Inbox by Gmail - Invite needed!

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Hi everyone,

The new Inbox service looks good and very useful.

See it here:

It's an email assistant for Gmail.

Update: Only first degree invites get the "Golden Ticket" to invite others. If you got an invite from a friend, you will not be able to invite others. Also, only people who have been 'invited' will get to use this trick.

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Its just matter of time when spammers break the "inbox" code..
(Like they did for priority inbox.....)

And every 5 mins you may need to snooze your phone...
What is different here.

It's Google's new Inbox system, an alternative to Gmail and a new way to look at electronic messaging in general.

Google has been working on Inbox as "Project Bigtop" for years. In the new system, messages are treated like tasks in a to-do list: the system automatically groups messages into "bundles" based on their content and your own filters. Bundles can be ignored or dismissed as one, making it easier to manage, say, a ton of PayPal messages from a recent shopping spree. The system also includes reminders and a "snooze" functionality, along with more standard stuff like a search box. The whole thing includes a lot of little touches that will remind you of Google Now.

Inbox By Google should work automatically with your Gmail account, and there are both web and mobile versions. If you want to request an invitation to Inbox, send an email to and ask for one.
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