Should i cancel?
aasimenator said:then i don't think mine will go through i ordered before you guys long back but it says its on hold & awaiting payment
Should i cancel?
AgentShayne T.
However, we have received a notification that we should get some more in stock on Monday. We do not know how many will come into inventory. I can sign you up for an email notification as to when stock has been replenished.
Regrettably, the ordering system is programmed to only acknowledge IP addresses within the US. Orders from non-US based IP addresses will be automatically declined.
PayPal may or may not work on HP.com
Gauge said:@kuduku/techpal, were you able to order for me? :ashamed:
OnSale Customer Rep confirmed that if your TouchPad is not already shipped, it will be cancelled. Funds will be refunded before Friday 8/26
techpal said:my orders from Dynamism cancelled. any one having spare plzz PM me.
"TouchPad buyers: please be aware the initial batchof over 23000+ units is no longer in stock as of 10:30AM on Tue. Aug 23, 2011 - all orders taken until that cut-off time will be fullfiled and shipped out with the next 72 hours. Any orders received after 10:30AM Tue Aug 23, 2011 will be placed in the preorder container and will be shipped guaranteed on or about Sept 14, 2011 when th enew ordered batch of 9600 units is available. Thank you for your understanding and patience. "
aasimenator said: