Indianization of my phoreign wife is complete!!

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Delete ...too personal...I will carry them to grave...everone got baggages..I big deal.
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I know, we shouldn't really be sharing like this, maybe pm is still ok. I already read your post. Decided to delete my earlier comments too. Still mean them but just for privacy. Let's discuss other things lol
Yes, I've moved on... discussing these things only brings more pain, more hurt. It's ok to be imperfect...but honest.
And I shouldn't complain so much.. people are dying, loosing jobs...I am sitting in a five star hotel ordering room service...all for free!!
Julian, buddy, I really want to meet you someday.
Once I'm back from Africa, can you come for a short vacation here or anywhere in Europe..your choice..I will arrange for everything. You can check all the audio gears and get whatever you like.
We will hook you up with someone, whom you won't be able to ignore..let's bet on it..what do ya say?
Oh!! My speech turned into a comedy show today..hope everyone felt slightly better after it.
I didn't talk much about the epidemic/ lockdown..the bad effects of it..rather what are the good things that happened in life due to lockdown.
The guys specially enjoyed it..the women..lots of suppressed laughters and blushed cheeks.
Ted loved the comical presentation, he doesn't talk much or show emotions...even he almost choaked on coffee.
In the end he told me a something very satisfying...he knows about my temper and outbursts, saved my ass many times ( yet I made fun of him for the COVAX thing)
His words "son, we all knew you are crazy, but this organisation was built by crazies, run by crazies and when you leave, I can assure you this, you will be missed. And if I remain around, will trick you again into some whackey project that you can't refuse. BTW, I have enormous faith in Dr. Dittrichova too, who can tame you, can do anything"
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I often feel that all my (trivial) problems are literally nothing compared to millions or even billions who are literally suffering. But we're human, and we're always complaining.

I'll take you up on that offer someday although dunno about hooking up lol.

What speech/presentation was this? Farewell? I assume it was over Skype/video con?

He does sound like a nice person inside. It's very hard to judge a person especially based on what the media or social media portrays.

Take Modi/Rahul for example. There's the image projected by the PR/propaganda and then there's the inner character which can only be discerned by slow, long, dispassionate observation...
No, not farewell...covid damage report from Spain and some other bullshit. It was in the huge auditorium with just around 35-40 people, hundreds were watching online.
I like Ted a lot, he's humble, firmly grounded works very hard and extremely sharp ( it's not obvious from his speeches, but he's really sharp)
Don't mind me but Hindi swear words are hilarious and I can imagine how funnier it would be when yelled by your phoreign wifey.
I don't use them of course. I just find them funny when used in a bit of rage especially after a loss in an online video game haha.
Don't mind me but Hindi swear words are hilarious and I can imagine how funnier it would be when yelled by your phoreign wifey.
I don't use them of course. I just find them funny when used in a bit of rage especially after a loss in an online video game haha.

I think it’s to do with the pronunciation that makes a foreigner saying the abuse funny. Probably the same way if we abuse in Spanish/French it would sound funny to the natives.

Having said that I don’t think I have seen any foreigners abuse in Hindi atleast in India. Mostly the tourist I have seen have been extremely polite.
Everyone is polite in a foreign country buddy. Not so much in real life. Not saying my wife isn't polite ( she is very polite most of the time)
But of course I often forget she's from a different country/ culture altogether..her Bengali isn't bad...we mostly converse in Bangla/ Czech...some English, the kid is remarkable..he can speak all three ( not fluent, but very much usable, though prefer Czech)
For how long have you been married?
Wait are you luci by chance?? The one from Delhi?
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