Everyone recommending an ipad over a galaxy tab have not done their bit of research.You should surely get the samsung galaxy tab and i will provide compelling reasons for that.First off see this table here -http://www.pcworld.com/zoom?id=204779&page=1&zoomIdx=1 for a head-to-head comparison of the hardware in these two devices.seeing this table makes two things clear-that the ipad loses to samsung galaxy tab in hardware because it has half the ammount of Ram compared to the galaxy tab and no multitasking support,and the other is that sadly the ipad doesn't have any cameras so you can kiss video-calling goodbye.If this was not enough the Galaxy Tab's Android 2.2 operating system gives the device a number of selling points Apple's iPad can't claim, including full-featured multitasking, support for Adobe Flash, and unrestricted access to applications (Apple is notorious for censoring all sorts of material -- ranging from political satire to swimsuit-clad women -- and also for banning apps that provide functions such as free tethering and customization of the operating system).with ipad you are getting bluetooth 2.0 but galaxy tab comes with the new version 3.0.I know my point of view may be a little biased and i may have shown only all of ipads weaknessess,but there isn't much where the galaxy tab loses to the ipad.unless you can get your hands on the ipad 2 ,it is a hands-down win of the galaxy tab for me.(Now i know that the ammount of Ram is not that big a factor but it is something nonetheless and has a huge impact on applications.)