how to rectify "dirty disk error" in xbox 360

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actually i got dirty disk error while playing gta 4....the game suddenly starts giving this error..

afterwards no other game worked....

i was on ixtreme lt and no new update was present in my xbox...when this error occured....

i opened up the dvd drive,cleaned the lens than for few minutes sum games worked...but again starts dirty disk error....

i have now updated ti lt lite 1.1+ap2.5..also updated online to new kinect dashboard update....

but nothing is working backup is working is giving unreadable disk error...

i know these r the side effects of new update..but case is that when i was not updated and was my xbox working on 1 year old dashboard..even than was my disks were not working....

i think its hardware failure of dvd drive...

ay help..:)
@ above

nothing works..

i tried every procedure except increasing voltage to lens method...

can anybody guide if i send my modded xbox to microsoft which is under warranty...will they repair or not??

can this create legal problem??

anyone had done it in past??
leoking said:
@ above

nothing works..

i tried every procedure except increasing voltage to lens method...

can anybody guide if i send my modded xbox to microsoft which is under warranty...will they repair or not??

can this create legal problem??

anyone had done it in past??
Then sadly you will have to get your drive replaced like many other users. But if you are only facing issues with gta4 then dont panic coz many users are too facing an issue with gta4 only. Might be the media issue then.
@ above...

no its not only gta4

i m facing problem with every game....

what bout sending modded console to microsoft...after restocking to original firmware...

any chances of getting benefit of replacement drive is going on for their new update problem...which is giving errors to many authentic users not modded one...
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