Does Chetan Bhagat really deserve this much attention? Tried reading some of his work. The guy is insufferable.
Want to read indian writers? Try Salman Rushdie or V S Naipaul.
As for trying to shame people by calling them names, no one cares. No one will change his/her beliefs because of some petty name calling. He can try to change my beliefs, how can he change my experience?
What advice does Chetan Bhagat have for the thousands of infidel Yizdi women who were raped by our 'faithful' friends? Or for the families of those hundreds of people who were killed by the likes of Mr Yakub?
Politics is about survival. People are fighting to save India, the only home most of us have (we didn't get the option to choose a country in 1947). No matter what the 'liberals' say, people have seen how one extremist cult has destroyed two countries in our neighborhood (and many in far away regions) and they are now targeting ours.