CPU/Mobo Intel "Conroe" July 23, AMD Socket F July 11


Eight weeks until Intel's new architecture
Here are two launch dates you might want to put on your calendar, July 23 and July 11. AMD will introduce its widely hyped LGA 1207-pin Socket on July 11, followed by Intel's introduction of its widely hyped Core 2 Duo Conroe processor on July 23 -- just in time for Kristopher's twenty-third birthday.

Conroe, now officially known as Core 2 Duo for desktops, is officially scheduled to launch on July 23. Intel has already stated that the company plans for Conroe to account for 40% of its desktop sales by Q1'07 -- a massive undertaking for a completely new architecture. The pricing for July 23 on Conroe is still exactly as we had published back in April. Intel allowed some benchmarks of Conroe earlier this year, with reasonably favorable results. Intel has also put out an advisory saying it will aggressively sell its 9xx and 8xx dual-core processors between June 4, 2006 and July 23, 2006 in order to dump inventory before the Conroe launch.

With the Opteron Revision F launch, we will see the new processor cores Santa Ana and Santa Rosa. Santa Ana is actually a dual-core AM2 component targeted specifically for workstations and 1U servers, while Santa Rosa is an LGA-1207 dual-core Socket F processor. There are no single-core Opteron Revision F processors. Quad-core Revision G Opterons (Deerhound) are not anticipated for at least another year.

AMD's new 1207-pin socket, dubbed Socket F, has made a few appearances on DailyTech already. The socket will be AMD's first land-grid-array (LGA) socket using the same method of contact pads for the processor found on Intel LGA-775 and LGA-771 processors. The retention clip is also a radical change for AMD.
It will take a while for Core 2 Duo to release in India, so add 30 days from US launch for us to see them hit Indian shores...
Well my rig aint for sale bcoz of conroe :p

I am going to US next month, conroe wont be available then.

I am getting new laptop from US and will be building the desktop system depending on my future plans ( education/job wise ).

Till then will be using my Dad's pc, will shift X1900XT in that.

Intel product should not take too much time to appear here. Problem will be the quality DDR2 ram and motherboards.
True funky, availability of quality DDR2 memory and motherboards locally is a major hurdle... hopefully, people will get them from the US/Singapore because prices of DDR2 memory on itdepot is way too steep.
heh, yeah. Thats the plan actiually. Only to get quality DDR2 from US. I cant bring too much this time from US as i am bringing my dad's equipments in bagage and i prefer buying mobo locally anyway. Will just get ram from there and laptop.

will mostly buy some good EPP DDR2 memory from US that too if i get it in store in chicago or boston as i wont be able to order online.

the problem is the EPP is freakin expensive even in the US at the moment.
LOL i thought this was coming in june and i could snag a cpu+mobo+ram during my august us trip for cheap. Bikey looks like u have to wait a while :p.
Well, $300 for an E6600 is not out of reach at all... in fact, the E6700 should be well within reach for you ;) Good boards are gonna cost $200 for sure... hopefully new ones will release, if not, P5WD2-E premium is the only way to go.
RiO said:
Well, $300 for an E6600 is not out of reach at all... in fact, the E6700 should be well within reach for you ;) Good boards are gonna cost $200 for sure... hopefully new ones will release, if not, P5WD2-E premium is the only way to go.
Naa no asus crap for me. I'm gonna wait for oskar to release his mobos ;).
Chaos said:
Naa no asus crap for me. I'm gonna wait for oskar to release his mobos ;).

amen ;)

btw p5wd2-e is not conroe compatible IMHO IIRC. intel bad axe rev 302 (w/ mod) onwards are :D messa will wait for DFI RD600+SB650 combo :D
Good to hear this news. Now all i need is a dx10 gfx card that supports unified shader. And i can upgrade from a intel P3 to P5 conroe(If that's what it will be called)!!!( Perhaps i am the only one who will jump from a pentium 3 to pentium 5 altogether skipping P4/amd athlon 64 !!!):clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: ::hap2: :hap2:
oh i dont know.

ASUS traditionally had killer intel boards.

archer_0042000 said:
Good to hear this news. Now all i need is a dx10 gfx card that supports unified shader. And i can upgrade from a intel P3 to P5 conroe(If that's what it will be called)!!!( Perhaps i am the only one who will jump from a pentium 3 to pentium 5 altogether skipping P4/amd athlon 64 !!!):clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: ::hap2: :hap2:

Pentium name is history. New processor names now start with CORE.

Conroe will be CORE 2 DUO.
Conroe ship date and Intel price drop... for everyone

Earlier this week, Intel held its Spring Intel Developer Forums in Shenzhen, China and Cairo, Egypt. In addition to showing off its new Bensley server architecture, the chip maker announced the Core 2 Duo's (Conroe) ship date and a series of price cuts. More importantly, the same prices across its product lineup will be offered to all customers, not just the major PC makers such as Dell, HP, and Lenovo.

The price chopping will culminate on July 23, which will also be when the Conroe starts shipping. Here's a sample of Intel's new pricing structure. Keep in mind that prices are per processor in units of 1,000.

Pentium D 960: from US$530 to US$316

Pentium D 950: from US$316 to US$224

Pentium D 920: from US$209 to US$178

Pentium D 820: from US$209 to US$113

Pentium 4 661: from US$401 to US$183

Pentium 4 541: from US$218 to US$84

Celeron 346: from US$89 to US$69.

Those are some fairly aggressive price drops. Keep in mind that all the CPUs listed will be previous-generation technology with the arrival of the Core 2 Duo. In fact, the year-old Pentium D is nothing more than a transitional design, designed to keep Intel with a toehold in the dual-core game until the Core lineup appeared. With the Core 2 Duo joining the Core Duo on the market, Intel is hoping that the price cuts will help clear out inventory.

Conroe also makes an appearance on DigiTimes price chart. The high end Core 2 Duo E6700 (2.67GHz, 1066MHz FSB) will go for US$530, with the E6600 (2.4GHz) at US$316, the E6400 (2.13GHz) at US$224, and the E6300 at US$183.