Huge shortage of water... info TULLU Pump..

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guys. critical shortage of water. .. we live on 3th floor.. now water from top reservoir.. goes to all floors... there is a main pipe and sub-headers are there through which water goes to all floors.. now our sub header is last one .. we are not getting any water..( very little).. all d water is going to down floors.. i also suspect that someone is using some sort of pump to suck water through the sub headres from their pipes in their rooms .. wat is theh function of Tullu pump????.. mechanical guys.. plz help.. plz tell a solution where from my rooms i can get the water... cant modufy the pipelines now... so may be pump or something??? plz help. never have been so need of help...
Must be happening if u dont have an individual pipeline to ur floor. How about u downloading water in the night and keeping it for use...?

And tullu pump will definitely help...
Aladdin said:
Must be happening if u dont have an individual pipeline to ur floor. How about u downloading water in the night and keeping it for use...?

And tullu pump will definitely help...

Now thats how a geek explains.. :P :P
well the only thing you can do now is complain to the society that you are not getting any water in your flat. ask them to install individual pipe connections to all floors. pump will not work imo since the water will go to the ground floor first and then first and second floors respectively. instead of getting water you will most probably get air and water and in that situation there is possibility of motor getting giving out.

all of them keeping tap open at full then you will not get water if the overhead tank is not filled to full capacity. i have gone through this problem for many years and finally after all the members voiced protests individual pipes were installed to each flat and problem got solved.
^ I agree.. Complaining would do if your Society representative are very loyal with their work... :)
their is individual lines to each flat but the probleme is that our line to our flat is the last .. so our water coming is very less...... is there any way in which tullu pump help?? how does it work??
Instead of getting small (tullu :P) pump. I will recommend you guys to form a committee and bore a jet pump. It will be more reliable and powerful source of water.

If you cannot do that, the tullu will set you back by 3-4k ?

@Terminater : Please stop using SMS Lingo in the forum.
Dark Star said:
If you cannot do that, the tullu will set you back by 3-4k ?

Tullu pump for 3-4k... nah... that's the price of mono-bloc. Tullu pumps cost ~500 bucks to 1.5k depending on company & suction...

@OP.. if you have separate pipeline from overhead tank then you can successfully use a tullu pump.. go to any hardware shop which sells such pumps & they will guide you the rest... depending on your need & suction capacity that you are comfortable with, you can buy the pump & connect it directly to any tap...

But keep in mind, these pumps make a lot of noise initially until some burn in period... So you should use some precaution that nobody complains about it..

The best & final solution would be to have another borewell for all ur use....
the problem is that now i cant make any modification in the pipe lines.. nor let anyone know that i am using pump.. btw .. plz anyone tell how does tullu pump work?? will it suck more water... ??? how will it help in getting more water??
ok, i stay in G+1, i use tullu often & yes it is almost likely that others are using tullu too, as its very common mentality that u get water whenever u want & fast (according to the availability)

see if there is any way that u can speak to the concerned person in ur place & stop such use, stopping this cld distribute water equally but at a steady rate.

using tullu will solve ur problem but it will also increase ur electricity billl by more than 50%.

go for CRI pumps, these are good ones

hope this helps
instead of a pump and modifying the lines and all cant u just have a overhead tank put up at your place ? have a double corkvavle put up which would automatically control the water flow.
Tullu Pump does not suck water.... if the water is flowing it can increase the rate of flow ....

Used in Water Based Desert Coolers... used for sending low presssured waters to some heights say 10 -15 feet... specially useful in construction work of row houses not big bulidings... where you can get away by stealing municipal supply waters....

bigger / smaller construction both are supposed to use untreated water and donot steal treated home supply water... (like through boring or getting water tankers) ...

What you are thinking about i a mono block pump... .5 HP or more.... but it still needs to suck water from a steady supply... ie: closed water lines...

Sure it can suck water why not give it a try... keep in mind it can get permanently damaged it it sucks too much air along with water....

You sure about the pipes though.... you cannot do anything about them . they might be closing due to sediment and other reasons... get a plumber and discuss it with him....

for crying out loud.... TE does not have many expert plumbers of do we ....

No offence to plumbers just that expert plumbers donot have time to waste on Internet...

(One foot note : Tullu pump is actually name of popular pumps made by company Tullu Vijay, they are just water pumps or monoblock motors based water pumps... These tullu pumps were a huge rage before AC's became affordable to general public)

This however does not state that Tullu does not manufactures monoblock motors or floating pumps or boreing jet pumps...

Same as Fevicol is synonmous to white synthetic based adhesive )


c.. we cant do any modification as such.. not with pipes neither with tank.. and this problem of equal distribution will also remain as some people in our building will use pump and will not co-operate.. so whatever needs to be donw will be at my side. in my room and taps... so PLEASE SOMEONE TELL WHETHER TULLU PUMP SUCKS WATER or NOT???//// i have not got the answer till now................ please soemone answer/.. how will tullu pump work???????
^ it works like any other water pump.... No rocket science here.... Only difference is that it does not have much head so it cannot lift water to heights that a monobloc can... Every pump has a head which literally means the height it can lift the water to & then there is another aspect called discharge which is denoted in litres/min. It is inversely proportional to height... ie. it decreases with height....

Tullu was a small moter designed to be used in desert coolers but with slightly increased capacity they can suck more water, lift will still be low... but they do great in suction....

I believe we Indians invented & exploited this quality of tullu pump to suck water directly from pipe lines...

Do one thing.. remove one tap, install one 2" x 1/2" nipple & then using a flexible pipe with wire core (so that it does not deflate during suction) you can connect it to ur tullu pump inlet.... Also install another pipe to outlet to collect water as you wish in tanks/ utensils....

Else get a plumber to help you out....
go to the nearest guy who sells it & explain him how much above ground level u at, he'll guide u what kind of pump u need, people here & there have different experiences, hence people who sell pumps are experts, their advice will count.

only then u'll able to come to a decision & when done, share it here.
@malhotraraul... i think u misunderstood my problem.. first the water from municipal corporatn comes to a resorvoir down on ground floor.. then there is pump to pump it to top of building where there is the reservoir... once water is filled in the reservoi on top of the building . the valve is opened and through a main pipe and then sub- main pipes water goes to all floors( ie flats).. the problem lies that our flats sub-pipe is the last in the series and plus ibelieve others are using some pump etc to suck in water .. so no water to our flat... that is why i was asking about tullu pump and whether it can suck water//// nd how to solve d problem?
^... Lolz... I cannot believe how it is so hard to understand... OK consider this... many people use these pumps to draw water from municipal lines... Now none of them have direct connections but a branch connection like yours... So even if you are at last you will draw more water...

Its plain & simple...
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