Not at all. Processing - cooking mostly, but peeling, cutting, beating, fermenting, pickling etc. is a great way to make food available, more nutritious and their nutrients more bioavailable.
Yeah, I emphasized on "Excessive" word. Not all processing is bad, I know that. But, I'm talking about 90%+ calories coming from food which was altered in a factory. For poor people, it's almost 99% of their calories come from factory-altered-food. The poorer one is, the less become their chances of eating non-processed food like vegetables and fruits.
Navigating your way through the myths surrounding a diabetes-friendly diet can be tricky. Discover what’s fact and what’s fiction.
Let's start with only 2, shall we ? Reading the other "opinions", I feel we should open a separate thread for each ..sigh.. so so many ROFL funny myths to dispel .. so little time
Healthline is an SEO ho. SEO optimization matters to it more than anything else. If you have Ahrefs sub, you can reverse engineer them and you will find they go after each and every possible keyword there is. Do that and you will find many of its content are self contradicting. BTW, that nutritionist didn't write that article. They just lent out their names to increase Google EEAT signle (Expertise Experience Authority Trust). It was written by an SEO expert. I know this industry inside out.
I don't like traditional nutritionists, either

. I have met way too many nutritionists, their advice is non-practical and too generic, like that Healthline article. Living healthy shouldn't be viewed as a treatment. Unfortunately, nutritionists or MBBS both prescribe it like it has to be followed for X number of days.
1990s was the time when Indians started the massive mission of incorporating junk foods in their already poor diets of sweetened chai, samosa, jalebi, fafda, vada paav, deep fried parathas. Cold drinks, biscuits, sweets, sweatmeats, bakery products, confectionaries, "chocolates", deep fried stuff... things that were occasional indulgence (once a month to be most optimistic) started becoming a weekly affair and then daily affair. Today those same 50-year-olds are having this stuff through the day (snacking).
Your point about junk food is very much valid, but I was talking about old people who have never eaten any of that junk food. Who never stepped into a hotel in their whole life and still, I see them grappled with diabetes.
Nope, the genetically modified food stuff is not yet available.
Umm… mate, you really should read that book. If someone is looking for facts, that book has plenty.
Wheat grass found in nature thousands of years ago had 14 chromosomes. Today's wheat has 42 chromosomes. Lab or no lab, most of them were put in by us. 14 chromosome version is still grown in some parts of the Mediterranean region. But it tastes like crap.
None of these are "unnatural".
Learnt this thing in a Clarkson's farm episode. You can't grow a modern wheat crop without actively feeding fertilizers. There's just no way. I had to double-check it, and it appears to be true.
Diabetes, by definition, is the allergy to carbohydrates.
Oh wait, so what really causes diabetes and how does it start and develop, and how can it be reversed? I hope we are talking about the Type-2
What do you mean by what? I did mention carbohydrates, didn't I?

Diabetes is an allergy to carbohydrates. It's developed by eating carbohydrates excessively.
Say, I'm allergic to peanuts and consuming them gives me hives. If I stop eating peanuts, I don't get hives anymore. I know! mind-blowing, right?
Type-2 diabetes reversal:
Reversal is a strong word. People in type-2 have pancreas damaged beyond repair by actively eating stuff that they are allergic to. If by reversal, do you mean cure? Unlikely, unless you are very young who have some capacity to undo damage to the pancreas.
What about remission?
Sure! Why not? Stop eating carbohydrates and type-2 goes into remission. It's a "common side effect" suffered by people who go on diets like Atkins, keto, carnivore etc. Not only do they put their type-2 into remission but also get their hba1c under 5% without consuming a single metformin.
MBBS won't tell you this. They were never taught that. These people don't have time to read research papers unless those are pushed in their face by a pharma company who has them on commission. In any case, they wouldn't want their customers to know about it. Diabetes patients are good subscription business.
Pets get shiny coats mainly because of vitamins and minerals.
The same goes for human beings. If skin, hair, nails etc is dull, check your diet/blood for deficiencies in vitamins and minerals.
Protein deficiency could also be a cause, but the above is more likely.
If you are 60 kg, there's at least 20-30 kg of protein inside your body (protein = muscles + skin, hair, fur + brain + all cells & their DNAs + hormones + tendons + ligaments + a third of all bones).
The human body usually needs about 10 grams of vitamins, minerals per day. Are you suggesting you can support that 20-30 kg of proteins inside your body by just eating 10 grams of vitamins and minerals per day?
Proteins are the basic building blocks. If they are the bricks and mortar of your house, then vitamins minerals will be like your wall paint. No amount of paint going to fix a broken wall.
About pets, abroad, one will find even their strays have shiny coats. Their strays eat out of dumpsters like ours. Nobody is giving them vitamin mineral supplements.
Come on, I can see a large part (slightly more than 1/3rd of 400 grams) of greens there.
Alright. A third it is. Still, I'd say, if we are gauging food by volume, veggies should be at least more than twice of all other foods combined. Only then can one get enough fiber, vitamins, and minerals.
The father of the green revolution in India was a geneticist, who searched the world over for genes to use in India to solve the local problems.
Man, he passed away recently and sadly, nobody noticed. I'll say he was the single most important person of the last century. He's the reason most of us, our parents and their parents "exist". If someone likes existing, they should thank him.
Before the green revolution, people couldn't afford to produce (rather maintain) a large number of children.
Before the green revolution, famine killed more than all the diseases combined. Food is something we take for granted today.
Thanks to him, we don't know famine today. Still, the govt's mindset is stuck to the 19th century. When I was in the school, we were given bags of rice every month. What! The Govt thought we were not getting enough calories? If anything, people are suffering from excess calories today.
The govt hardly knows what it's doing. If somebody wants to take nutritional advice from the Govt, sure, go ahead! The same govt handed out vitamin C to corona patients and suggested that we all should sleep on our stomachs. You are in good hands.