks during the covid situation.

Current company name is abbott pharma and before I was working for torrent pharma.

Both of them make their pharma medicine at their plant where I work. I have too make sure plant run without any breakdown 24 hours and prepare documentation.

I was working for torrent pharma for close to 10 years since graduation but I started getting bore as there was nothing new to work, all work keep repeating.
I see that many of you are in interesting sectors. Though I was also expecting some from labour sector. People managing labour work/HR kind. Labour sector has some of the most interesting tales since they tend to be very diverse groups.

Current company name is abbott pharma and before I was working for torrent pharma.

Both of them make their pharma medicine at their plant where I work. I have too make sure plant run without any breakdown 24 hours and prepare documentation.

I was working for torrent pharma for close to 10 years since graduation but I started getting bore as there was nothing new to work, all work keep repeating.
Oh yeah I've heard of the names. My aunt is a doctor and my mom is self-taught when it comes to drugs. My younger sister was born very sickly and we consumed a lot of meds during our infant days so she said she had to meet a lot of doctors and pharmacists and would take down notes. We used to and still have a lot of meds at home and our first fridge was converted into a meds-storing box lol.
Do you have a degree in Pharma or are you some sort of an engineer/technical guy? Your job seems fun, more fun than desk jobs ones in the govt sector at least. I'm not a fan of desk job but my family has been pressuring me to get a govt job and this covid situation just gave them another excuse to insist on their point lol. I plan to apply to apply for 1-2 when any posts in relevant/interesting fields open up just to make them go away from breathing down my neck.
I work for a multinational pharma corp (NOT in sales),
Can you tell us how freelancer pharma sales people make money if you know? Is it the same like that of groceries and departmental stores?
Unlike groceries which have lots of FMCG pharmacies don't often sell out drugs so how do they make money if people don't buy?
Also I was actually expecting for the sales people to make a killing in the covid situation.
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I am not a freelancers nor an individual business owner, and I understand that Covid has hit people hard especially the ones belonging to the travel and hospitality industries. However, being an employee in a corporate or an agency also hasn't been a piece of cake for people. I'm saying this based on personal experience and words from other acquaintances.
The work-life balance during this period has gone for a toss for most of us. As it is, you have to slog yourself for 9 hours during regular office, but with work from home and the whole quarantine situation, most of us had added responsibilities of cooking, cleaning and running a household which took toll on our mental health. The ones living with families had relaxation on this front, but the entire anxiety that comes with living along or being stuck at home with 2-3 people to socialise with does lead to added stress.
However, I have been lucky that there hasn't been any salary deduction during this phase, but there has been less emphasis on maintaining healthy mental balance.
but the entire anxiety that comes with living along or being stuck at home with 2-3 people to socialise with does lead to added stress.
No offence but I thought people liked working from comfort of their own homes? Yours must be the first one I've heard of.
No offence but I thought people liked working from comfort of their own homes? Yours must be the first one I've heard of.
i still go to office every day even though i always had wfh for about a decade now. i realized when working from australia that wfh is really unhealthy.

i had to wfh for couple of weeks in 2020 because my boss called me and asked me not to come to office.
I would like to add to what booo sama :p has said above and quote robert pattinson from a weird movie called cosmopolitan (2012). In that he constantly insists on going to a barber to get a haircut saying: "there's a premise for everything. getting a haircut in a barber's designated environment of choosing has its own appeal and purpose, the chair, the mirrors, the smell of lotions and fragrances"

At first thought, i would say that borders on nonsense, but its kinda true and applies to work life balance as well. Spending a 9 to 5 routine or any other time slot away from home in a office like environment is refreshing and keeps the mind upbeat. Things like the daily commute, the change of pace, the office chatter and occasional office camaraderie are tiny influences that go a long way in keeping the mind grounded away from negativity. Though at the same time, too much of all the above, overload of work / overtime in the same non home environment can be very detrimental to mental health and peace of mind.

Its all about finding the sweet spot between the two. like some wise guy once said: "an empty mind is devils workshop, a full mind is agony's workshop". haha
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I work as a data analyst in a pharma analytics firm based in Bangalore. It caters to US and Europe based clients. Work-life balance was always stellar in my company. With everything switching to WFH, I have really thrived despite being an extrovert.

Few pointers that helped me:
1. Make a social circle where you live: before Covid I had zero friends in my apartment (rented house). Since then I have started socializing here and now have small circle of people who play badminton from 8-10pm and also roam around in the society after that.
2. Work only in working hours.
3. Fill the extra free time with activities and goals. This is a great time to build a side hustle or pursue the hobby we never had any time for.
4. Relax. Its shit time for everyone. It will get over. :)
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I work as a data analyst in a pharma analytics firm based in Bangalore. It caters to US and Europe based clients. Work-life balance was always stellar in my company. With everything switching to WFH, I have really thrived despite being an extrovert.

Few pointers that helped me:
1. Make a social circle where you live: before Covid I had zero friends in my apartment (rented house). Since then I have started socializing here and now have small circle of people who play badminton from 8-10pm and also roam around in the society after that.
2. Work only in working hours.
3. Fill the extra free time with activities and goals. This is a great time to build a side hustle or pursue the hobby we never had any time for.
4. Relax. Its shit time for everyone. It will get over. :)
Which company, if you don't mind me asking ?
No offence but I thought people liked working from comfort of their own homes? Yours must be the first one I've heard of.
Not really ! and I have heard this from so many people around me who are working from home. When you have flexibility of choosing your time and when you're freelancing, the scenario might be different. But in my case, having the same routine and environment to work and executing the rest of the chores just hasn't been good for the mental health. We all need some distinction, what is called the "work-life balance" and in this situation when you literally can't go out to change your headspace, it is one of the worst things to experience, also when you're living alone.

However, I won't deny that the first few weeks were enjoyable as I didn't have to worry about getting dressed in the morning and just be in my sweats, or not wasting time during the commute. Those are some of the benefits. However, having been in the same space for almost a year now and only having socialized with 1-2 other people hasn't been as comfortable as one might think.
my comment might be very harsh or very stupid ,but some sector lost job because those jobs were very niche (for that matter not even necessary like wedding planners those fancy photographers ,hi-fi chefs fancy cuisines) ,my heart really goes to people of tourist locations their livelihood majorly depended on tourists etc
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