Only country that can be compared here is China, population of nations like South Korea is too small to take them as reference for anything as what works there will likely won't work here at a much larger population base.
China isn't the best model to follow. if you're looking for a larger population base there is the US
Most important thing to take from China is not their one party forced industrialization reforms but rather their push in education & health sector.
They might have achieved more in terms of education but in terms of health sector we did better than China in the pandemic. Way better. This was the only country in the world trying to help others in terms of meds and vaccines whereas everyone else was stockpiling beyond their requirement and even crimping raw materials to us.
It is common logic that a country which doesn't have good basic education system & basic healthcare will never achieve overall progress even if it acquires nukes & become a trillion dollar economy. Instead of wasting time & efforts on things like farm laws it would have better output wise to instead focus on reforming basic education & higher education system as well as basic healthcare system. Instead, govt is wasting time & effort on "curating syllabus" to remove things like evolution & periodic table.
Disagree and I'll tell you why. And please spare me the opposition rhetoric. Since forever people have made the argument you are. So clearly you don't understand.
The solution is everything else but what you said. What we need is to grow the economy consistently for the next two decades. Everything falls into place after that. Our education system produces enough people. So many that there is a surplus that goes abroad. Didn't Obama say American kids had to compete with kids from Bangalore?
Having lived in the West for many years, I can tell you that education levels there were lower. In the UK until the 90s the number of people who went to university was just 5%. Most got jobs after school and worked their way up. In the US the university education level was 20%. Because jobs were available afforded by an economy that needed people. During the pandemic, we learnt 60% of Americans live from one paycheck to the next. That is why they needed such a big fiscal stimulus. Then people made online orders and the ports got clogged. Online grew bigtime, they hired more people and now no more pandemic so Amazon has to lay off over 25,000 people because they were mostly temp hires for a crazy surge brought on by fiscal stimulus..
Education is a racket in India. In China which you mention as a reference, XJP went after the coaching business a year or so back. Shut them down. Imagine the outcry if the same happened here.
Are the laws in a state conducive to business? Labour laws what are they like? Hire and fire is the way. Reforming them proved to be too big a fight back in 2015.
Half of the GDP of this country is generated by India Un-Inc. That is everyone from the flower seller to small businesses.
How much interest to pay on a business loan? If you have to pay 8% and your competition pays 2% then there will be more business and jobs in that country than here. Simple.
The Morgan Stanley report that everyone is raving about
GDP per capita doubles from what it is today in 2032
There you go