iPhone 4 launched

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Crazy stuff. I am one of those few who is yet to understand what the hype and hoopla around this device is all about.
^ Spend 30K just to know what it is? That is kinda crazy. I would rather see what it is and buy than the other way round. Never bought anything without a test drive (phone / TV / DTH / car etc).
@iGo, Fah33m, Lord Nemesis, Shripad: Wow, this thread is actually reaching a great conclusion after only 9 pages! :) Am thinking TE's senior members are wayyy more levelheaded than any forum on this planet. And I say this as a lurker and senior member from a whole lotta forums b**ching/bashing/ranting/hyping/raving about the iPhone 4. :D

Here's my last 2c.

1. iGo's right. The convenience factor and final sheer no-thinking usability of the iPhone is a huge plus factor over the Android. I look at it this way: I have my netbook, my iMac, my laptop, my DSLR cameras, my lenses to play around with and tinker. None of them are "mission critical". Now, I also have a car and a phone. I don't wanna tinker with the basics of my car - imagine a hourglass icon when I brake at 160kph! And similarly, I don't want to wait when I go to the Dialer (rare) or worry about battery life when I am on a holiday in Kenya.

2. The big differentiator for Android is the web experience (google/social networking integration) and the widgets. Which are simply the best in market. Out-of-box, customROMs whatever, iPhone doesn't come close.

3. BUT the biggest downside to every high-end Android device (especially when compared to the iPhone 4) is battery life. I won't comment on touch being more sensitive etc, it might just be a mental assumption than anything else. Battery life: The Evo 4G sucks huge balls at it. My G1 has given up after a year. The Legend seems destined to be that way also. AND the thing that pisses me off the most is that people ask me to shut off services to gain power, or download Juice Defender (brilliant app btw!) to make it better. I *just* wish more Android devices had longer battery life out-of-the-frikkin' box. All that web experience above comes to zilch if I can't use it when I want it. :)

And yes, don't ask me to "check out this app" or that phone. I've tried Nexus One, Milestone, lived with a G1 for a year now. So I know what am talkin' bout.

Even though I hate to admit it, I might end up buying an iPhone 4 simply because it's better at being a phone when I need it to be.

Different strokes for different people.


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