How to/Should resign asap or serve notice period?

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I would just like to say something about the dress code here.
Put yourself in the shoes of an interviewer: Would you hire a fella wearing a formal attire or a fella pimped out ??
When you go for an interview, do you wear a formal attire or you turn up in "sweg mode" attire
If answers to both the questions are not formal attire... good to know you friend.
If both your answers are formal, then if you can wear formals to get a job, you can surely wear it to keep the job.
In my limited exp of 2 companies, both companies dint have dress codes... and girls wore some really pathetic (according to my personal opinion) and revealing dresses. I would like to go on with what happens to a man when he sees that but then I am assuming ur a man and already know that.. so I will leave it at that.
^I went to my first interviewer with 'swag' dress code. I am not boasting, but I only made it to the interview where all others failed who were in 'non-swag' dress code. So it's easy to say I got hired even though I was odd and not following the norms. And that's where I work now and my manager comes in a chaddi. We have no dress code. Wear whatever shit you want, but get the work done.

If I am changing jobs, I'd rather work for a company where they look my code/GitHub rather what I wear.
@djmykey I think the issue is because of a small percentage of population does something incorrect, then everyone should suffer. Given the "minority appeasement" in India, why shouldn't it hold true in companies too, is it? Even if in your opinion say 20 girls out of 5000 employees dress down badly, what is the point in banning them all? I have worked mainly with banks (IT departments) and they are the ones which have the most worried about dress codes. Even with 4 days formal and Friday casual, things go wrong. We have a guy coming in the 60s Mithun inspired shiny pants. Does it mean, there should be a ban on causal Friday completely? I am sorry but that will be a rather narrow minded way of looking at it. The correct way is (was) for the HR to talk to that guy - Point made across was - wear anything but decent.
Not to mention, even with that view, some of the Indian cos dress codes are pretty harsh.
abhi1984: Calm down bro :)
First of all, you completely misunderstood me. When I said that some people abuses the dress anyhow code, I did not mean that they turned up in flamboyant clothes on Friday, this was an everyday occurrence. If it was a Friday only affair it would have been totally tolerable. By all means I don't care about what anybody wears to office, hell it isn't my problem. I believe I am the most inert guy when it comes to working in the most hostile work conditions. But my point is how many of us are that tolerable ?? Are those girls coming to office to work or test the patience of the guys working there. I fail to see the logic behind girls wearing revealing dresses to work.

I know this might come across as harsh, but every dress has an occasion, place and time to be used. I am not against anyone wearing revealing clothes, but there is a time and place. Just for an example, would you start having $ex bang in the middle of the work floor ?? Why not... ??
Anyone can wear anything, there are Friday's and then there are those Traditional days, celebratory occasions where one can wear anything, by all means come out swinging.. In fact I would love to see a change in the daily morose environment once a while, what I am saying is seeing that everyday is a bit too much.
I believe in 2 sayings,
1. Prevention is better than cure !!
2. Bhains ke aage been bajake koi fayda nahi ...

nuff said.. Peace out !!
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