Intel did too good a job with the P-IV

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How many of you think that Intel did a little too good a job (for their own good) with the P-IV - ( netburst architecture ) - "Faster is better" marketing strategy?

here is a story ....a friend of mine managed to sell his relic of a laptop (a HP 15" XGA with a P -IV 3.2 ghz (or maybe it was 2.8) for 32K INR on ebay yesterday

I don't blame him for fleecing the buyerr since it was an auction that attracted an amazingly high number of bids...
In fact The buyer was sooo happy that he got a 2.8 Ghz machine when all that the market currently offers is laptops with 50-60 % the speed of the "bargain" buy he got!
Yes, they did...fooled the commonn Joe perfectly, almost too good for their own good.

Now a days if I go to a computer place, and even if a shopkeeper is keen on handing the guy a C2D (which is far and between) the guy says no yaar its only 1.8Ghz, my older proccy was 2.8Ghz, then walks down the road proudly with the Pentium D 3.0 dual core *shit* in hand...

Moral of the story : Good to clear out the old stocks, bad bad bad for Intel when all the old stocks will be gone...
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