actually i got dirty disk error while playing gta 4....the game suddenly starts giving this error..
afterwards no other game worked....
i was on ixtreme lt and no new update was present in my xbox...when this error occured....
i opened up the dvd drive,cleaned the lens than for few minutes sum games worked...but again starts dirty disk error....
i have now updated ti lt lite 1.1+ap2.5..also updated online to new kinect dashboard update....
but nothing is working now..no backup is working now..it is giving unreadable disk error...
i know these r the side effects of new update..but case is that when i was not updated and was my xbox working on 1 year old dashboard..even than was my disks were not working....
i think its hardware failure of dvd drive...
ay help..
actually i got dirty disk error while playing gta 4....the game suddenly starts giving this error..
afterwards no other game worked....
i was on ixtreme lt and no new update was present in my xbox...when this error occured....
i opened up the dvd drive,cleaned the lens than for few minutes sum games worked...but again starts dirty disk error....
i have now updated ti lt lite 1.1+ap2.5..also updated online to new kinect dashboard update....
but nothing is working now..no backup is working now..it is giving unreadable disk error...
i know these r the side effects of new update..but case is that when i was not updated and was my xbox working on 1 year old dashboard..even than was my disks were not working....
i think its hardware failure of dvd drive...
ay help..