Just as I opened slickdeals for some lurking, I came across the thread -
HP TouchPad 9.7" WiFi Tablet: 64GB $250 - Slickdeals.net
CostCentral had 200 pieces in stock. By the time I ordered, it went to 110. By the time I received my mail, the listing disappeared. Took a gamble. They have not mentioned that it is 64GB or white but the Mfg Part #: FB456UT#ABA search on google led me to a 64GB, white model. CostCentral has amazing ratings as a reseller. I am hoping that it's true. The cached listing page is -
www.costcentral.com/proddetail/HP_TouchPad_Tablet/FB456UTABA/11421362/+FB456UT%23ABA&cd=3&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=in&client=firefox-a&source=www.google.co.in]HP TouchPad - Tablet (FB456UT#ABA) - Handhelds[/url]
Total - $250+$10.33 ~ $260.
This is what happens after 2 days of non-stop hunting - Impulse wins!! :|