Indianization of my phoreign wife is complete!!

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Don't worry buddies, we are two middle aged person, perfectly capable of distinguishing a TV series and reality.
And honestly I found the storyline of Mirzapur interesting and most of the actors are pretty damn good.
You wouldn't believe what my in-laws watch in Czech TV channels.
We're both suckers for mafia flicks...
BTW, do normal people of UP/ Bihar use this kind of language even in front of their parents?
I don't know the meaning of most Hindi swear words anyway, except the obvious ones.
Don't get me wrong. I wasn't telling you (or anyone else) what to/not to watch. People should be free to choose. It was just an observation on what i think is the difference between similar things on TV and in reality.
Why don't you post some photos of the locations as you travel? If it's not a problem. Should be fun.
Don't want to create another thread...but I had a PPF account and a savings a/c with SBI before leaving India. The branch manager was my dad's friend and he didn't know that I have left India permanently. Something like 50k INR was autodebited from that savings a/c and credited to that PPF a/c till March/ April of 2019. I used to receive yearly emails (which I found out 20 minutes back!!) Now the PPF is 15 years old and has matured according to the last email. I can log into that savings a/c online, but not the PPF account. And it's possibly illegal to have such accounts ( the entire thing is messed up, I still have a valid Indian passport, an Aadhar and PAN card..the Czech passport office did check my Indian passport but returned it possibly without writing anything on it..don't have it with me right now.. since 2016 I'm paying taxes either @ Slovakia/Czechia)
Now, how do I close those accounts from outside? Is it even possible? Can I transfer the entire PPF to someone in India online? The savings a/c is practically empty.
Why don't you post some photos of the locations as you travel? If it's not a problem. Should be fun.
No problem from my end. But people already are making fun of me for posting picture of Len and myself. I don't want to bother you people with pictures of Vienna/ Praha..but Africa..sure
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No problem from my end. But people already are making fun of me for posting picture of Len and myself. I don't want to bother you people with pictures of Vienna/ Praha..but Africa..sure
You do good or bad people will always raise a question or make fun! Feel what makes you happy... But anyways its up to you how much you are comfortable.
No problem from my end. But people already are making fun of me for posting picture of Len and myself. I don't want to bother you people with pictures of Vienna/ Praha..but Africa..sure
That's why i said locations. No personal pics. I know it doesn't matter but better to be safe.

Yeah, i meant Africa mainly. Because it should be quite unique from your perspective, not the usual touristy pics
And it's possibly illegal to have such accounts
If you are still holding Indian passport, you are citizen of India but a non-resident one. Non-resident Indians can not hold savings account but can hold NRO account for domestic operations. For any remittances, use NRE account. About PPF account, if you have opened it before your status changed to non-resident, it is okay.
Yes, that PPF was opened in 2004. I was very much in India during that time and more than 10 years after.
But I travel with a Czech passport. Even went to India in 2019 with it.
I don't know how to check the Indian passport status. If I don't apply for a renewal, it should expire..right?
What would be my status then? Can I renew Indian passport while having a valid Czech one?
afaik, india doesn't allow dual citizenship. you can either be an NRI or PIO/OCI. But if you're a czech citizen i think you're no longer considered an indian citizen. practically getting the money out of the pf account may not need be too complicated, may require some tricks, but it should be doable. will need to consult a CA about it.
Yes, I knew India doesn't allow dual citizenship.
I don't need/ want that money but don't want any legal trouble for it.
Yes, I'm no longer considered as Indian citizen, just remembered that I received a letter with travel visa for India from the embassy. The passport is possibly no longer valid.
The problem is I don't even know where the passbooks are. They are possibly with the Indian passport back home ( Prague)
I will speak to an accountant here in HQ, some friends here told me that he knows the proper procedure. Let's see.
I don't know any CAs personally, but i remember a friend telling me something about transfering funds to/from his pf account maybe a month ago. I'll try and get some info out of him.

What legal trouble? You had made the accounts when you were an indian citizen. i don't think just because you are no longer one, you're under any obligation to close them. It's the opposite for NRE accounts though. If repatriated, they are obliged to close/convert to a domestic account, but i know many NRIs who don't and keep using the NRE account for a long while even after coming back.
About 50k was transferred every year from the savings a/c to the PPF while I was not in India and didn't submit any ITR since 2015.
Hope I didn't break any laws there.
I'm very very cautious about income tax and never hid a single penny ( as I completed my studies from taxpayers' money)
Ok got it. The legality of that situation will need to be checked.

Just whatsapp'd my friend. He says request to withdraw the money can be made online but reason options are marriage/medical/unemployed for three months. Not sure about the legal parts.

P.s. "If he has not made / company has not contributed for more than 3 months in public pf account you. Can withdraw

In case of private pf account he can only withdraw 50% amount to the most

Rest is given as monthly pension from 58th year of age

For corona govt has given some relaxation
For withdrawal of PF

Now it's public pf or voluntary pf that you will need to check"
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Thanks mate. It's PPF account, not PF and has matured ( completed 15 years) AFAIK you can either withdraw it completely, or extend by another 5 years ( which obviously I can not as I'm not a citizen anymore)
I think you should withdraw it if you can and if you still don't want it give it to charity. The govt isn't gonna do anything useful with it. Maybe build more statues...
If possible I would transfer it to my ex wife's account for our daughter's college.
She refused to take anything from me and her parents are super rich. But the daughter is mine too and 15 years of savings in PPF is not a small amount.
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Ego and rationality are at opposite ends of the spectrum.

Humans will truly transcend only when they can overcome the ego
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Wise words indeed. Everything in my life is ****ing convoluted. My ex wife doesn't talk to me, but has long conversations with Len, in fact they are pretty close, I never have asked Len what they talk about, but possibly about raising kids etc.
While I was in Spain earlier this year and she was recovering from Corona, my ex used to call her everyday and send me a text every night with update ( but she never returned my texts..NEVER)
She's a very kind and generous person but somehow hates me, I will never know why. Never cheated on her, never had any major fights.
Even my ex father in law calls once every 3/4 months to remind me that he and his family will always be there for does his son...both are running huge businesses @ Delhi..but she NEVER calls/ reply. She emailed me our daughter's marksheet!!
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