sabby said:@smoky
Have you used all those phones you are talking about ? Please don't rant about them just reading some reviews. Symbian handles multitasking very well. Let apple build a multitasking platrform on a measly ARM11 434Mhz processor and 128MB RAM and then we'll talk about this. :no:
Actually I was happily multi-tasking in Symbian OS on a 156MHz CPU without draining battery life too much and that more than 2 years before the first iPhone was released.

As for people criticizing other platforms without a solid basis, I think its a trend I see quite often on gsmarena as well and comes from iPhone users for the most part I guess. Most iPhone users are not geeks and quite often very ill informed about technology. Just check the comments for Samsung phones and you will see a lot of iPhone users commenting how samsung technology is all crap not knowing that the iPhone itself uses a lot of Samsung technology. Quite often a lot non apple technologies are mis attributed to apple as well claiming that Apple was the pioneer of those tech.
The number people ready to pay for iPhone doesn't change the fact that Apple makes all the decisions for those people with regards to the prodcut. It does not matter how badly a kid wants an ice cream, if the parent thinks its not a good idea, the kid wont be getting any. Its the same with how apple develops the iPhone. It doesn't matter how many people what a certain feature. It will be included only if Apple thinks it fits their vision for how people should be using their product. Why is apple banning any apps that create an alternative desktop or work with widgets? Its because they want the people to experience the phone as they intended.ashr said:So no, I don't think it proves your point. It only proves that there are millions of people who will pay a lot of money for a product that is simplified and made to look pretty.