How to make bathroom flooring anti-slip?

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You queried if that is granite, it Is not, it is limestone.
Yeah, i remember people using that term when I was looking for something to clean my feet.

In the end, went with a granite slab and the only place to find something like that was at the cemetery. They had unfinished slabs there that could be shaped into what I wanted.

Looking at the photos in the link, is kapappa grippy? I have no idea about it.
i've seen staircases with non-slip tape on the edges that might work as they seem to survive a fair amount of use.
another thing i've noticed is that footwear can have a big difference as well. those free slippers you get at a hotel are very slippery on smooth wet surfaces.
Yeah, i remember people using that term when I was looking for something to clean my feet.

In the end, went with a granite slab and the only place to find something like that was at the cemetery. They had unfinished slabs there that could be shaped into what I wanted.

Looking at the photos in the link, is kapappa grippy? I have no idea about it.

Cemetery :D I was once talking with a granite quarry owner, and he said this very thing - biggest customers are in the US & they are cemeteries :D

No, it is quite smooth & cool. Since it is limestone it is not that hard, so cracks easily, if not supported properly. Went out of style once marble & granite became more widely available (& affordable).
Yes, dual purpose. To clean feet and better grip. We have installed it for the entire floor not just a portion.
If its limestone then how do you clean it?

Any acids are out of the question. I think even vinegar might leave marks
No, it is quite smooth & cool. Since it is limestone it is not that hard, so cracks easily, if not supported properly. Went out of style once marble & granite became more widely available (& affordable).
Ah, I felt it might not be that durable. And also in the photos, you can see they used a dark colour which hides dirt better but might not be acceptable to some people because it makes the place look smaller. That means it's porous which is why people go with vitrified tiles and then find they are slippery.
Cleaning is by gentle polishing/cutting, a bit like older mosaic floors.

Yes. Acids ruin it. Vinegar too is one.

The overall feel is pleasantly smooth to the soles & cool.
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ouch! :tongueclosed: bad! hope he's better now.

thanks! i returned most of them & have kept two for now, one of them being this, which i tested on wet floor & found to be satisfactory. i will be using it inside the shower-space, and not out of it.
still have one mat with suction cups left with me which i havent returned yet. it was the softest of the lot so in double-minds whether to keep it or return it. outside the shower-area, i wish to use one of those regular mats which grip well on the tiled surface.

i know it might be perhaps out-of-place & weird to post it :shy:, but still, putting it out here, that, if anyone's interested in having these suction cup mats (soft ones), then you may let me know pls. i was to place return-order for the quoted two mats with amazon y'day but i forgot :banghead: & the return-window's now closed & amazon's unrelenting towards my request to schedule pickup! :hungover::dead:
i know it might be perhaps out-of-place & weird to post it :shy:, but still, putting it out here, that, if anyone's interested in having these suction cup mats (soft ones), then you may let me know pls. i was to place return-order for the quoted two mats with amazon y'day but i forgot :banghead: & the return-window's now closed & amazon's unrelenting towards my request to schedule pickup! :hungover::dead:
They look better than one i picked up some time ago. These hold if you step on them but lose suction after you get off. And they are difficult to clean manually.
They look better than one i picked up some time ago. These hold if you step on them but lose suction after you get off. And they are difficult to clean manually.

yes, ones i have seem to look better. one of them is super-soft too, unlike the regular transparent ones.
yes, ones i have seem to look better. one of them is super-soft too, unlike the regular transparent ones.
Yes, soft helps to hold suction longer. Mine are stiffer.

but cleaning will still be difficult. A pressure washer could easily do it in a minute. Not many have one though.
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I would suggest a non-suction cup mat. Once fungi & slime set in, it is impossible to remove them There will always be mold marks. If you one has ladies in the house where the propensity for cracked heels is higher, it is a risk of infection. Not worth it.
Yes, soft helps to hold suction longer. Mine are stiffer.

but cleaning will still be difficult. A pressure washer could easily do it in a minute. Not many have one though.
I would suggest a non-suction cup mat. Once fungi & slime set in, it is impossible to remove them There will always be mold marks. If you one has ladies in the house where the propensity for cracked heels is higher, it is a risk of infection. Not worth it.

the instructions-leaflet reads that the mat should be washed in warm soapy-water at regular intervals & air-dried (with the suction-cups facing up). and that they work best when laid out on moderately wet surface(s).
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