Hutch sold for $19.3b

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wow. Hutch is now vodaphone?? 1st Orage-->Hutch-->vodaphone? when will the name hutch will change to vodaphone? wat about services/plans?
Uh.. Clarification..
Its Orange -> Hutch -> Vodafone.... :bleh:
Looks like a great deal to me.

Now maybe we'll have similar plans in all states..
i have been getting 'better' network since few days....i just hope it continues...the Hutch ... oops..the vodafone cc currently sucks aight!! :(
lets see now what vodaphone has up its sleeve to offer in India and if it is able to compete with Airtel in India, specially in the gsm arena.
hmmm... this is intresting...Hutch goes to Vodafone... lets c if we get any good schemes now.. especially on the GPRS front..
Ank1t said:
Holy shit!! Tats soo overvalued! But im happy that Vodafone bought them..
I am happy too if Vodafone didn't collect it from Pocket of (Orange/Hutch/Essar) customers (increase in charges):ohyeah:
it was little quite obvious.....

vodafone is a 7 lakh crore rupees whereas anils company is ard 2 lakhs crore it would had been like placing 50% of his whole empire for hutch which would had been quite foolish (my view)

but it was obvious ruias wont have allowed anil ambani to take hutch since they knew wht dhirubhai did to them in 90s...

btw i guess now vodafone has to sell its 10% share in airtel and also they cant compete with airtel for a year directly...i guess....
Chaos said:
LOL you heard it right :P. Thats 19.3 billion.... or roughly 86000 Cr rupees.... I wonder why vodafone was so lame heh.
Well I've been following that story for a month now, and as it turns out that Vodafone has seemed to have access to EU Political funds, who were adamant that Reliance or Essar don't outbid Hutch ;)

On a lighter note though, I hope they release their contract schemes here too :P
Irrational exhuberance or simply put madness has begun. reminds me of the year 2K dot com stock boom/bust. 86 thousand crores (i am at a loss about the number of zero's after 86) for 2/3 stake in a mobile phone co. ......phew!!!!

Hindalco's acquisition of Novelis inc. looks a more promising deal.

from the reports all i can infer is that now is a good time to buy bharati enterprise / telecom shares. surely if vodafone either sells its 10%stake or not its share price is bound to rise to 2K levels ......i personally dont play the stock market at all but this is my gut feeling. i repeat please do not play the stock market on advice of others....
TheMask said:
as long as Vodafone doesnt make me pay thru the nose for every penny of that $19bil, i am OK with Hutch :P

Where all Networks FAILS, Hutch reach to me. if I want to switch to other, it is quite confusing which Player have Less Bad Networks.:)
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