Since I'm on a rampage for exhausting my bank balance, I have decided to get at least one Apple accessory/product before I die.
I was looking forward to getting an Ipod Nano initially, but my friend said it's better to get an Ipod Touch 2G. So I looked up on Ebay and found jj_mehta selling the 2G 8GB version for like 10.2k. Is this a good deal?
My main priority is la musica and video play back. So I need a kick ass quality when it comes to audio. I have heard the audio quality of an Ipod nano and an Iphone too, do all of them have similar quality? Will an EP-630 earphone make a difference compared to it's default earphones?
Comments b*tches!
I was looking forward to getting an Ipod Nano initially, but my friend said it's better to get an Ipod Touch 2G. So I looked up on Ebay and found jj_mehta selling the 2G 8GB version for like 10.2k. Is this a good deal?
My main priority is la musica and video play back. So I need a kick ass quality when it comes to audio. I have heard the audio quality of an Ipod nano and an Iphone too, do all of them have similar quality? Will an EP-630 earphone make a difference compared to it's default earphones?
Comments b*tches!