Iphone 8gb

Where are the pics :p. Why not now? Did you lick it? What does it taste like?
Dont worry, if YOU brick it, then you have a new device 'i brick'. Dont update man. Be happy. You Have invested lots of money on a phone with warranty voided, so take care of it. With my psp, i used to play with devhook and bricked the software. I just had to re format and put the software and it worked again, but when i gained confidence, i used dark alex's software. Love your iphone, and iphone will love you.....until you lick it.
^^ Be patient.. ive been busy with office and today i took off... i bought HTC Touch yesterday around 10PM from the mobile point - colaba. i will be using that cell and my bro will use Iphone. so i think i will do photoshoots today...

BTW, my HTC touch display looks as if it doesnt have any display drivers, looks yellowish.. and the WM6.0 shade looks pathetic. its a sealed pack phone and i am frustrated since yesterday night.. bought a new phone and that too defective. any ways i can solve this problem? else i m going to dealer again for replacement today afternoon. :(
wtf.. no man.. the phone had display faults it had like 9300K temp color.. all things looked yellow and the col0ors were easily distinguised on taskbar of tht phone. i went there rite now and he took it back. hoping for replacement around 4pm. will update this thread with pics later this evening...
yeh man.. i like to please everyone around here to please past bad experience ;) i want to use HTC Touch so Iphone is going to his name.. lol but we may exchange when we get bored of each others piece.. and well... i need office feature like word/excel/powerpoint
current status of Iphone: sent to the person back twice as incoming messages were not able 2 receive.. upgraded to firmware 1.1.1 and sent back to that person for another unlock for the 3rd time.. getting piece back today afternoon. hope incoming sms works :p

another good news is that i bought HTC Touch last tuesday.. there will b combined review of Iphone 8GB and HTC Touch all together near this weekend

Hope you peeps have patience till evening for all together new sho off for pics of both the cell :)
^^ Thanks man.. i am proud owner of both of the best phone in its line.. anyways will try posting review on thursday as holiday on that day with hi-res 2Megapixel pics ;)
^Lol..thts why i specifically mentioned htc touch..:p To me iphone seems to b an overhyped/overpriced/underperforming piece of junk... but thts just me...

No need to feel bad, beasty...:p Its your money and u know best how to utilize it..:D

*I dont want to start a flame war here with the iphone fanbois..To each his own...:p If u are happy with the product, thts all tht matters. But i wud buy a WM phone anyday over the iphone....*
^^I second that....WM phones are much better in functionality, but You cant deny the tempting lure of the Iphone over any other phone existing today ;)
^ Lol, i seriously dont feel tempted at all..not by its looks and definitely not by its features(or the lack of it) and performance(?)...:p I wud prefer a brick shaped phone if it had gr8 features to offer. Leave the looks for the gals..:p