Internet services in India and Egypt disrupted

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MUMBAI (Reuters) - A breakdown in an international undersea cable network badly disrupted Internet links to India and Egypt on Wednesday.

Egypt's Telecommunications Ministry said a communications cable in the Mediterranean was cut, disrupting 70 percent of the country's Internet network.

The ministry said in a statement it was not known how the cable was cut but that services would probably take several days to return to normal.

India reported serious disruptions to its services and one Indian Internet service provider linked the problem to the Egyptian outage.

"There has been a cable cut on several cable systems in Alexandria, Egypt which has impacted internet connectivity in India," Videsh Sanchar Nigam Ltd (VSNL), an internet service provider, said in a statement.

VSNL said its service had been "largely restored" by diverting to another cable.

India said it had lost more than half of its capacity.

"There has been a 50 to 60 percent cut in bandwidth," Rajesh Chharia, president of the Internet Service Providers' Association of India, told Reuters.

He told the Headlines Today news channel that a "degraded" service would be activated by Wednesday night, but full restoration will take 10 to 15 days.
Internet services in India and Egypt disrupted | Top News | Reuters

All major US Hosted sites are damn slow . including TE :(
This was why. Everything is slow for me from 12 PM today. Only indian sites are working properly.
cisco_tech said:
airtel users mostly wouldnt face slow browsing and downloading .
but currently everything is choke up .

The net's been up but it certainly feels sluggish, i think there is an effect.
^ Yup definitely! It took me 40 secs to open on my BSNL connection.

Hope my 2AM - 8AM slot tonight isn't affected :P
I felt it in office today between 2-5 p.m. It was better after that.

So this is why it happened. Good to know.
has it got anything to do with not able to connect to trackers? none of my torrent downloads are proceeding since morning.
was able to download 100 mb in 0.5 hours from rapidshare ydy before 2, now it is taking 10 hours :@, btw i am on airtel bangalore, any1 else facing this problem
cyber_cat said:
was able to download 100 mb in 0.5 hours from rapidshare ydy before 2, now it is taking 10 hours :@, btw i am on airtel bangalore, any1 else facing this problem

I am using only torrents so cannot really comment for rapidshare..Torrents working on full speed on my airtel line
When downloading from private tracker Im able to max the connection. Im getting better speeds from peers from sweden.

Anyway now the browsing speed has increased little bit. I can now open gmail etc.
That explains what happened yesterday evening. Thought it was a trojan and pretty much reinstalled everything. Nearly banged my head when there was no improvement.

Things had returned to normal by 10 pm yesterday, which insinuated that the problem lied with the ISP.
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