HP Refurbished Touchpads

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Well i just reached home after traveling for 42 hours and immediately switched on the PC to see no 16Gb and none 32GB listings even opening.. Now after reading all these comments, i don't have much regret reaching late :P
Quote: Rs 24,116.00
Item price + local shipping + taxes RS. 18,711.68
Int'l Shipping RS. 1,404.00
Duty, Taxes & fees RS. 3,999.88
TOTAL RS. 24,116.00

this is on PPO , if any one still wants to buy 32 gb pads ( price is for 2 nos)
chetansha said:
Quote: Rs 24,116.00

Item price + local shipping + taxes RS. 18,711.68

Int'l Shipping RS. 1,404.00

Duty, Taxes & fees RS. 3,999.88
TOTAL RS. 24,116.00

this is on PPO , if any one still wants to buy 32 gb pads ( price is for 2 nos)

what is PPO?
stalker said:
I'm in the US :P

the usual, .uk/.ca :P

no, that was your trick, so to speak :P
Tried for more than two hours, and able to get thru paypal thrice but post that it failed... Damn ebay !!!! not expected this

Any my touchpad journey is over, Adios!!!
Considering specifications guys...even at 12k it seems to be justified....i mean there some TE members who are ready to sell who got two !!
any reasons why not go for it at 12k?
Is the deal still on? I would like a 16gb one if possible. If not in stock the 32Gb will do, but prefer the 16gb one.
Even if i don't get any pad i would like to thanks to memnom, chetansha for helping other members of this forum. It is because of these helpful people we are bond with TE forum.
I sincerely appreciate there efforts

i never thought so many people will still be interested in HP touchpad. I guess the successful CM7 port has made all the difference. I've one Brand new sealed HP touchpad lying in Bangalore since last one month, with my relative, who bought for me in USA. God know when will I get time to bring it to Mumbai and put it on TE for sale as i already purchased mine from eBay after the wait for confirmation from HP SMB order became unbearable. :)
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