Iniviting All Downloaders (No PC & laptop users)

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Anything on pyload ?

Also does ext4 is supported in tomato / openwrt i'm sure ext4 is not supported in dd wrt
WL Series seem to be old one, N13 & N16 are the best series (I think so).

Considering RAM & Flash memory which Asus WiFi Routers are best with WRT & can download 4-5 torrents at full speed.

Installed moServices on Asus HDP R1,
1) installed internet radio station manager works fine.
2) samba and vsftp works fine.
jijojose79 said:

Installed moServices on Asus HDP R1,

1) installed internet radio station manager works fine.

2) samba and vsftp works fine.

Congrats buddy.

Can you please try Transmission also ? Please tell no of torrents you can download & speed.

I have tested transmission in Asus O Play HDP R1, it works well, but some connectivity issue are there.

When it downloads multiple torrents, player gets more load and unable to connect from the PC :@

Performance is very poor compared to my Seagate dockstar (which has ARM processor). Oplay won't be stable for multiple longtime downloads IMO.

Thank you for feedback.

Can you tell me how many were used in multiple torrents ?

Its great even if it can handle 1-2 of 2 GB each. 1 night 2 movies download are not a bad deal. If It cant play while downloading then also its fine.

Have you tried mOServices Manager ? It has nice GUI.
I use an iOmega ix2-200. Not the best torrent client on it, but its pretty hassle free.

Provides other features such as private torrents for each user etc. Works well with 5 -6 parallel downloads and im regularly clocking ~180gigs a month.

Only downsides are

1. the things is loud... the hard disc makes noise each time it spins up or down.

2. Doesnt support http downloads etc.

But if you put it in some corner out of the way, its a good reasonable storage/downloading solution.
I have 4 (Yes Four !!!) devices capable of independent downloading through torrent

Buffalo Linkstation Live LS - CHL - Modified and rooted & currently have transmission installed runing 24/7 - Solid performance and capable of streaming movies
Belkin Play MAx Router - (Crappy default firmware) - Ugraded to DD-WRT + Transmission - Tested once - Need to get rid of WD Spin down issues (:()
Xtreamer - Has default torrent client - Possible to install transmission
Buffalo I connect - Network Adapter (torrent client installed by default) + NAS capabilties + 3 USB HDD connectivity

Thank you for sharing.

Could not find price of Buffalo Linkstation Live LS - CHL, Whats Indian market price & are u using DD WRT ?

Could not find Buffalo I connect, Can you give the URL pls ?
Praks said:
Thank you for sharing.
Could not find price of Buffalo Linkstation Live LS - CHL, Whats Indian market price & are u using DD WRT ?

Could not find Buffalo I connect, Can you give the URL pls ?

Buffalo Linkstation Live LS -CHL is around 7-8K (if you can source it) Buffalo Technology LinkStation Live 1.0TB Shared Netwo | eBay

Not using DDWRT on the linkstation - the default firmware has mods which allow shell access, install optware and hence install anything supported by optware including transmission.

OOPS.. its not buffalo Iconnect .. but IOmega Iconnect

Iconnect was for approx 100SGD

I have similar

1. Tonidoplug (primary device)

2. Asus RTN13U B1

3. Playon HD

4. Samsung EPIC (yeah for torrenting on the move with EVDO)

Recently added Seagate GO Flex Net. should get it tomorrow hopefully.
I have 4

Seagate Dockstar

Segate FAT+


Desktop P4 1.4 ( yup its old )

havent configured desktop as dockstar or FAT+ were easier option

Great review mate. You rock in downloading :)


Which hardware do you use to download among all of them.

it just aint downloading buddy. the primary use being served by the plug now is a jukebox controlled by my android phone... love this ecosystem
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