How to clean the inside of a washing machine and keep it that way

Off late I've noticed as a result of using the Labogens percarbonate that there is no soap residue lingering in the machine at the end of the tub clean wash cycle. Earlier the foam would take much longer to dissipate. It would linger and then the next rotation would start and more foam would build up. It would never really clear up quickly like this.

Here towards the end of a tub clean wash cycle with 150gm of citric acid. The water is quite hot, it's been swirling for a good forty minutes and should have picked up any soap residue and hold a foam.

But notice how quickly the foam dissipates when the motion stops. That's how it should be in a machine with very little soap residue. If it appears again I know how to remove it :)

I used citric acid in the past for maintenance tub clean cycles to remove any soap residue. The idea being if the foam was less there was less soap in the machine but it would never really clear as quickly as this. It would reduce but then with regular washing I'd see the foam again sometime later in a tub clean cycle with nothing in the machine. Somewhere I read if that happens then too much detergent was being used. Now I realise that was incorrect. If there is any foam it means the machine needs a proper cleaning.

Think of that lingering foam as a visual cue (besides the smell) to tell how clean a machine is. If you run the tub clean cycle with nothing. No detergent, no fabric. Towards the end of the wash cycle of the tub clean watch the water. Is it clear or cloudy? If there is foam how long does it linger? If the foam goes away your machine is pretty clean. If it lingers then you need to run some percarbonate through it. If it's cloudy do the same as cloudy will over time become lingering foam. You will notice a smell in the machine as well.
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Video by a successful influencer on how to clean the washing machine. Though unintended my takeaway is this video also shows why not to use liquid detergents :)

Just see the state of her detergent drawer. There is a lot of liquid detergent residue in there. She has to scrub it out with a brush because it's coated the drawer. But why? drawer gets regularly flushed with each wash. She shows how to clean the inlet filter and its immaculate. Yet why is there this detergent buildup in the drawer? Because liquid detergent does not completely dissolve. At least not with overhead tank-temperature water.

Imagine that liquid detergent coating the tub and other internals. It just builds up the more liquid detergent you use. The only thing that will shift it is oxygen bleach and it might take several applications. Liquid detergents are made from oil and that leaves a residue that will eventually smell as it will attract dirt from the wash. Powders leave a residue too but won't smell the same way.

Viewers are impressed with her organisational skills. But it's clear she has shifted entirely to liquids and those goddamn pods because that is what the detergent industry wants to push. A few years back liquids cost more than powders. These days they are at par and with promotions will work out cheaper. The reason the detergent industry is pushing liquids is because they are more profitable. Liquids are messy to dose and unless you measure them out easier to overdose which is great for profits. Even measuring is a pain as I use a small one-inch tall cough syrup graduated glass. I have to leave it upside down in the drawer for at least a minute until ALL the honey-like consistency liquid detergent comes out. If you can't be arsed with that then that is 5ml lost per wash. This never happens with powder.

These days it's quite difficult to find powders in supermarket aisles in the west because liquids have dominated for a long time. They are there but not at eye level, usually at ground level. Stick to powders folks except when it does not work. With low-temperature washing being the rage with people and this energy crisis, liquids will dissolve better than powders but as a result, can be harder to rinse out in likewise low temperature water. More rinses are required. Low-temperature washing with liquids is a recipe for trouble because liquids cannot contain bleach of any sort and they will accumulate more readily in the tub with low temperature washing.

In the video when cleaning the drain filter, she just lets the water drain onto the floor. A better way is to use a plastic bottle. Put the drain pipe into the bottle, let the water drain into it without a mess on the floor and then open the drain filter and clean it.

Usually, these videos attract recipes from others. I found one that was completely nuts :wideyed:

Hi Jaya, amazing as always!!!! I am using Top Lodding Samsung W/M. I used my home made DIY (detergent + vinegar + salt + balls of aluminium foil 6 to 8 pcs) and run on speedy mode to clean it every month. It works absolutely superb!!!!
a) I can't figure out what the aluminium does other than act as some sort of abrasive and scratch the drum, permanently (!) The intent is to shine the drum But percarbonate will shine any stainless steel. If I want to spiff up some stainless steel items. Fill a bucket with hot water, near boiling temperature is better. Add a scoop of vanish and soak them for an hour. After that, the items come out shining like new. No scrubbing. no work. Magic.

b) you DEFINITELY don't want to put any salt in there as it will corrode the drum. Salt is very good at attacking steel. Biggest red flag ingredient.

c) the detergent is fine but better if it's got oxygen bleach. Since we don't get that in India, use Vanish or better still Labogens percarbonate.

d) the vinegar is counter-productive as the acid in the vinegar will neutralise the detergent. Vinegar and detergent or baking soda are enemies. People get impressed with the fizz. .ooh. That fizz is war! They are fighting each other. While they are doing that they are not helping you.

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First of all thanks to @blr_p for this great informative post.

My washing machine is LG direct drive 6kg bought in 2012. Going great till now with minimal repairs & last year replaced inlet valve myself during covid, cheaper than technician just a visit.

We use only gentle liquid detergent as my mother has issues with other detergent smell and we spin 400 rpm only.

My experience:

From your post I did clean using per carbonate and also used vinegar. I can see lot of dirt first time but next time i dont see much after 2 months gap.

After that the wash cleaning has improved than before but still to my ocd mind the dirt under the rubber gasket not able to accept. Used tooth brush, cloth but they still some mold under the tub or under the rubber gasket area with little success but not much in other areas. I felt from YouTube videos removing and cleaning rubber gasket is complicated as it is a way to clean completely and also part of dirt under the tub.

But noticed the cloth is becoming rough after few washes is this to do with soap or with dirt. I don't want to use chemical fabric softener.

Now a days using vinegar along with soap for washing and mostly use delicate or quick 30 mode for our usage.

Thanks again for your tips.
We use only gentle liquid detergent as my mother has issues with other detergent smell
What detergent do you use and what is the temperature selected for the wash?

How much detergent are you using?

Make it a habit to measure out detergent in either fixed-size scoops or measuring glasses you can get from cough syrup bottles. Don't rely on the caps they provide on the bottle. Those are designed to make you use the most detergent which is good for sales.
My experience:

From your post I did clean using per carbonate and also used vinegar. I can see lot of dirt first time but next time i dont see much after 2 months gap.
I had to do the percarbonate tub clean several times until I could not smell anything in the machine. One time was not enough. Also while watching the water, you want to check it does not get dirty. After a few cycles, I noticed the musty smell had gone and the mops I used were not getting stained any longer. Mind you this was the first time in almost six years I did a proper percarbonate wash because I did not know how to properly use it earlier. The idea it would take several washes even though not seeming that dirty never struck me.

I recommend doing the tub clean with 50gm of labogens every 2-3 months as it will remove buildup. Instead of waiting until a problem arises and then using it. Think of it as regular maintenance.
After that the wash cleaning has improved than before but still to my ocd mind the dirt under the rubber gasket not able to accept. Used tooth brush, cloth but they still some mold under the tub or under the rubber gasket area with little success but not much in other areas.
Do you notice any black spots on your clothes after a wash? that will be mould breaking off the inside of the machine and attaching to the clothes if there is any

Mould in the gasket requires manual cleaning with a brush or even a cotton bud to get to the part between the gasket & the drum. Do more tub clean cycles with percarbonate to get at the inner buildup.

The best way to control mould is after the wash is over to keep the door ajar and the detergent drawer pulled out to create a draught in the machine.
I felt from YouTube videos removing and cleaning rubber gasket is complicated as it is a way to clean completely and also part of dirt under the tub.
You could call a service guy over to remove the door gasket and then put it back a day or two later. It will take a day of soaking in chlorine bleach to remove any mould if it is bad. He will want to replace it with a new gasket which isn't necessary.
But noticed the cloth is becoming rough after few washes is this to do with soap or with dirt.
This is to do with dosing. If your water is soft and you use too much detergent you will get residue that does not wash out. Pay attention to the water near the end of the second rinse. That is just before the spin cycle begins. Do you see more foam than usual? It is normal to see some bubbles at that point but too many or a thicker foam is not.

Conversely, if your water is hard and you use too little detergent it could also play a role. What is your water like? Hard or soft.

Is your water source fixed or variable? sometimes river water other times from a borewell and then tankers can change your wash quality.

and we spin 400 rpm only.
Spinning at 400 rpm leaves more water in the clothes. if you line dry that extra water will pull on the clothes and make them stiffer than if you spun at 800rpm.

I only use 400rpm when the humidity is below 60% which happens only for a few months of the year where I live.

If you don't mind waiting longer for the clothes to dry then use 400 rpm as it puts the least stress on the bearings than faster spin speeds.

Just snap the clothes to loosen them up.
I don't want to use chemical fabric softener.
I generally discourage people from using softeners. Read this to know why.
Now a days using vinegar along with soap for washing and mostly use delicate or quick 30 mode for our usage.

Thanks again for your tips.
What is your purpose for using vinegar?

Quick 30 is for small loads that are only lightly soiled. Clothes that were once but never touched the skin are considered lightly soiled. You can also use quick 30 to refresh clothes that have been sitting in the cupboard for a long time. I use quick 30 for new clothes with no soap. Not as a wash cycle as it just isn't long enough to do much cleaning. Clothes that touch the skin are considered medium soiled and if there is sweat or any bodily stains then it is heavily soiled.

Delicates also is for smaller loads.

This could be the third reason for detergent residue left in the clothes. You are in effect overloading by using more clothes than the program is designed for so the detergent does not clean properly.

Check your user manual and see the weight rating for those two cycles and compare it with the flagship cottons cycle.

I mainly use the cottons cycle as this will handle the rated load for the machine.

For delicate items put them in a delicates bag and you can throw them in a cottons wash.
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Couple of days back when I tub cleaned the LG front loader with Labogens percarbonate and after the machine completed the tub clean cycle I opened the lint trap located at the lower front of the washer to remove any debris and found small pellet like substance in semi grey colour. There was around 25gms to 30gms of this substance which I scooped it out. When I slightly pressed it with my fingers it became powder and also smelt like a detergent. Is this a calcium deposit? Do I need a descaling powder or should I use the Labogen percarbonate once again? This the second instance I am using Labogen percarbonate for tub cleaning. I've only used Airel FL washing powder all along since I bought the machine and never used liquid detergents. Also the TDS level of the water is 105 and it is well water. I am not sure if it is hard water.
Do I need a descaling powder or should I use the Labogen percarbonate once again?
How many times have you used it so far? And are you using some clean fabric in the tub clean.

Labogens is not for descaling. Though I find arguments saying it helps to loosen calcium deposits if used regularly. That means every 40 washes.

Whether you need descaling powder, or how often you need to descale depends on your water hardness. Hardness can vary throughout the year. It's not fixed. You have to monitor it to get an idea. For instance, my water comes from the river. During the rainy season, it becomes soft and the water gets harder during the dry season.

Also the TDS level of the water is 105 and it is well water. I am not sure if it is hard water.

How hard is it? TDS won't tell you that. Sometimes there is a correlation but its better to measure hardness directly. 105 is quite low for well water. Does it remain like that all the time. What is the range throughout the year?

Why don't you get a total hardness kit and find out. Do a test once a month and keep a record.

AQUASOL Plastic Total Hardness 250 Test Kit, 5-500mg/L (Blue)

As for residue on the filter I've seen residue on mine as well. Not pellet like more like a slime that coated it which I had to use a toothbrush to remove. That was after a year though.
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@blr_p Any idea of the effectiveness of the ingredients in this descaler?

Lygienic Advanced Descaler (Set of 5) Washing Machine Deep Cleaner Powder by eGalaxy Traders
For the purpose of descaling and going by the ingredients, which they mention I would think it is better than the ones you posted earlier.

Make sure the water is hot. Run for fifteen minutes. Let it sit for an hour or two. Run it for another fifteen minutes. Drain. Check the water and the tub.

If you see a lot of stuff coming out. Repeat the process the next day. Observe what comes out. Still, see things coming out?

Do it again on the third day.

I am saying repeat the process each day until NOTHING comes out.

There is no product that can fix the problem with just one application.

How long ago did you last do a descale ?
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@blr_p Any idea of the effectiveness of the ingredients in this descaler?

Lygienic Advanced Descaler (Set of 5) Washing Machine Deep Cleaner Powder by eGalaxy Traders
I recognised the font of this product from a cleaner I tried before. The ingredients are exactly the same. They are from the same company.

I do not recommend it for front loaders especially LG front loaders with a tub clean cycle. as it will fill the machine up with foam as indicated in my earlier post

Since you mentioned you have scaling problems then you should use this Lygenic. For those that do not have scaling problems stick with Vanish or Labogens.


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All this information is very interesting and useful. Kudos to OP for this thread and info.

Has anyone tried cleaning Samsung front load washing machine with these methods mentioned in the thread?
Wanted descale powder since I see lots of scale powder coming out of the water outlet pipe since last few washes.
Dirty outlet pipe?

Soak the pipe in a bucket of hot water and dissolve a packet of descaler in it. Let it sit for a few hours.

Get a bottle brush and attach a string to one end. Put the string through the pipe and pull the brush through the pipe.

Do that a few times.
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inadequate high temperature washes

Appreciate you for the post. But does it mean we need to do high temp washes everytime?
I usually deselect the temperature setting and do 45C wash only when necessary, like for heavily soiled clothes or baby clothes. Never selected anything above 45C.
Dirty outlet pipe?

Soak the pipe in a bucket of hot water and dissolve a packet of descaler in it. Let it sit for a few hours.

Get a bottle brush and attach a string to one end. Put the string through the pipe and pull the brush through the pipe.

Do that a few times.
No, the pipe is clean. There was stuff like white particles in the lint filter along with some undiluted soap particles. I use only 1½ spoon of soap powder per heavy load. Seems it's not dissolving in water for some reason. Even the water hardness keeps changing according to the source. We get a mix of borewell and tanker water so somedays the TDS is ~300 and sometimes it's like 550-600. We have applied for municipal corporation water and paid the fees so this situation will be there for just few more months. It may not change if the society mixes tanker water with municipal water though, which looks like a possibility.
My machine was so clogged the drain almost stopped working. I took the agitator out and cleaned it. There was a brick shaped solid muck right under.
Wish you took a photo of it. Wonder how the clogging happened. Your water isn't hard.

So is it buildup from that Amway liquid detergent you use? What other products do you put in the machine?

How old is your machine? to get an idea of how long it took for that stuff to buildup
Appreciate you for the post. But does it mean we need to do high temp washes everytime?
No, but at least once a month you want to run an empty wash on the hottest setting. How old is your machine and what is the model#?
I usually deselect the temperature setting and do 45C wash only when necessary, like for heavily soiled clothes or baby clothes. Never selected anything above 45C.
Do you have an IR thermometer, one that can record temperature?
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I am having Bosch front loader
Is it worth buying this?
Do you have hard water?
No, the pipe is clean. There was stuff like white particles in the lint filter along with some undiluted soap particles. I use only 1½ spoon of soap powder per heavy load. Seems it's not dissolving in water for some reason. Even the water hardness keeps changing according to the source. We get a mix of borewell and tanker water so somedays the TDS is ~300 and sometimes it's like 550-600. We have applied for municipal corporation water and paid the fees so this situation will be there for just few more months.
Makes sense. Scale does not usually come out during a wash and if it does it definitely won't be white in colour.

What is the water temperature coming out of the tap like? where I am it is around 23-24 right now. Powders don't dissolve well at that temperature. And if they don't dissolve you can tell they won't do much cleaning either.
It may not change if the society mixes tanker water with municipal water though, which looks like a possibility.
There are options then, water softening or water conditioning.
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Wish you took a photo of it. Wonder how the clogging happened. Your water isn't hard.

So is it detergent buildup from that Amway liquid detergent you use?

How old is your machine? to get an idea of how long it took for that stuff to buildup

No, but at least once a month you want to run an empty wash on the hottest setting. How old is your machine and what is the model#?

Do you have an IR thermometer, one that can record temperature?
PFA photos sir :)



After the clean up.

After cleanup.

Machine is prolly 7-9 years old. I don't think it is because of SA8.
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