Indian govt. bans AXN

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l33t_5n1p3r_max said:
Adult stuff? What the hell? Does'nt DD have those "goli ke hamjoli" type ads that cause more embarrasment to parents? Try telling your kid what that ad means.You've got SCULPTURES depicting naked people doing the dutty dutty and you've branded them world heritage sites and when someone shows some nudity on television you go all "Communist china" on them.

Not only that we've actually got gods who can be said to be active. Who's the government shitting? They're ignoring the main issues and focusing on stupid ones like banning channels and fighting Orkut groups or pom-poming when that shilpa shetty girl gets abused on television. Improve the infrastructure you morons. What are our plans for the future? what are you going to do when the pop goes to 1.5 billion? What will you do with those flyovers you're making when the load becomes to heavy for them to bear? What will you do when you can't step outside without inhaling dangerous doses of so2 or no2. What will you do once China takes away your advantage in software?

I'm pretty sure we don't have any contingency plans. Oh but we're India, we'll be "shuperpaawaar" by making software and working for 1/4th of what a sane human being would charge.

Part of the blame goes on ourselves though. How many of us have actually tried to enter politics? Papa bolengey - " Kya beta.. bahut jhanjhat hai, maramari hai. kya politics..etc etc." and then they'll turn and crib how the UPA have'nt gotten them cheap onions or how the BJP did not get them that 3 rupees off petrol or some other retarded stuff.


Its not that i ain't understanding your sentiments but please remember... Its not Govt.-Govt. who is talking this decision... Its a part of Govt.... Specific people who are responsible for this and those people are talking these decisions... If you look at it from the other side of the line then you will say that they are doing their job perfectly...

Again i understand your sentiments... But Kajuraoo is a world heritage and you should be proud of it... And it is that goli ki hamjoli only which will in a way stop the population crisis...

Again no offenses to you... But in a way they are doing the right thing cause by the looks of it if one cannot stand that TV ad of goli ki hamjoli in front of their parents/kids(Which by the way is doing good for the society) then how do you consider the same person watching the complete show of AXN with them ;)...
params7 said:
Its hard to believe this is the country that wrote Kamasutra (now banning great channels because they show ads featuring lingerie), but then, no Neta's existed.

quote of the day lol
Here's the deal mate, did AXN put the channel in a prime time slot? If they did that then I agree banning it was a wise move but I've been watching AXn for a while now and they put these "adult" shows only after around 11 pm. How about banning the Fashion week or something? Or heres another idea, why don't we just ban all music and games and stop women from appearing on the streets and start beheading/publically hanging people?

The goddamn goli ki hamjoli whatever ad comes 24*7, there was that dumb flavoured condom ad that used to be broadcast at 9 in the morning.There was that kamasutra movie coming on zee tv at like 4 in the afternoon last year. How about the parents begin taking responsibility for their own kids? Why does the government want to interfere in aspects of life which do not even affect the aam junta?

Just because some rabid 60 yr old woman goes and files a PIl does'nt mean that the rest of us have to agree with her. This is not anything new or unknown. It's called moral policing, the same thing the VHP or Shive Sena louts do on Valentines day or the weird hijab/niqaab rule imposed on muslim women. This happens when a bunch of socially-challenged retards begin to feel that they have the power to dictate what is best for others. This breaks the basic meaning of freedom. Something which we've been force-fed to believe in.
^^^Now that made sense. Also... There is a big difference between Ads and TV Shows... Ads can be banned and they aren't channels responsibility... While TV shows are channel's responsibility...
^^ What about south indian channels.They show a lot more crap than AXn does.

l33t_5n1p3r_max said:
How about the parents begin taking responsibility for their own kids? Why does the government want to interfere in aspects of life which do not even affect the aam junta?

Just because some rabid 60 yr old woman goes and files a PIl does'nt mean that the rest of us have to agree with her. This is not anything new or unknown. It's called moral policing, the same thing the VHP or Shive Sena louts do on Valentines day or the weird hijab/niqaab rule imposed on muslim women. This happens when a bunch of socially-challenged retards begin to feel that they have the power to dictate what is best for others. This breaks the basic meaning of freedom. Something which we've been force-fed to believe in.

Well said!!:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
Messa unaffected, but dare those mofos screw around wid torrents, it would be more or less cutting of oxygen supply...
Lol, I dont think the Indian Govt. even knows what torrents are :|...

I dont think any1 will ever find a way to ban torrents ;).
I'd seen some comments on TV by some people supporting the govt in this action. I'd like to say one thing to all those people who support the govt in this action to grow up. I believe that they are sick scared masochists who cannot live and enjoy life unless someone holds a stick and tells them what to do and when to do it. Only such kind of people would welcome such a move.

There is no use in debating whether the government is right or wrong. It is clear that the government is utterly completely wrong and is an invasion of public privacy.

The action that I'm taking is not to ever vote for this govt again. They just lost my vote for doing this. Maybe others who are old enough to vote can rebel in this manner. It might not make much of a difference but we need to try.

Thinking in comspiracy theory terms....I wonder what issue the govt is now trying to divert our attention from. Or is there more to banning AXN that just some old fool's ideology of what our country's morality should be like for eg: they refused to subscribe to the CAS regime that the govt is trying to bring in.
The action that I'm taking is not to ever vote for this govt again. They just lost my vote for doing this. Maybe others who are old enough to vote can rebel in this manner. It might not make much of a difference but we need to try.

you'll rather vote for the bjp?? this is vote bank politics my friend.. we preserve your culture. we preserve our heritage. we have a moral and social responsibility...

they are all the same...... when they are in power they do wat that want to do.. and when they are not they oppose the same things that they themselves started or indulged in...

younger people... aah... i doubt that would help... its abt keeping the power with the public b4 voting and after the govt's are made... yes mla's and mp's are representatives.. but not until you get after em would they be bothered to serve the can have a whole country being run by young and dynamic people.. but then i bet it would be worst economically , not morally. :P.

u do not let them dictate terms... or else wat's the difference between a democracy and a dictatorship??
dude...ur right...didn't think it through. BJP is ten times worse. To be honest, we'd never achieve what little progress we have without the congress having ruled for so long. At least they didn't mix religion and morality into every little decision. They just made money :)
sydras said:
dude...ur right...didn't think it through. BJP is ten times worse. To be honest, we'd never achieve what little progress we have without the congress having ruled for so long. At least they didn't mix religion and morality into every little decision. They just made money :)


The little progress we have is in spite of congress and because of it. BJP would have cut taxes, encouraged business etc atleast made things generally better. The sexy commercials, are a long running series. i don't remember BJP ever banning it. The music videos these days aren't really new. they all started when BJP was in power for 5 years. Nobody banned them.

ps: There's a difference between saying, i dont approve of that video and banning that video.

Oh and if BJP had really mixed religion in govt decisions we'd have nuked Pakistan by now.
Progress of a nation doesn't depend on a particular political party. I consider them only as lumpy roadblocks and unnecessary evil. Democracy, at least in our country, is only an illeterate's wet pipe dream. It's more of an aristocratic oligarchy than peoples' government. Sonia ji, Rahul baba, and "dear" Priyanka are our saviors, or so we're made to think by the corrupt politicians and their pet media houses. I would rather have them beheaded and have this country ruled by a benevolent and benign board of intellectuals, in accordance with the Supreme Court. These are the only guys with some sense and sanity left in this kaliyugi era our country is raving through.

Thoughts and intelligence of the mob is often overshadowed by faux emotions and spruts of stupidity. I have always questioned the concept of "majority" and its importance in modern governance. Majority isn't always on the right side, and democracy isn't the best form of government.

Though still in my early twenties, I don't trust my generation when it comes to morality, values or sanity. But I don't trust those 60-years old "yuva" politicians either. One is running blindly after materialism, and the other is frustrated because of the inability. We're stuck between a rock and a hard place.

For me, all things natural are far more important than all the luxuries of this materialized World. If I were to be made a dictator, I wouldn't let the industries and people abuse the mother nature. I would put more effort in getting the rivers cleaned and giving the animals some fundamental rights than developing nuclear arsenal.
You know Yamaraj, If we do not have a nuclear arsenal we'd be Pakistan's b**ch right about now. Getting rivers cleaned is an important step but it should not hinder our economic progress. In the end we'll be defined by our industrial output, not by how clean our rivers are.

I share the view about the animals though. Once I finish my MCA I'm thinking of opening a shelter for dogs. Last year I had adpoted like 8 stray pups. They'd stay at this huge kennel I built outside my home, plus they were all vaccinated/fed/bathed every second week. Mongrel/Desi kuttas are amongst the most faithful in the world.
At first glance, its all fine and dandy talking about economic and industrial progress. But there is more to it than just meterialistic luxuries and development. We are effectively destroying the only known living planet in the swarm of a hundred billion galaxies. At this pace, we'll have devastated it long before any living being sets foot beyond this solar system.

And I'm not against scientific development at all. But one thing should never be forgotten - that we don't destroy ourselves in the due process of search for the self.
guru, your perception the BJP is based on the fact that they picked up from where the congress had left. I'm not saying that congress had done anything special. But then, they haven't hindered progress. Progress has been gradually achieved by the Indian people and with some good government policy at the grass roots level. There is a lot to governance that the BJP has not been capable of.

IMO the BJP may have proved to be a good party for some years but their basis is wrong. Their roots are based in fundamentalism and creating a homogenous state. They may look dynamic in some ways but we will progress no further with them as they lack vision for the future of the next 50 years. They are too narrow minded and if they had ruled for 40 odd years, we'd still be riding bullock carts. Narrow mindedness is a severe impediment to fast adoption of new policies and creates a lot of doubt and delay in governance.

I can draw a contrast between two cities for eg: Bangalore and Patna. IMO Bangalore is truly cosmopolitan and has seen improvement in the quality of life at all levels of society. Look at the capital of Bihar. There, caste based fundamentalism dominates and it still remains a backward state.

Having said all this, I can say that I am shocked at the govt for such a move and it reeks of bad governance for focusing on such a matter instead of say how to improve dissemination of information and narrow mindedness by a idiot information minister who has failed to show good judgement and is not fit for his post.
sydras said:
guru, your perception the BJP is based on the fact that they picked up from where the congress had left. I'm not saying that congress had done anything special. But then, they haven't hindered progress. Progress has been gradually achieved by the Indian people and with some good government policy at the grass roots level. There is a lot to governance that the BJP has not been capable of.
Once you realize how futile a comparison between a 5 years old kid and a 50 years old veteran is, you'll stop comparing the quality of governance of the two.

sydras said:
IMO the BJP may have proved to be a good party for some years but their basis is wrong. Their roots are based in fundamentalism and creating a homogenous state. They may look dynamic in some ways but we will progress no further with them as they lack vision for the future of the next 50 years. They are too narrow minded and if they had ruled for 40 odd years, we'd still be riding bullock carts. Narrow mindedness is a severe impediment to fast adoption of new policies and creates a lot of doubt and delay in governance.
What is fundamentalism? Talking about equality or giving preferences to a specific community for unfair political advantages? Which of the two is more severe a threat to the harmony and uniform and healthy development of the country?

Again, if you believe that only materialistic development and technological advancement are ingredients to a healthy and sane society - you're wrong. I needn't point my finger to the West for you to figure it out.

sydras said:
I can draw a contrast between two cities for eg: Bangalore and Patna. IMO Bangalore is truly cosmopolitan and has seen improvement in the quality of life at all levels of society. Look at the capital of Bihar. There, caste based fundamentalism dominates and it still remains a backward state.
1. A "cosmopolitan" city is hardly a benchmark for the quality of life. The gravity of all that concrete in the cities are breaking the delicate bonds between humans. Society is dying under the destroying load of modernization.

2. If you look some 2500 years back in time, the same capital of Bihar was one of the most advanced cities in the whole known World. It is because of the dirty politics that it failed to regain the same level, let alone develop any further.

3. And the fundamentalism you've been talking about was supported by the same beloved Congress Party of yours, at least for the last 15 years. Ask Lalu! It is, in fact, the BJP-JDU alliance that broke the shackles of castism here.
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