Huge shortage of water... info TULLU Pump..

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sir, i do the same, i use pump to store water in the tank i have installed on my floor.

u get small pumps which costs around 600/- to 800/- these are normal pumps & they not capable to suck water

the pump i have is CRI & costing around 2k is much capable of doing that, so when u attach that to the pipe (not to ur tap, it has rubber washer & while sucking it pulls the rubber washer which obstructs the water) with a valve so that u get a free flow of water.

anything else, please let me know.
terminater said:

No need to shout man.....:(
I know water scarcity can take its toll... what we are trying to explain here many factors are there that has to be taken into account... if you go and tell at shop you need tullu pump... there question will be which one... tullu is just the name of the company... either normal water pumps or monobloc water pumps... then these can suck water like anything... problem will be if too many taps are there in the line they will suck air out of these taps...

Localities that has these kind of problems have the solution of their own... go talk to a local plumber who has provided solutions to others... ask guards in the building, friendly neighbors, or shop keepers about the whereabouts of these plumbers ... something will surely comeup...

If everything fails ... buy a 5 HP monoblock pump (No neccesarily Tullu) any which has local replacement no question asked kind of warranty...
put it on the first pipe coming into your apartment... before it branches out... use an breaker at that point... (Plumber will know what to do) put inlet to one side and other to the drain...

Switch it on.... guaranteed it will suck the water out of taps of your neighbors... if some body does not have vertical/horizontal valve attached (one directional) in their storage tank attached it will bring water from there too.. or at least damage the valve... smaller motors will burn for lack of water ... go a notch higher and buy 8 to 10 HP motor and it will suck water directly from your colony under water tank...

what else do you need...
sure you will create a lot of noise...
lot of pissed off nieghbors...
maybe society will take some action against you...
motors might burn(that why local warranty)
electric bill will go haywire ...
but altleast there will be water...

Saurav R
:rofl::rofl: chill mate.... I think he got the point.....

@malhotraraul.... I have seen 800 bucks wala tullu pumps with enough suction unless one wants to drain neighbors pipes as well..

of course CRI will be top notch with best quality but there are other cheaper alternatives also available everywhere for everyone's budget...

Its upto OP to decide how much he is comfortable spending....
@ HailStonE

i first took the 800/- wala pump but didn't solve my purpose, later i had to go for the heavy duty one, not that heavy duty but more than suffice & solves my purpose.

i learnt from my mistake
Ok chill,

First tell, do you get low/less supply whole day? as in , is the flow continuous?

If its continuous flow, then get a small tank and install it in ur flat's balcony or somewhere..and keep the water input ON all day, a plumber will be able to help..

Secondly, you can get a tullu pump, they are cheap and if someone ask whats running then say washing machine or grinder or something..

Lastly, the best way to deal with such situations, is to give someone some money and to break the whole damn pipe with out anyone knowing..yes then you can have a say in how the new system works..

I know these are not the best ideas or the morally correct ones, but some times, when this shit crosses the limit, this is what you do..

A guy in our building did the same..bribed the tank cleaning guy, and the guy broke the damn pipe!!! Then in the meeting they decided on a new system..
the water flow is not continuous...2 times a day.. the overhead tank is filled and the water comes 2 i guess.. .5HP tullu pump will do.. there are 4 memebers in our family so.. is it sufficient?
terminater said:
the water flow is not continuous...2 times a day.. the overhead tank is filled and the water comes 2 i guess.. .5HP tullu pump will do.. there are 4 memebers in our family so.. is it sufficient?

Remember to tell the shop from where you get it, that you'l see if it works else you'l return, try not to give the whole amount at the time of purchasing to be on the safer side..

Use a rubber and foam to dampen the vibrations of the motor..the sound can be easily explained..
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