Internet Download Manager lifetime license for 1405 INR, Pricing lowered to 1238.47 per license, pricing 1155.74 if 10 users (ALL FULL))

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Lifetime license for IDM at 1155.74 Indian Rupees (All slots full)
I have send payment details to first 10 users, Once payment received will confirm below:
ayments received from following users:
@hotshot05 2x license

Had a word with IDM Sales, they are offering each lifetime license for 1,238.47 INR = 14.95 USD (inclusive all taxes) in case of 6 license purchase:
Got pricing lowered.

We can get a further discount if purchasing 10 licenses upto 1,155.74 INR = 13.95 USD per license
10 USERS CONFIRMED FOR PAYMENT sending them UPI ID, have requested IDM to send custom link for 10 licenses purchase, will update when payment received from all users mentioned below.

2 slots filled (taken by me)

Additional interested/confirmed buyers for 6 user license at 14.95 USD per license:

Additional interested/confirmed buyers for 10 user license at 13.95 USD per license: (ALL FULL)
@hotshot05 ((Confirmed for 2 licenses)

Additional interested users only and only in case if someone backs-out or not interested.
@Dark lord

For some questions asked in threads below:
1. If I install IDM on my laptop/computer, if in case we upgrade the system or reformat can be use the same key on that hardware ?
==== Yes, you can do this. Hello, Please read this web page for detailed information:

2. Does IDM binds with Mac, IP or email?? Or its just the one time reg code...?
Though it's obvious and silly to ask but still asking, I guess one can't use same key with their pc and laptop in household???
Like my son has his own personal computer and laptop (he will require 2 lifetime keys/code for both devices or 1 single lifetime key/code)
=== IDM binds to hardware. To use IDM on several computers you need to purchase license for each one.

Edit: Added 3 interested/confirmed buyers to list.
Edit: Pricing with further discount if 10 users in all..
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Might be interested.... Please clear
Does IDM binds with Mac, IP or email?? Or its just the one time reg code...?
Though it's obvious and silly to ask but still asking, I guess one can't use same key with their pc and laptop in same household???
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Might be interested.... Please clear
Does IDM binds with Mac, IP or email?? Or its just the one time reg code...?
Though it's obvious and silly to ask but still asking, I guess one can't use same key with their pc and laptop in se household???
Good question, I have further asked for there inputs on this.
Will wait for reply and update here.
For us it was a key linked with name or email (Dont remember) but was linked .
I have formatted my laptop atleast 10 times since and just log in with key , no issues faced
@Kilroyquasar did it for us and it costed 1070/ , just checked in msgs on 15 May 2016
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I'm using JDownloader2 as downloader manager. What makes IDM so special?
IDM is paid software so usually has better/faster updates in response to some major changes on popular sites like YT etc which often breaks the downloading feature(from streaming sites) of such software & among paid download managers IDM is considered the best. Also, IDM is typical windows software unlike JDownloader which is java based & many ppl don't like to use/install java on their pc just to use a download manager.
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IDM is paid software so usually has better/faster updates in response to some major changes on popular sites like YT etc which often breaks the downloading feature(from streaming sites) of such software & among paid download managers IDM is considered the best. Also, IDM is typical windows software unlike JDownloader which is java based & many ppl don't like to use/install java on their pc just to use a download manager.
Sorry to jump-in , but misinformation must be stoped.

1. youtube can not be any, remotely, deciding factor for purchasing IDM.
if downloading yt is any requirement nothing come close to youtubedl/p - its free. and has many GUI for common people. officially it it has capability to snip streams from almost everything.

2. in windows ( or mac or linux) nothing come close to "ease of use" of IDM and it hands down one of the best download manager out there in terms of user interface for windows.

But the original charm of IDM is gone long back. It has serious flaws with multi-segmentation if one using high speed connection and trying to download small files ( lets say below 500mb) with inception of Win10 - IDM is in no intention to fix it- instead they are adding unwanted features/and trying to be a youtube video downloader.

in terms of raw performance - FDM ( beats IDM in every aspects, except "bells and whistles" of IDM.
From my server to home, where IDM cry reaching 24-27mbps download, FDM easily and always hits 40-41mbps.
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