iPhone OS 3.1 Jailbroken!

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Great news :ohyeah: but piracy related link not allowed on TE :cool2:

Please remove torrent link ... google helps everyone :D
@kekerode: Just because it's torrent or it's on Piratebay doesn't mean it's Pirated Stuff mate...

On Topic... Downloading pwnagetool as we speak (or writing)... already downloaded the 3.1 firmware. Hope things go smooth. :P
we have a dedicated sticky thread here on TE "" torrent invitation thread""

if piracy is not allowed here or to be discussed here, then wats the need for such kind of threads!!
Ooopsie... made a major boo-boo... :P

1) First stupidity: Instead of booting in Recovery Mode, went into DFU mode... restoring with Custom Firmware failed with (1600) error code.

2) Second stupidity: Restarted back in normal mode, tried updating with Custom Firmware twice. Failed. In my stupid haste, accidentally updated phone with Standard Firmware instead of Custom one (pwned). After updating I realized that I updated with normal firmware... so went back in Recovery Mode. This time proper recovery mode. Now the Custom Firmware restore started failing with (1604) error code... some progress.

Got pissed at myself... then I realized that by accidentally updating to Stock Firmware, I have unpwned my phone. Created another Custom Firmware, but this time when pwnagetool prompted "if this phone was pwned before...", instead of selecting YES, selected NO.

Voila... iPhone is getting restored with Custom Firmware... bwahahahaha!!!

PS: Reason for this rant... there might be other impatient, blind, stupid users around here... who might run into similar problem. Even if that's not the case... let this be a lesson to anyone, who might commit the same stupidity as me. :P


Ai ai aiee... Looks like Springboard crashes are real as noted on interwebs. Can't get winterboard working as of now. iPhone running in safe mode. I thought I would go and hit the bed after update... looks like this is going to take some time. Somehow I think it was the AptBackup... shouldn't have used that. Hmmmmm.
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So I just jailbroke my 3G on my Hackint0sh and here are the few things I noticed ...

Setting up homescreens has never been easier, best thing is that it even displays Cydia apps, which I wasn't expecting :P


however winterboard is broken (restarts in safe mode) and so is SBsettings(power off/restart don't work)

Guess will have to stick to the default UI before an updated version is released :(
Just got an update notification in Cydia, installed the mobilesubstrate update and got everything working now :D
Ever since i sold my iPhone 2G. i am missing the fun. I mean I'd just loved these JB,Unlock,New Cydia App. :)
Happy JBing and Unlocking Guys !!
I am entering into Berry World in a few days. :D
So is it safe to jailbreak 3.1 using pwnage tool on the 3G? Hope no one is losing their unlocks if done properly using custom firmware. Will update mine during the weekend if there are no red flags!
Jailbroke my 3G using custom firmware, installed ultrasn0w, and no signal :( My baseband is still 4.26.08 but bootloader is 06.02. Is that the problem? Any ideas whats going wrong?
Just upgraded and jailbroke my uncle's 2G (Which I'm using for a few weeks) to 3.1

LOVE the way you can organise home screens on iTunes! (As posted by thexfactor)
Trying to restore the iPod touch 2g with 3.13 OS, put the ipod in DFU mode by following method

1.holding power and home button exactly 10 seconds,

2.Release power button on 11th second

3.continue pressing home button for 10 seconds

i am getting black screen only and when i try to restore using shift + restore , i am getting 1601 error :-(

please help me out...
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