Indian govt. bans AXN

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for your 1st pt - I don't know what you mean. Of course I'll compare govts. If you mean the BJP has the mindset of a five year old kid then thanks for clarification.

for your 2nd pt - You think the BJP talks about equality? May I remind you that they swear allegiance to the fundamentalist VHP. Anyone remember good ol' Advani and the Babri riots? I know the congress plays unfair politics when it comes to wooing the minorities but they don't harm them like the BJP. The BJP openly professes their resentment against the minorities. In a democracy it is the duty of the majority to protect the rights of the minorities. (I don't say reserve seats' n stuff but their basic safety must be ensured.)

for your 3rd pt - a 1000 years ago the romans ruled half the world. What does it have to do with today? Admitted the congress plays dirty politics in Bihar. Well, the BJP does the same in Gujarat while constantly threatening to physically harm the minorities. Mind you it's not fun living under like that under them. Don't discredit technological advancement. It is a benchmark for progress of a nation and distribution of wealth is a great pacifier for people. You see, all these issues of caste race etc, become important when a country is economically backward. If we had 1/10th the population and were technologically advanced, we wouldn't be talking about these issues.
@ Sydras - you take Bangalore to be something which it is not. I've lived in Agra (UP) and I can assure you the differences b/w agra and bangalore are MARGINAL. Blore is not the epitome of developement in India. On the contrary, I think Blore has been allowed to stagnate since 1995. The infra is pathetic compared to delhi, the shopping malls do not even begin to compare with their cousins in gurgaon/noida/delhi or even ghaziabad.
Let's not deviate too much from the original topic. I'm not playing apologist for BJP/VHP, but they're certainly not the kind of fundamentalists you are trying to portray them as. Just like the rights of minorities ought to be protected, they should also express concern for the unity of the nation and constitution. Separate laws for every minority community would only bring complete chaos and disorder. And mind you, Babri masjid was deliberately built over the ruins of a Hindu temple, destroyed by the barbaric invaders.

I'm all for treating every human being as equal, but only if they're willing to sacrifice their religious fundamentalism for the harmony and unity of the nation. Religion and faith are very personal affairs, and should be kept away from politics. You should at least be proud that minorities don't have to pay taxes for exercising their beliefs in this country. That wasn't the case very long ago.

History is important, because it tells us that everything changes - for good or bad. If Pataliputra was once the capital of a country larger than modern India, then it can surely find a place among the most developed cities in times to come. BTW, if you somehow think that Patnaites ride bullock-carts on the roads, you're very mistaken. I don't know about others, but something very strong inside is making me want to retire to a simple seaside village. I long for living in a hut, devoid of all materelistc luxuries - closer to mother nature.

And it seems to be winning over my instincts.
@l33t_5n1p3r_max - Bangalore's infrastructure is overloaded but it's still better than many cities in India. Shopping malls ??? good way for people to lose money :)

Btw, I was not comparing infrastructure. I was trying to bring out the point that Bangaloreans are much more accepting of other people and that has created a harmonious envirnoment. This in turn leads to focusing on the right issues in governance (i.e. the govt cannot give lame explanations or blame someone for problems faced and have to own up to a problem) True we have religious issues here too but they are minimal and the people who are trying to ignite these feelings are fundamentalist parties like the VHP as can be seen recently. W.r.t infrastructure in B'lore there are a lot of factors i.e. massive explosion in population, too many people buying cars etc. that contribute to degradation of infrastructure.

I'm with you on the unity of the nation and uniform implementation of the law. I never beckoned for seperate laws. I have been talking about stopping muted/open resentment of minorities and their right to a peaceful existence without fear. IMO, that doesn't happen with the BJP/VHP.

yepp...we have gone way off topic :) Anyway, good debate. You make very valid points(a bit too idealistic for me but hey, I'm a little corrupted with age.). I see we all have our opinions and our reasons for forming the same. I don't think we can change each others opinions but it's good to get a fresh perspective once in a while.
^ oh hey.. The people are fine : ). 10x better than us North Indians. Have yet to get in fight with one local. Such a feat would probably be impossible in UP.

But you have to agree, the malls here are terrible. I've seen like only 2 here..that garuda thingy and forum. Can someone suggest better malls?

Also.. 5 volvos do not a good public transport system make :P.
I can describe the infrastructure of Bangalore in one sentence: Bangalore infrastructure < Hyderabad, Chennai, Bombay, Delhi. And traffic sense of people in Bangalore <= 0, all retards and arrogant bastids with no common sense.
Ah now now RiO, We've got VOLVOS (!!!111!one) running our roads. We are now a fully develpoed hyperpaawar !!. Also behold our next plan for world domination - Painting advertisements on the same Volvos (!!1!). If that alone does'nt make us developed then I don't know what will.

On a side note, I've started seeing lots of brits/south-east asians in forum. Whats up with that? These are'nt the tourist-backpacker-hippee kind but the professional, white-shirt, brown pant type.

Have we started hiring phirangs? Taubatuaba.. Kya hoga is desh ka. Inviting the East India company back yonleee.
l33t_5n1p3r_max said:
Ah now now RiO, We've got VOLVOS (!!!111!one) running our roads. We are now a fully develpoed hyperpaawar !!. Also behold our next plan for world domination - Painting advertisements on the same Volvos (!!1!). If that alone does'nt make us developed then I don't know what will.

ROFL yeah, and if we pi$$ them off they will literally ram our a$$e$ with these same Volvos - btw, we have 1 Volvo less because it got burned by the public ;)

l33t_5n1p3r_max said:
Have we started hiring phirangs? Taubatuaba.. Kya hoga is desh ka. Inviting the East India company back yonleee.

Probably referrals from existing TE members - c'mon, virtual points matter to some people :P
Arey nahi nahi :P. I meant the "Forum" mall. Yeah I see how the word was misconstrued.

Btw a Volvo got burned down? Omg wtf. These jahils should all be put in a concentration camp and neutralised. Stupid idiots, they could'nt burn down one of those eyesore white/blue busses that have a rubber band holding them together.

Thats what you get when you put a bright,costly nice looking bus in India. Eventually some jahil will get attracted and burn it down : (.

R.I.P Volvo.
Hahahaha...they should really have burnt an old bus down....LMAO....:) (sorry don't know how to use smilies...only 1 kind I know). They would've been doing us a favour.
My wife's from Delhi and she says Bangalore is horrible - in Delhi, you don't get away with breaking traffic laws. If the cops do nothing, people are guaranteed a public thrashing for their arrogance/ignorance :P
^^LOL..I have never been to Bengaluru so dont know much about that but seriously man it can't be any worse than here in Delhi..

Driving on the wrong side, ignoring traffic lights, overspeeding is as common as the rains in Manchester!! :D

But true you are about the public intervening thingy..It at times seems funny that some people here in Delhi are such "vellas".. :P
Traffic in blore is definitely worse than traffic in delhi. Just try crossing that goddamn road that runs near dairy circle. Of course, there might be worse areas but then you have to realise that I don't get out much.
LOL, where do you work/study/live man??? I cross that road every goddamn day to have lunch at Kairali :rofl: But your guess is right on the money, that's the worst fcuking road to try and cross in Bangalore... I don't want you to think I'm always negative though lol, so I'm hopeful this time that the government will get off their a$$e$ someday and just maybe build a friggin walkway over the road (duh!).
Chee Rio. Meesa study in Christ college. BCA 1st year. And yes, Kairali is a pretty hot hangout for some of my coursemates.. I've never tried it though. Mightmtry one of these days :P
arrow055 said:
There are tons of south indian shows that are more "obscene" than World’s Sexiest Advertisements.How can the govt. ban AXN without banning those ?? And govt. has no right to decide what we can watch and what not to watch!!

That was really true.

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