Is India a big market a big lie?

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And fundamentally, nations like India and China are too big in population size to ever be developed. You cannot instill common sense and civic sense and harmony and rationality and fairness with such large diaspora. Even minor differences will be bigger than western nations which have a fraction of our population.
Yet the two accounted for half the world's GDP for two millennia. So what does developed mean?

Quantum of arable land is almost equal between US and India, but we have to feed multiples of population vs US.
Percentages work out as I said. We are food secure. Believe it. That goal was achieved twenty years ago. India surpassed the US in milk production that long ago.

This is why any reports (mostly foreign) about 'hunger' in India are ignorant.
India's market is big and in one way it's a bad thing.

Our domestic brands can't produce comparable products that can compete in developed countries. Because they don't have to as domestic market is so big that they can dump all their crap here itself. This is not possible for small countries like Bangladesh and vietnam. So their brands have to improve the product to make them comparable to standards of developed countries.
Interesting take. But our drugs sell abroad pretty well as do our vaccines.
Had our domestic market been small, you would have seen Bajaj on american roads.
Big in Africa where Indian motorbikes replaced Chinese
Yet the two accounted for half the world's GDP for two millennia. So what does developed mean?

Percentages work out as I said. We are food secure. Believe it. That goal was achieved twenty years ago. India surpassed the US in milk production that long ago.

This is why any reports (mostly foreign) about 'hunger' in India are ignorant.

Interesting take. But our drugs sell abroad pretty well as do our vaccines.

Big in Africa where Indian motorbikes replaced Chinese

Our GNI and per person income is still poor, and will remain poor the way things are. The poorer are not becoming middle class, and the middle class is not getting rich. The rich are becoming richer. There's financial saturation happening with the cream at the top (like many other economies) - but developed economies can still survive since PPP is higher. India's PPP is unlikely to hit high numbers for majority of Indians.
The QoL in such highly populated countries will always be debatable. We are already seeing an major impact on brain development, autistic numbers, infertility, chronic disease etc due to rampant pollution in most North Indian cities. And it'll only increase. That's not a developed nation.

We are hardly food secure. Production and distribution are different things. And as I said before, which was convenienly overlooked, we have a much much larger population to feed in the same arable land as USA.
Interesting take. But our drugs sell abroad pretty well as do our vaccines.
It's mostly western brands producing drugs in India. Or at least licensing to a local company. Cheap labour.

Same thing with covishield vaccine. Don't believe in 56-inch lies. It was developed in the UK without any involvement of a single indian scientist. But it was mass produced in India. Taking credit for it would be like china taking credit for developing iPhones and teslas.

Big in Africa where Indian motorbikes replaced Chinese
Africa, latin america aren't developed. They want cheap alternatives to Japanese. I was talking about competing in developed nations by building world class products. I will believe it when americans trade in their iphones for micromax.
Our GNI and per person income is still poor, and will remain poor the way things are. The poorer are not becoming middle class, and the middle class is not getting rich. The rich are becoming richer. There's financial saturation happening with the cream at the top (like many other economies) - but developed economies can still survive since PPP is higher. India's PPP is unlikely to hit high numbers for majority of Indians.
The way to deal with income disparity is to grow the national GDP. It's when growth is low that the disparity increases. Didn't you listen to the Morgan Stanley guy? And Indan PPP is more than the West which is why on those terms we are already third.

Look, PPP is easy to understand. Assume both India & Sweden donate $1 bn worth of aid to Afghanistan. Which country will be able to provide better bang for the buck? Obviously, India because labour and materials are cheaper here. Why don't you apply that thinking domestically?
The QoL in such highly populated countries will always be debatable. We are already seeing an major impact on brain development, autistic numbers, infertility, chronic disease etc due to rampant pollution in most North Indian cities. And it'll only increase. That's not a developed nation.
Look hard enough and you can make a similar argument about developed countries as well.
We are hardly food secure. Production and distribution are different things. And as I said before, which was convenienly overlooked, we have a much much larger population to feed in the same arable land as USA.
Yes, we are. Do we have enough, yes. Distribution is secondary and does not mean we are not food secure.

The idea was to increase the income for the farmers with the farm reforms. And that got torpedoed, didn't it? Until you can attract investment into the agricultural sector things will not reach the level they should be. You cannot blame the govt for this. A reform that was 30 years late got stymied by the parochial interests of just one state.
It's mostly western brands producing drugs in India. Or at least licensing to a local company. Cheap labour.

Same thing with covishield vaccine. Don't believe in 56-inch lies. It was developed in the UK without any involvement of a single indian scientist. But it was mass produced in India. Taking credit for it would be like china taking credit for developing iPhones and teslas.
China does so why shouldn't we? You forget we do generics and that is thanks to Indira who said when it comes to patient vs. patent the patient wins.

Ever hear about AIDS these days? no, why. because of India.

When Western medicine worked out to $1000/month and the Indian equivalent is $50 lives are saved across the world, especially in Africa. When your loved ones live longer people remember. Every US president since Clinton has tried to screw with Indian pharma. Bush deserves credit for not doing so.

Do you think they were happy we could produce covishield for cheaper than Pfizer? they were limiting APIs to us when we needed it the most.

Why do you forget Covaxin that comes from your own city. Was that not indigenous? I'd pick covaxin over Covisheild.

India makes 70% of the world's vaccines as well as generics. We supplied HCQ to over 150 countries at the height of the pandemic.
Africa, latin america aren't developed. They want cheap alternatives to Japanese. I was talking about competing in developed nations by building world class products. I will believe it when americans trade in their iphones for micromax.
Start small then take over the world. I would not knock the revenue earned. Why do you? Have you any idea how many decades went into getting to the point where one can claim this.

Why so damn harsh man. You give the West a pass when they slam us for arbitrary things. I'm all for taking credit wherever and pushing it in their faces.

We write our own narrative and not anyone else. Remember that.
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Ever hear about AIDS these days? no, why. because of India.

When Western medicine worked out to $1000/month and the Indian equivalent is $50 lives are saved across the world, especially in Africa. When your loved ones live longer people remember. Every US president since Clinton has tried to screw with Indian pharma. Bush deserves credit for not doing so.

Do you think they were happy we could produce covishield for cheaper than Pfizer? they were limiting APIs to us when we needed it the most.

Why do you forget Covaxin that comes from your own city. Was that not indigenous? I'd pick covaxin over Covisheild.

India makes 70% of the world's vaccines as well as generics. We supplied HCQ to over 150 countries at the height of the pandemic.

There is so much wrong here.

Why don't we talk about AIDS ? Because AIDS is passe. There are newer and shinier diseases and negative stories to talk about and get riled up. There is still no treatment. Only prolonging the inevitable. And trust me being an AIDS patient is no cakewalk with whatever drugs we have. I know. I've worked on them for over a year in one of the most AIDS prone areas in India - Manipur (the cost of getting AIDS is almost zero in a few towns in Manipur is since nearly 1/3rd kids are now borne with AIDS).
Once the cocktail stops working, life is hell.
Did India product generic drugs to drive costs down ? Yes. Do you know the level of QC on those drugs ? No. Can you buy any brand and expect the same level of PK/PD/BA ? Absolutely not.
Producing things cheap and producing things with quality are different. I work in the industry. Get off your unicorn.

Anybody who prefers Covaxin over Covishield is not even worth talking to IMO. The Covaxin clinical studies were a mess, just absolute garbage. If you have any ounce of scientific understanding in the grey and white matter, read those studies. Read what's published. Then understand how CTs in India work. Covaxin is just bottom pile of stagnant poo.

HCQ has no role in Covid. God, I feel like I'm back by a couple of years. Pseudoscientific nonsense.
There is so much wrong here.

Why don't we talk about AIDS ? Because AIDS is passe. There are newer and shinier diseases and negative stories to talk about and get riled up. There is still no treatment. Only prolonging the inevitable. And trust me being an AIDS patient is no cakewalk with whatever drugs we have. I know. I've worked on them for over a year in one of the most AIDS prone areas in India - Manipur (the cost of getting AIDS is almost zero in a few towns in Manipur is since nearly 1/3rd kids are now borne with AIDS).
Once the cocktail stops working, life is hell.
Did India product generic drugs to drive costs down ? Yes. Do you know the level of QC on those drugs ? No. Can you buy any brand and expect the same level of PK/PD/BA ? Absolutely not.
Producing things cheap and producing things with quality are different. I work in the industry. Get off your unicorn.
India made AIDS care affordable. And this is the kicker, at the global level. Period. You agreed and I got my point. Not going to get into ifs and buts because you get that with any other drugs as well.
Anybody who prefers Covaxin over Covishield is not even worth talking to IMO. The Covaxin clinical studies were a mess, just absolute garbage. If you have any ounce of scientific understanding in the grey and white matter, read those studies. Read what's published. Then understand how CTs in India work. Covaxin is just bottom pile of stagnant poo.
My doctor said there was no difference. And I'd trust a vaccine built to Indian conditions than one from the UK if only because I don't live there. Any day and recommend others do as well.

You're the only one I'd seen saying this. All the people I listen to recommend it. For no reason they were holding up acceptance at the WHO whereas real junk like Sinopharm went through just fine. All the countries that took Chinese were begging for Indian vaccines after.

And then we had these losers who were begging to import Pfizer because they could not trust a vaccine made here. Some Bollywood jokers on this list. This is your typical opposition nonsense. Makes you feel inadequate all the time instead of proud and confident. Why would anyone with half a brain listen to them in the first place?
HCQ has no role in Covid. God, I feel like I'm back by a couple of years. Pseudoscientific nonsense.
That is not the point. There was a demand. India met it. Nobody else could. To 150 countries as well :oops:

In India HCQ was a standard protocol for doctors when the pandemic began. Pointed this out back in the day. If it had no role why was everyone so desperate for it?

When the pandemic began, nobody had a clue. Govts were scrambling as they did not know what would happen. Doctors were no better. They spent at least three months trying different things, in other words learning how not to kill people. Nobody has time to go through all the tests. If anecdotal worked you tried it and many did. Doctors btw, not lay people trying to self-administer because that usually did not end up well.
You're wasting your time on someone who uncritically consumes US Republicans' propaganda.
Only when they are in charge. Key point. Today they are the opposition. So quoting what was done during a Republican era govt is perfectly fine and should be the default position. Besides Republicans, if you take the Bush administration have been largely beneficial for India.

I was schooling a nephew on how to be media savvy the other day and he comes up with this fair and balanced crap.

I told them that came from an era when you had reporters and correspondents, that's what they were called. They reported on what happened and let you make your mind up. PBS is probably the only channel I've come across that is still like this.

These days they are called journalists and they inject their opinions into the report. There are a lot of third-rate activists mostly of your liberal left variety that end up in these jobs and they have agendas to push. I told him to watch out for those types. It's not difficult to spot because this lot only knows to be negative. That is not being critical, that is just bashing to push an agenda.

The only media worth consuming is one biased towards the govt or neutral in the sense it isn't anti. This isn't difficult to spot, it's positive, informative and may include a feel-good factor. The last is optional, first two are not.

This works with any country and you can quickly figure out what is going on and triage people who claim to come from there into pro and against. Just ignore the against and stick with the pro and you will know what the govt is doing. That really is the hardest bit. Once you get it then you can try to be critical. But most won't have the time to get that far except in a few narrow areas.

Not that difficult is it
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The only media worth consuming is one biased towards the govt or neutral in the sense it isn't anti. This isn't difficult to spot, it's positive, informative and may include a feel-good factor. The last is optional, first two are not.
Lol. So, just listen to govt. propaganda day and night and reject all those who question the government which we chose?
Sorry, I have a spine. :confused:
My doctor said there was no difference. And I'd trust a vaccine built to Indian conditions than one from the UK if only because I don't live there. Any day and recommend others do as well.

You're the only one I'd seen saying this. All the people I listen to recommend it. For no reason they were holding up acceptance at the WHO whereas real junk like Sinopharm went through just fine. All the countries that took Chinese were begging for Indian vaccines after.

And then we had these losers who were begging to import Pfizer because they could not trust a vaccine made here. Some Bollywood jokers on this list. This is your typical opposition nonsense. Makes you feel inadequate all the time instead of proud and confident. Why would anyone with half a brain listen to them in the first place?

Sorry, but time to ditch your doctor. Unfortunately most doctors in India neither participate in any clinical studies nor know how such studies are done. They have no clue on robust vs shit studies.
I know this as I've spent 5 years training many big name in certain specialties on how to even formulate a hypothesis. And still 99% refuse to do a study as it needs extreme time commitment and dedication.
Many Indian pharma companies lobby doctors by "giving" them publications. Quick and dirty 1-3 months research, done by a shadow agency and published by a ghost writer. Ever so common.
Now we come to drug and device trials. Unfortunate truth is most of the studies are outsourced to big CROs, who will further outsource them to no name small players, whose only job is to finish enrollment and provide data which will help reach the objective and endpoints of the sponsor. Again, have spent my career in the industry, I know. Finding ethical CROs is the most difficult part of the game.
It's not hidden the way BB did their studies. Unconsented or falsely consented patients, fabricated data, poor collection and record of safety incidents etc. "Most" people advocate BB due to chest thumping patriotism. Fortunately science gives two shits about you, me or the country of study. BB trials are utter garbage, and anyone who promotes BB vaccine needs to re-do their basic graduation and questioning abilities. It is junk, rubbish.
Covishield helped, but none of the vaccines, including mRNA ones could have kept up with the rapid evolution of the virii. Even the most developed of cold chains and virii discovery for flu vaccines can only counter for a small subsection of flu virii in previous seasons. With borders opening, the vaccines never stood a chance. They did help fight the infection with much lesser consequences.
Sinopharm was also bottom barrel vaccine. Approved due to China and WHO collab.
Doesn't mean BB's vaccine was good. Two wrongs don't make a right.

In India HCQ was a standard protocol for doctors when the pandemic began. Pointed this out back in the day. If it had no role why was everyone so desperate for it?

Because no one had a clue. Useless virality of pseudoscience caused millions to take HCQ, Ivermectin, Remdesavir (which would itself have caused many deaths).
It's a virus - none of the drugs tried in the original wave were affective. And we got those signals quite early on too. But doctors have a force of habit TO DO SOMETHING. It's difficult for a doctor to let go. You always want to control the situation. And of course, there's money. Huge money to be made consulting and recommending the same useless meds to thousands of patients, and for the hospitals to bill god knows how many antibiotics for nothing.
Speculation, irresponsibility and money.
The only media worth consuming is one biased towards the govt or neutral in the sense it isn't anti. This isn't difficult to spot, it's positive, informative and may include a feel-good factor. The last is optional, first two are not.
So you mean in the past when congress govt was in power at the centre & the media/channel that supported it were right & worth watching at that time & in future when someone else than bjp comes to power at centre then any media/channel that support it should be worth watching.
  • Haha
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there is a relevant article on the ken, but sadly its paywalled
the basic premise is that around 10M upper middle class ish users are what's driving most of India's growth. The numbers below are not economically feasible to reach,
I have read that article & agreed with it. They have another article explaining why India will not have a $100 billion internet company anytime soon based on this 10M users base.
Lol. So, just listen to govt. propaganda day and night and reject all those who question the government which we chose?
Sorry, I have a spine. :confused:
Nine out of ten times they are pushing an agenda on a topic you know nothing about. Until you do and this will happen very few times you are in no position to criticise anything at all. They fearmonger about things that will never happen. The opposition is irresponsible and hence can say whatever because ultimately they are unaccountable. They always get a rise and get people to react emotionally.

Is this having a spine? no, it shows you have no clue. Wasting time going down all the rat holes they invite you into.

I believe everything the govt and military say until shown otherwise. This is a great time saver. Govt changes I go with whatever that govt says. The one in office.

It took a long time to figure this out. Too damn long. To unlearn things people taught you.

This simple formula works with any country and you don't even need to live there to have an idea what is going on. Not these days with social media.
So you mean in the past when congress govt was in power at the centre & the media/channel that supported it were right & worth watching at that time & in future when someone else than bjp comes to power at centre then any media/channel that support it should be worth watching.
Yes, Rinse and repeat with any ruling party of any country. Simple as that.

Remember, liking the govt is optional. Understanding what it is doing is not.

Understand what the govt of the day is doing. Then you know the real history later.
Covishield helped, but none of the vaccines, including mRNA ones could have kept up with the rapid evolution of the virii. Even the most developed of cold chains and virii discovery for flu vaccines can only counter for a small subsection of flu virii in previous seasons. With borders opening, the vaccines never stood a chance. They did help fight the infection with much lesser consequences.
Sinopharm was also bottom barrel vaccine. Approved due to China and WHO collab.
Doesn't mean BB's vaccine was good. Two wrongs don't make a right.
Your argument is Covishield got more tests so it's better in that sense. But it's been a while now. Have you seen the latest studies for covaxin? Back then the testing might have been inadequate but there has been enough time. Course there will be a difference in numbers. I remember doctors on NewsX promoting Covaxin over covisheild and I had no reason to doubt them. Dont think I bookmarked those clips though.

Either of these two is safer than mRNA which has caused some negative reactions in people.

And the big question is if these vaccines were not so great what is in store for us? Some think the virus is regrouping to come back in a more deadly form later. This got challenged by someone I asked this who said that was not how the flu from hundred years ago behaved. It was most deadly at the outset and got weaker over time.

In other words things are still 50-50
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Yes, Rinse and repeat with any ruling party of any country. Simple as that.

Remember, liking the govt is optional. Understanding what it is doing is not.

Understand what the govt of the day is doing. Then you know the real history later.
What you are saying makes no sense. So congress back in 2004-2014 was right but not after 2014 while bjp was not right/worth listening to in 2004-2014 but now right/worth listening to since 2014. You should first understand that India is not exactly a mature democracy so any govt formed by winning elections here is not automatically supposed to be right/worth listening to all the time. Are you even aware that difference in bjp & opposition vote share in last LS election was 37.36% while nda combined vote share was around 45% of the total votes polled so not even 50% of the population who voted(which itself was around 60% of the total population) chose bjp/nda so how can you even think that it can do no wrong/always think of people beyond its core base of 20-30% of the population? Yes you should give govt of the day at least a chance but never assume that whatever it is doing is always right. For thinking that govt of the day is always right that is not exactly democracy, you can see it clearly in Russia under Putin who can do no wrong as per Russian law/Russia.
What you are saying makes no sense. So congress back in 2004-2014 was right but not after 2014 while bjp was not right/worth listening to in 2004-2014 but now right/worth listening to since 2014.
If you follow power then it does. Think of the people who work for govt. They don't get to question. They follow orders. There is a hierarchy.

The govt of the day makes the laws, policies and history. In any country. History is written by the victors.

If you want to challenge former practitioners be they bureaucrats, diplomats or the military then you have to understand what the policy of the govt they served under was like.

I'm taking a realist view here. No right or wrong, no good or bad. Only strength and the willingness to use it.
You should first understand that India is not exactly a mature democracy so any govt formed by winning elections here is not automatically supposed to be right/worth listening to all the time. Are you even aware that difference in bjp & opposition vote share in last LS election was 37.36% while nda combined vote share was around 45% of the total votes polled so not even 50% of the population who voted(which itself was around 60% of the total population) chose bjp/nda so how can you even think that it can do no wrong/always think of people beyond its core base of 20-30% of the population?
We run elections with over 800m people and get a legitimate govt. Not like what you saw in the last US election.

Also, the fact that they are piling one case after another on someone who is the legitimate leader of the opposition aka Trump. In order to ensure he never runs again.

So how would you explain that for a mature democracy?

If you check my posts from a decade ago I used to fight with people who would allege fraud with EVMs just because their party lost.
Yes you should give govt of the day at least a chance but never assume that whatever it is doing is always right. For thinking that govt of the day is always right that is not exactly democracy, you can see it clearly in Russia under Putin who can do no wrong as per Russian law/Russia.
You only learn that later. The fact is it's really hard to lie in a democracy. You're going to get called out. Big lies will ensure your party never sees office for the next decade. And we know the main goal of any party is to enter office and retain it. What is left? Smaller lies. The kind they can get away with. Do those lies matter? no.

Look at the blunders China has made and try to find any in this country since independence. I don't see too many where their govt policy resulted in disasters the people of that country experienced. We resolved there will be no famines and we will do whatever to make sure it does not happen.

I'm not saying to be a slave. If you genuinely have an issue then you are free to oppose, challenge and do whatever. That is your right as a citizen of a free country. Never forget that.

My focus is only to understand WTH is going on. That can be very challenging given the amount of noise out there. There is a battle of narratives going on.

Reduce the noise, signal goes up
So you mean in the past when congress govt was in power at the centre & the media/channel that supported it were right & worth watching at that time & in future when someone else than bjp comes to power at centre then any media/channel that support it should be worth watching.
I'll give you another example. Congress recerntly won in my state. So while I support the BJP at the centre I cannot listen to them when it comes to matters about my state. EVEN IF I AGREE with what they say.

I have to find media/commentators that are sympathetic or neutral to Congress if I am to understand what is going on in my state. They are the ones with the access, the scoops etc.

Get with the program, so to speak. Those are the rules.
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If you follow power then it does. Think of the people who work for govt. They don't get to question. They follow orders. There is a hierarchy.

The govt of the day makes the laws, policies and history. In any country. History is written by the victors.

If you want to challenge former practitioners be they bureaucrats, diplomats or the military then you have to understand what the policy of the govt they served under was like.

I'm taking a realist view here. No right or wrong, no good or bad. Only strength and the willingness to use it.
Following orders strictly is for military & even there there are certain exceptional circumstances where a person can refuse an order. We are talking about civilian govt here, ppl have the option to disagree & resign instead of blindly following orders.

We run elections with over 800m people and get a legitimate govt. Not like what you saw in the last US election.

Also, the fact that they are piling one case after another on someone who is the legitimate leader of the opposition aka Trump. In order to ensure he never runs again.

So how would you explain that for a mature democracy?

If you check my posts from a decade ago I used to fight with people who would allege fraud with EVMs just because their party lost.
Only majority rule/winning elections is not democracy, if 2 wolves & a sheep decide to vote on whether to eat the sheep then it is not democracy but rather winning by the number/majority rule. Trump mange to did something which even USSR at its height of power couldn't do, causing invasion of Capitol Hill. Courts there are not afraid to file cases against him unlike here where filing case against any major politicians takes years to even start the serious arguments in hearings. In US even Trump can get arrested & tried & declared guilty but here chances of something similar happening is practically nil.

You only learn that later. The fact is it's really hard to lie in a democracy. You're going to get called out. Big lies will ensure your party never sees office for the next decade. And we know the main goal of any party is to enter office and retain it. What is left? Smaller lies. The kind they can get away with. Do those lies matter? no.

Look at the blunders China has made and try to find any in this country since independence. I don't see too many where their govt policy resulted in disasters the people of that country experienced. We resolved there will be no famines and we will do whatever to make sure it does not happen.

I'm not saying to be a slave. If you genuinely have an issue then you are free to oppose, challenge and do whatever. That is your right as a citizen of a free country. Never forget that.

My focus is only to understand WTH is going on. That can be very challenging given the amount of noise out there. There is a battle of narratives going on.

Reduce the noise, signal goes up
What are you talking about? Biggest lie being peddled for years aka "poverty removal" has been in action for decades & still work somewhat & used by every party in some way even today. You keep saying "China blunders" but look at reality, China can see eye to eye with US which India won't be able to do even in next 50 years. If someone is free to oppose as their citizen's right then no govt of the day should have any issue with it. Reducing the noise indeed make signal go up but identifying which is signal & which is noise is also important.
You are conflating liberalism with democracy. Democracy is simply people's rule - demos-kartos. Liberalism on the other hand deals with rights, equality, liberty etc.
You are the one who is confused. Liberalism is a subset of democracy, it cannot exist outside of it. Also, even by the narrow definition of people's rule, any nation electing govt with less than around 90% of the population of the nation voting & electing it fails on that standard. If a govt is elected on the basis of 60% of the population voting out of which it got 45% votes then it certainly isn't "people's rule" where more than 50% of the population didn't choose that govt unless you are saying the portion of the population who did choose the govt is superior & their choice outweigh rest of the population.
Your argument is Covishield got more tests so it's better in that sense. But it's been a while now. Have you seen the latest studies for covaxin? Back then the testing might have been inadequate but there has been enough time. Course there will be a difference in numbers. I remember doctors on NewsX promoting Covaxin over covisheild and I had no reason to doubt them. Dont think I bookmarked those clips though.

I've spent my career in this field - clinical trials and the like. Go ahead and believe whatever you want from the media you consume and the "experts" on the TV.
Too tired of the stupidity of the responses to continue this conversation.
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