Linux How to uninstall compiled apps?

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hi linux geeks. I would like to know how to uninstall a software that i install by compiling from the source.

In case it's an rpm we use this comand
rpm -e xyz.rpm

what about compiled apps?

I did some thinkin and i used this command to remove an application "kasablanca" i installed from its source.

#find / -name "kasablanca" -exec rm -rf {} \;
# find / -name "kasablanca" -ok rm -rf {} \;

Is that ok or dangerous and unclean uninstall :ashamed:

There is a way to make a rpm file out of a source tar. I dont remember it though. IT makes the entry in rpm database of ur ssytem for that compiled program also. Hence integrity is maintained n u can later on remove the program by "rpm -e" command.
I can find out the exact way...if u r interested :)
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