CPU/Mobo i3 12100f and B610 OR i5 12400F and H610

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I am really really..I mean Really Confused :eek: between the two....
Please help me to decide the differences between the MOBO ... and which would be a better choice for me..

Rest of The Configuration:
Gigabyte Eagle RTX 3060 OC.
Gigabyte P550B 80+ Bronze 550Watts PSU
2x8 GB Corsair 3200Mhz RAM

Have to sell my i3 10100F and Asus Prime H410M-E Motherboard
MOST IMPORTANT --> I PLAY AT 4K with DLSS or NIS.... so I don't think CPU matters that much.. Although DLSS and CPU utilizes much of CPU..... If I am wrong, please correct..o_O

Have watched these videos and now am really confused...

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What's the idea behind upgrading to the B660 motherboard while downgrading the CPU?
If you're only asking what's the better value for CPU gaming-only performance, the 12100F is a lot of gaming performance for a lot less cash than its competitors. What the motherboard upgrade gives you is more DPC, i.e you can have 4 sticks of RAM on B660 boards, but you're restricted to only 2 sticks on H610 boards. You may also get more PCIe slots, more SATA ports, more rear and front I/O, all these other not-gaming features that you won't get on H610 boards. What has more value to you?

In any case, you're at 4K DLSS on a 3060, doesn't look like you'll hit a CPU bottleneck anytime soon.
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Adding to what Radar said it's best to avoid H610 motherboards until you're strictly limited to budget. The mobo thermals will affect your cpu and gpu thermals as well.. albeit a tiny performance hit, the higher temps will bother you.
12400f is a better choice for things like editing, converting, etc.
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The mobo thermals will affect your cpu and gpu thermals as well
Yep.. Thermals are a issue... still Both H610 and B660 provide similar Heat Sinks... so not much of a choice here... Better Thermals are present in H670 or Z series.. but they are outside the budget right now...
Anyway.. B660 still provides 4-DIMMS slots and OC..... which is limited to 2-DIMMS and 3200Mhz in H610..
So.. somewhat Future Proof is B660.. else the choice is H610...
But I am confused about only GAMING..

i5-12400F gives nearly 20% more FPS than i3 12100F... But all of the reviews are done in 1080P...
And as I play on 4K with DLSS.... Will I get the same result..? AS DLSS and NIS both are CPU Intensive.
I am really really..I mean Really Confused :eek: between the two....
Please help me to decide the differences between the MOBO ... and which would be a better choice for me..

Rest of The Configuration:
Gigabyte Eagle RTX 3060 OC.
Gigabyte P550B 80+ Bronze 550Watts PSU
2x8 GB Corsair 3200Mhz RAM

Have to sell my i3 10100F and Asus Prime H410M-E Motherboard
MOST IMPORTANT --> I PLAY AT 4K with DLSS or NIS.... so I don't think CPU matters that much.. Although DLSS and CPU utilizes much of CPU..... If I am wrong, please correct..o_O

Have watched these videos and now am really confused...


10100f to 12100f isn't a significant upgrade, maybe 20% across the board.
Save a little more and pair the 12400f with a B660. Yes 12100f is excellent vfm for people on a tight budget but ideally in your case you should be aiming for a 6c/6t to be a bit more futureproof.
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At 4k you won't even see a lot of difference going from 10100F to a 12400f. A better option would be to sell your 3060 and get a 3060Ti with the new budget.
I have enough benchmarks on the 9400f paired with a 3060 to be definate that this combination doesn't bottle neck the cpu in 99% of the games at 1080p or 4k.
You can easily interpolate a 12100 from a 9400f.
pair the 12400f with a B660
I was also thinking of getting at least a Hexa-Core as Quad-Core are now becoming obsolete...
Still.. I wanted to know about the GAMING differences between H610 and B660...and imo H610 will be better as B660 doesn't provide significant better features for it's price.. isn't it..?

get a 3060Ti with the new budget
Hmm... Just bought a 3060 @150% of MSRP.. and I think m gonna wait for some time for GPU Upgrade.. U know let those prices come down..:)
12100 from a 9400f
It's true that 12100F will give much better performance than 9400F due to more Single Core Performance... Still.. 12100F is Quad-Core and 12400F is Hexa-Core.. And for the future.. at least a Hexa-core is now the norm.. doesn't it..?

Still.. I am more concerned about the Motherboard...o_O
As others have mentioned already, B660 will mostly be preferred as a future proof option rather than something which improves gaming performance.

Regarding the processor, save up for the 12400 as it gives more performance per dollar. Save up and get this.
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Maybe try to save for i5 12400F + cheap B660 mobo like Gigabyte B660M DS3H. I'll take a cheap B660 mobo with 4 RAM slots any day over H610. Also, i5 12400 when unlocked consumes up to 78W or so for 100% CPU load, so not too high like that 110W+ for i5 11400. So I feel cheap B660s are easily enough VRM wise.

Also with H610, there's no XMP, so stuck with 3200MHz, not that big deal though as 3200MHz CL16 RAM is decent. B660 has at least 2x Gen4 NVMe slots as well.
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Gigabyte B660M DS3H
Hey.. This was really the most honest opinion I was looking for..
I made up my mind to go with Asus B660M-A D4... As I like the BIOS of Asus more than Gigabyte...
Can you tell me the Benefits of Gigabyte B660M DS3H.. I just know that it's 3K more economical than Asus B660M-A D4...o_O
Hey.. This was really the most honest opinion I was looking for..
I made up my mind to go with Asus B660M-A D4... As I like the BIOS of Asus more than Gigabyte...
Can you tell me the Benefits of Gigabyte B660M DS3H.. I just know that it's 3K more economical than Asus B660M-A D4...o_O
I will prefer Asus as well, but the main advantage of Gigabyte one is just the price. I have seen B660M DS3H for 10k with many sellers & B660M DS3H ax (WiFi model) for 12k with many sellers, some have it for as low as ~10k as well. Asus one has a Type C header as well.
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I will prefer Asus as well, but the main advantage of Gigabyte one is just the price. I have seen B660M DS3H for 10k with many sellers & B660M DS3H ax (WiFi model) for 12k with many sellers, some have it for as low as ~10k as well. Asus one has a Type C header as well.
Cool.. Asus also looks great .. than Gigabyte:p...Will go with it.. Thanks for the Help.:)
Yeah.. I checked H670 earlier.. Costs 1K more with few benefits like PCIE RAID support .. extra M.2 Slot..
But I will not be using such features.. at least for now... so B660 is enough..:)
Really Thanks for the help in deciding the upgrade.:D
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