Very interesting and thanks for posting this. It's as clear a laypersons explanation as we will ever get.
Since we are in uncharted territory now there is a huge incentive for the establishment to gaslight everything said and done.
How to deal with it. Keep faith and trust the people in charge. Not the opposition.
It's interesting to see these developments before the new government has started
I'm quite excited aswell for the new Govt in the US. I am fine debating in a rational manner with anyone but these MSM shills have really lost it now. They are like zombies now repeating what MSM feeds them thinking it's the absolute truth. They do selective reporting, to favor their narrative, they lie and lie and lie and they feel no shame in doing so just coz they have now become ideological slaves. This all started in the name of liberalism and free speech and now the same shills want to curb free speech and become full on nazi authoritarians. They told us about trump being greedy for money but never see their own faults where liberals raised over a billion for elections and trump just with less than half of their war chest (400m) and without any hollywood celebs endorsements won with a huge margins.
They told us musk is a billionaire but they just don't want to see and acknowledged snakes in their own ideological leaders for example this
Either liberals start supporting free speech again like they did once or this zombiesism will be the end of their leaders and their ideology. We normal people really are fed up with ideological wars and MSM lies. I don't support the conservatism and right wing but that will never ever mean I will start supporting authoritarian ideologies which is what liberalism has become now. It is less about love for trump or right wing leaders but more about despising the other side who wants us to become what they claim to hate (nazis), we will never become zombies. Their authority of what a person will read has come to an end, X is the media now (till some new alternative with credibility comes along). They in the name of "poverty" , student loans , economy, got into the power in 2020 and what did they do when they came in power? Start wars? Remember when trump was in power, these liberals claimed trump's a warmonger? And when they got in power, all they did is start war's and continue wars and topple elected govt's in different countries and continents and then still had the audacity to call right wing fascists.
They call whatever concerns right brought up in opposition as "conspiracies" and then gaslighted people (their own liberal peers) when we questioned them. Ofc not all right's concerns were legitimate (they were in opposition, so duh!) but many were, like changing the whole society structure with gender wars, pronouns, woke ideology. They promoted it. They kept letting illegals through the borders. They talk abt law yet they keep breaking them. They talk about constitution yet they keep undermining the constitution. They talk about democracy yet they spread russia hoax. They kept quite for the pedophile president's son and still kept quite when president pardoned his son. That was such a treachery to the constitution and democracy but did liberlas question it? Did they say democracy is in danger? No! Why? coz they have become ideological slaves now.
Funny part was they kept doing identity politics in the name of race and when a black person questioned their policies, they called the same person "traitor" to his community. They call other side racist yet they kept being racist to all other people. They claim right do "us vs them" or "otherization politics but when white people faced racist attacks, they didn't say anything and kept quite. When black people questioned BLM movement being a fraud, they called the same black people as slaves of white people (funny as they claim to be against slavery) , so why did they did that? either they really think blacks are slaves of whites, which isn't the case or they wanted to gaslight the black people in any case both are wrong to do and inherently makes them racists. They kept quite for hate speeches of black people against white people in Africa. They kept gatekeeping black people. If anyone questioned them they called that person or group of people uneducated or racist or whatever label they could throw at them.
Anyways I am done with the rant, X is the media now. Deal with it. Democracy and free speech will never be undermined by anyone in this world. However hard liberals or communists try to. Shamless.