How to/Should resign asap or serve notice period?

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Yeah! When you are usually serving your notice period the co. makes you work twice and churns you till your last. Dont know what they think but its very unfairly treatment one gets. Though this might not happen in every industry but its true as well. :inpain:
They should pay us 1.5 times more for that month then. :greedy:
Also in certain cos. they say you cannot take any leaves while serving notice period. :wtf: That ridiculous as well.[DOUBLEPOST=1418285584][/DOUBLEPOST]
Yes, if TCS, Infoshit, Wipro etc etc makes 99% :p
Yes these are one hell of shit organizations esp. info and wipe pro. They will pay you 100 bucks and make you work for 500 bucks. I also heard one of these cos. have some shitty dress code like a hotel waiter... white shirt with black tie and black formals. :clown:
I better head to my school then.
You heared wrong.

There is no dress code. You just need to wear formals. But you can wear the white shirt and black pants.
And more to that, their US counterparts never follow or have any dress codes, its just that they want to impose it on their Indian employees.

Formals is ok for Government employees. Tie is ok for sales and marketing people and for corporate meetings and managers and management hierarchy.

Now some IT cos. are coming up with wear anything term as far as it maintains decency and doesn't cross the lines. In fact my last IT giant 3/4ths, capris, tees, floaters etc. was allowed no matter it was monday or friday.

They are very handful though at the moment but doesnt look like many will follow them.
Please dont be understand the misconception that Americans or other first world countries dont have formal attire.

But I do agree that professional behaviour is quite poor in Indian companies.
If you don't agree to their dress code, don't work there.

source: me. I wear lungi and write code. FTW!
Please dont be understand the misconception that Americans or other first world countries dont have formal attire.

But I do agree that professional behaviour is quite poor in Indian companies.

You dint got the point.
I'm not at all against any attire. But then the attire shouldn't be like a uniform as if going to a school or some jr. college.

If a certain co. follows dress code such as formals for weekdays and casuals for weekends then this should be implemented round the globe at its branches. Not just that only Indians should follow it and for rest its free to wear attitude. Doesn't make sense. Its kind of clear discrimination.
You dint got the point.
I'm not at all against any attire. But then the attire shouldn't be like a uniform as if going to a school or some jr. college.

If a certain co. follows dress code such as formals for weekdays and casuals for weekends then this should be implemented round the globe at its branches. Not just that only Indians should follow it and for rest its free to wear attitude. Doesn't make sense. Its kind of clear discrimination.

We are a third world country right. :D
The dressing sense in most of the companies I've worked in southern India is awful. At least when everyone is asked to wear formals on weekdays it looks a bit decent. Else it looks like a college campus, tees with slogans, prints and what not.
Reg. OP's friend's issue.

-if mental torture is too much, then quit
-If you need the money, then dont quit
-If you get a job now, then quit, obviously notice period hangs in the balance
-If you dont get a job now, then quit, obviously you might end up sitting idle for a few months

Also, excellent post by Lord Nemesis.

Reg. attire. I believe the company is Infy, and having worked there, i can tell you why it is a good thing.

- If you have been to Infy, you'll know that there are exceptions during summer when you dont have to wear a tie.
- Recruitments happen from rural areas. Hell even city folk don't know how to dress properly, let alone formally.
- discipline and a level of uniformity is instilled by a uniform code
- it REALLY helps when uncouth youth head on for their next job, because at least then they'll earn how to wear a tie for their next job interview. These are not google-level employees who can afford to attend interviews in shorts. These are normal upcoming-middle-class folk with average skills, and anything good, will set them a level ahead/apart.
- If you have been to Infy, you'll know that there are exceptions during summer when you dont have to wear a tie.
- Recruitments happen from rural areas. Hell even city folk don't know how to dress properly, let alone formally.
- discipline and a level of uniformity is instilled by a uniform code
- it REALLY helps when uncouth youth head on for their next job, because at least then they'll earn how to wear a tie for their next job interview. These are not google-level employees who can afford to attend interviews in shorts. These are normal upcoming-middle-class folk with average skills, and anything good, will set them a level ahead/apart.
booo.... your statements are generic, offensive and berating.
booo.... your statements are generic, offensive and berating.
They might be, because that's how the situation is!
And even your response is generic, doesn't mention to whom mine is offensive :P
You allow T-shirts at a workplace with 30,000 people, one banana will wear something offensive like "I love &@#(", and then there'll be a huge furore.
One of the fastest ways to get out of an helpless situation or bad organization is a medical condition.
Rest is how you approach this, wont share any more details :D
You allow T-shirts at a workplace with 30,000 people, one banana will wear something offensive like "I love &@#(", and then there'll be a huge furore.
what are you? a school teacher? why is "I love &@#(" offensive?
your previous comments were berating because you generalize everyone and say "they are middle class folks with average skills". what makes you think that middle class average folks cant wear a yellow t-shirt that reads "I love &@#(" ? What makes you think that people at such companies wearing formals but wasting 3-4hours at cafeteria everyday are better? get some perspective...
what are you? a school teacher? why is "I love &@#(" offensive?
your previous comments were berating because you generalize everyone and say "they are middle class folks with average skills". what makes you think that middle class average folks cant wear a yellow t-shirt that reads "I love &@#(" ? What makes you think that people at such companies wearing formals but wasting 3-4hours at cafeteria everyday are better? get some perspective...

Yes, pardon me for having social manners. just because you sit miles away front of a screen, doesn't give you a right to be rude.

'm also a part of that "middle class with average skills." Those frm other classes either join IT out of boredom/interest, and those with better skills move onto other enterprises.
A great coder who is socially inept can very well be given telecommute options. At an IT office there are coders, BAs, multi-billion$$clients who also come in. You risk offending someone. A business cannot afford to have misfits in the system where their image can be affected negatively in any way.
Wearing formals and sitting at a cafe is another issue, and if you want to bring in those issues, go ahead, albeit in a separate thread.

FYI personally i'd prefer to join a company with a casual dress code. But seeing regular people at regular offices, until we develop an all-in-one Dune suit, 'm inclined to believe formal dress codes are beneficial to labour, and the business.

Lets get back onto OP's topic please.
just because you sit miles away front of a screen, doesn't give you a right to be rude.
- it REALLY helps when uncouth youth head on for their next job, because at least then they'll earn how to wear a tie for their next job interview. These are not google-level employees who can afford to attend interviews in shorts. These are normal upcoming-middle-class folk with average skills, and anything good, will set them a level ahead/apart.
And you think you are not rude when you typed in the above sentance.
personally i'd prefer to join a company with a casual dress code.
you are such a hypocrite.

And by the way, "Lungi" is also a formal dress code... what is your opinion on wearing Lungi to work? What is your opinion on Gandhi's dress code? I would like to see your opinion on these.
Companies which have a round the week casual dress code have some rules regarding thoss casual clothes.
Normally round neck tees and tees with slogan are not allowed.
Yes. In my previous organization round neck tees weren't allowed until one day I was out for the whole day completing some formalities at my hiring co. near my office zone and had no time to again go home and get changed my selves as it was almost my shift time. I cancelled my cab and headed straight to my office. I was wearing a levis green round neck tee with no foolish slogans. And I had just joined the co. some days prior.

As soon as I entered my floor and then in my cubicle, my manager and seniors didn't notice anything unusual but one of my team mates pointed out that he (I) was wearing round neck tee and only then the managers made me understood that only collar tees are allowed. I apologized and explained them the whole scenario and how I would have missed the office or could have been late if I had preferred gong home and come back again. :)
There was no fine or warning.

But following next week, my seniors themselves came to office in round neck tees and since then the traditions continued. I dint questioned them but its was like now if they can why cant us???
I think I made a revolutionary change in my company coz after that everybody was seen enjoying round neck tees. I dont take the credit though but thats what I observed. And thereafter collar tees were seen just 1 in 50.:cool:
In fact after some months our onsite team from Nevada and Mexico visited here and they too didnt object or insisted on any such particular dress code. So guess all was fine.:D

.....And for others who are fighting for formals vs casuals, its totally their personal taste.
What I believe is dress decently. Decent means dont wear tees with any slogans no matter if it reflects patriotic sentiments or love towards ones community/country/flags. So avoid tee with i love u, fship and love quotes/messages/or bullshit fb, whatsapp status and tag lines and also graphics of your fav singer/stars/cars/bike etc. and many more to think about. :eek:

Wear one which is plain enough no matter what the color. Brand name is welcomed such as levis/nike/adidas/armani etc.
Also your shoes shouldn't be from Govindas with lime lines sky blue textures etc. or some hanky panky shit combination. :banghead: :facepalm:

In short, dress such that your overall outfits matches everything :photogenic: and doesn't feel somethings weird or embarrassing. :coldfeet:
Mind you, your promotions and relations also matter how well you dress as well.
So for meetings do wear formals with or without tie no matter even if your manager comes in jeans. So dress as per the occasions and situations. :rolleyes:

Dont take any undue advantage if casual wear is allowed in your co. Its for your comfort and convenience a co. doesn't apply or force a specific dress code. But that doesnt mean you treat it like a kids birthday party or picnic. Some ethics should be strictly followed with some common sense. :)
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