IC: ASUS Xonar DX for 3.65 k

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What's the status- redbulland gannu? :S

I need to order a few DX, a STX and maybe a D2X. :)

lol, what status re? Havent got any right now, else i wud have updated the thread.I will send u a PM on D2X as it shud eb available BTB.

PS: Gannu already got his stuff and he had repped me couple days earlier.:)
What's the status- redbulland gannu? :S

I need to order a few DX, a STX and maybe a D2X. :)

Got the stuff bikey.

The packaging was opened although the stuff was intact. Never bothered to check if the CD was used cos I used a modded STX driver released in the Asus forums.
Gannu said:
Got the stuff bikey.

The packaging was opened although the stuff was intact. Never bothered to check if the CD was used cos I used a modded STX driver released in the Asus forums.

Seems to be open boxdeal...:P

Same happened to Jennifer and Gannu :S
Same happened to Jennifer and Gannu

Open Box will not be a problem, if the stuff is unused. Gannu got a unused piece - I hope, but mine is a used piece, but redbull is kind enough to provide me a replacement. So no problem at all - and waiting for the new unit!!!
sumchamp said:
Seems to be open boxdeal...:P

Same happened to Jennifer and Gannu :S

u do realize what OpenBox deals are about , right?:) U get the card and thats it...no driver cds, no floppy connector, no manual,nothing.

Gannu's outer box tape was broken, but thats all that was done.while in Jennifer's case, the floppy connector was taken outside its packing.As far as i checked, thats how it came from Rashi, and hence, they have agreed for a replacement.So,it shudnt be a prob at all.:)
^^ I really appreciate ur efforts.

I didn't mean to ruin ur sales but as being a buyer, i was concerned abt this...
Ok, I have received a Brand new card and I am sending my old card today.

And yes, its unopened and new. Works fine. So this is no more a open box deal.
Nice to hear that Jennifer123.....Rashi shud be sending more stuff next week onwards since they were holding back on account of financial year ending since last 2 weeks.

@greenhorn: I dont think retailers do OB deals in India, or am i wrong? :)
but they do give out discounts on slightly used pieces :P

I bought my alpine sub @ 40% discount because apparently it had been used for a demo @ some car show. Got it with a full alpine warranty. Just curious if something similar was possible ;)
U do realize u r speaking abt Refurbished policy, na? and i dont think much interest is there for such pieces even if we assume such deals are available aplenty.
Redbull Sir, are these products in stock .... i am intrested in Asus DX sound card when i will get 1 and how to make the payment


I am interested in one ASus Essence STX sound card. Can you confirm its availability with your dealer and its price. I need it quickly. How to make the payment?

If anyone wanna confirm Essence STX , PM me or post here as i have a notification from my dealer that 2 pieces or so are available at the distris.Like before, i wont be taking advance payments unless and until i have the cards in my hand.

PS: Pricing is expected to be between 7.3 and 7.5k
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