iPad 1 16GB for 10K... Shall I buy it?

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Hi Guys
I got an offer from a friend..
Its a 1 year old, sparingly used, iPad 1 16GB Wifi Black..
The least I can get it for is 10K..
Is it worth it? Or is it Overpriced?
Please suggest me.

Gaming - Of Course

NEW TO iOS - My First Device.. .So,i just wanna grab it...

Is it worth 10K or shall I get an iPad 2 Wifi+3g for 25K?
Right now I dont have that much budget, so checking this out...
@SumitB Its from US.. My Father's Friend is getting for 25K..

But said no.. OK... I will see the iPad today and check it..

BTW how is iOS 5 Performance on iPad 1?

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Whats this? iPad 16GB wifi for 1000 only?

Is it true guys?

Looks like Scam to me
Check it personally before buying. If the seller isn't in the same city, avoid the deal by all means. One TE guy recently lost his money on a Chinese N8 duplicate. Better safe than sorry. If you can personally try the device, nothing like it.
Actually, He is my Father's Colleague

I get to try the Device a day before Buying it..

So, No issues... And yes, he is from same city
OMG! Why are you even starting a thread like this? That is the mostest bestest deal ever. Close your eyes and buy it.

I myself own an iPad 1 and it is used like hell by all of the family members. I do a lot of gaming. And it's such a pleasure to browse and even more a pleasure to watch youtube videos on it. My non-tech-savvy mom is really using it a lot to look up health-related stuff on the internet.
dude, see the last three post, i think you know what im saying.

its the goddamn best deal, and forget ipad2.(check it before buying, cause 10k seems to be fishy. If he's genuine, forget it)

And about ios5, next worlds best mobile operating system.

Get ipad and the official update will be available at September.
OK guys..

I will get my hands on the iPad today..

Will test it for a day and then buy it,if it doesnt have any problems..

BTW, I am very much interested in it.. So no way I am Reselling it :D

Please guide me what all to check to see if it is good or not..
Check for dead pixels on the screen..
Cosmetic condition for scratches, dents on sides etc..
Home button, power button, mute button, volume rocker..
all ports work fine or not..
Browsing on Wi-Fi
@Vidirkarla.. Thanks alot.. Will def check them..

Anything on Software side? Like iOS version and others?

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Just checked the iPad..

This is just as good as new.. No Scratches or Damages.. iOS version was 3.2 (lol) and it barely had 1 note... Nothing else..

I am paying for it..


No Power adapter . :( Need to Buy it.. Will head for the store tom

USB cable seems to wear out soon.. Need to get a new one...

Thanks guys... Show-off soon.. Please PM me List of free Apps I should get...
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