Iron Maiden concert

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Anybody hear back from Ticketpro? I blocked tickets on their website which says tickets will be dispatched in 2-3 weeks (which means I can expect them a few days after the concert :S ) Also the facility to book tickets online is still not up so how are they planning to collect payment anyway?

Are they available from any outlets?
@nukeu666 : I am guessing you are having somebody in Bangalore get them for you. Coz their site says details for outstation bookings will be put up in "a short time"... If i were staying outside Bangalore i would be starting to fret about now...
Ticketpro will take time but it'l come. DNA had confirmed that. The thing is hey were taking time to finalize sponsors (which should be done by now) and so that probably hung up the printing of tickets. I think he first batch will goto Ticketpro and the second to the stores etc.. It'l be in stores in a few days.
last i heard was they are going to start cod / pickup spots for bangalore people from 7th march ... call up to confirm.
Retail outlet details are now available on Ticketpro.. This might be old info, if so pardon me, I just found out.
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