Well, that depends on what definition of culture you consider. If you consider all the useless regressive traditions and practices that have been passed down the generations to be culture, we are definitely "culture rich" in that there is too much to count, but if you consider only the intellectual achievements and refinement of what is good, not so much or at least not so different from any of the other countries.
Evolution and progress means that every generation is refining what has been passed down to them by keeping and improving on the good things and discarding the bad things. Even trying to keep everything intact in the name of preserving culture and traditions is itself a form of degeneration since it means that there is nobody good enough left to refine it further. The excuse for that is that we are flawless and everything we have is the pinnacle of perfection. Basically self denial.
We have had the practice of Sati for nearly 3500 years in our history. It was nothing more than a devious practice that arose from greed. When attempts were made to put an end to the practice during the British rule, there was massive resistance in the country all in the name of preserving our culture and traditions. Even after it was banned, organizations like RSS tried their best to bring it back. It still continues to this day in some regions. Same goes for child marriage. Almost every country in the world has had child marriages at one point of time, but over the years they evolved enough to reject it. But in India its still rampart despite bans. I had a couple of classmates at college who have had child marriage. One of the guys showed me his marriage photo and told me how he and his wife at ages 8 and 6 were sedated and then married.
I just feel that Religion shouldn't have a place in a modern society.
Religion was never supposed to become this rigid. It was never supposed to be more than just a set of guidelines so that one can become a better member of the society. Those guidelines were supposed to change with time as the society changes with time.
There were very important reasons behind those guidelines. Like, for instance, cows provided us with milk and dung as fertilizer. Not to mention, the bulls were used for tilling the land. So they had an important place in society. One can even say that there were strong scientific reasons for most of the religious bans. Religion just proved to be an easier tool to make the people follow the laws.
And that's why I think that Religion is out of place in today's society where we have written laws.
With the kind of population we have, I don't think we will ever be able to eradicate Religion, no matter what we call ourselves on a piece of paper. It definitely was a bold ambition but we never worked towards achieving it and hence we are in this pickle right now where everyone uses Religion just when it suits them.
We Indians are not Religious either, don't get carried away thinking that our religious beliefs are the reasons for our misery. Certainly it contributes but, deep down the actual causes are much universal and unique to Indians. If there was no religious angle, there would have been something else to divide us. We fight and kill for a trivial point as our matinee idols, linguistic loyalty etc, so its very superficial and naive to think that our religious beliefs are the culprits.
We Indians are basically worst Hobbesians (ruthless people dedicated to self interest, over everything else) the world has ever seen. Our self interests matters much more than anything else, including the interests of the country, community or religion for that matter. We use anything and everything available to us to achieve our goals, we use gods, religious philosophy, anything to suit our needs.
The major religion of this country basically revolves around flattering and bribing the gods to fulfill our desires. So corruption and bribing is not considered a crime at all. When British invaded India, they just had to bribe the second in hierarchy in the opposition to win the battles. Take any major battle against British for example, it was won by bribing. We offered least resistance to British invasion. You can see our Hobbesian values in everything we do, from breaking a simple traffic rules to compromising the security of the nation, its ubiquitous.
If we were dedicated to our religious beliefs, religious conversions should not be occurring in the first place.
But, we can be easily bribed to get converted to a Sinner friendly religion (which says no need to bother about your sins; someone has already been crucified for it 2000yrs ago

) from a briber friendly religion. Other than self interest nothing can explain this phenomenon.
We were successfully terrorized in the past to get converted from this briber friendly religion to the most peaceful religion in the world (just Google for "most peaceful religion in the world" you'll be shocked with the results ) which doesn't preach Intolerance to other religions and doesn't have anything to do with terrorists and terrorism (pun intended).
So there's little to wonder about the people who got converted to other religions that they don't behave anything different from the briber friendly religion, because basically they are all Indians (Hobbesians). There's a starking difference in the way the other religions are practiced in India to the way its practiced elsewhere. For eg Where else in the world, you can see Dowry demands practiced in Sinner friendly religion or the Most peaceful religion of the world?
Where does this all leads to? We're using gods and religious beliefs to our advantage to mask corruption, incompetence, barbarism and indulge in vote bank politics based on caste religion etc. Unless the people using religion as a tool to earn their livelihood are reprimanded severely this will continue. People on both sides ; the Self appointed Gau rakshaks, and pseudo intellectual brigade should be strongly discouraged to use pro or opposing a religious belief to their advantage.
BTW this discussion how and why a country isn't as secular as it should've been will be entertained as long as the briber friendly or Sinner friendly religions are in Majority. The moment the most peaceful religion reaches a majority mark, discussion will be how and when to implement Sharia?
Disclaimer: I should never feel to ask this question. Ever.
I am going to ask this question to all. Not just the people in this thread, wish I can ask to everyone. But anyhow,
I am a christian. in Kerala. 4th gen catholic. Our forefathers were Hindu brahmins. There are some old pics with us where they were wearing "poonoolu", the white thread thing like a sash.
Am I hardcore christian. I dont know. I pray. I read bible. I try to go to church as much as I can. But not so much in the last 4 years since I moved to europe and then to US. I have a thing for mass in malayalam.
I dont like to attend a mass in english or any other language. Going to church is more like a feeling of being connected to family and friends back in kerala.
I eat everything. My mother is a vegetarian after her cancer spell. I studied in a christian school. My church's to be honest. Studied with Hindus and Muslims. Celebrated Onam, Eid, Diwali, Christmas and New year in the same splendor. In house. Religion was never a thing in my mind at least until I moved to Mysore in 2011. Then came the religious and dietary barriers. I love beef. Once a colleague actually referred to my parents as animals.
In an office lunch event. (When I was in US, that person was there. and he ordered a cheese burger. and enjoyed it half. I waited till then to let him know its beef. well hey I am petty and low.)
I frequent forums about indian defence and all. Seen threads like How to solve Muslim and Christian problems in India. (Really???).
Do you guys hate us that much? Why? As a christian with tonnes of christian friends.... I guarantee you. We don't give a shit what religion you are. Do not bring religious conversions. They are this fringe group who flip flop religions for monetary benefits. I know 100's of Christians who are against it. I have seen arguments inside our church about this. Of course these will never be in public domain.
In my family there are 7 priests including a bishop. and 3 nuns. Trust me I know what I am talking about. One of my closest friends just became a priest last year. We dont want those kinda people. They give us a bad name.
They want money and house and education and shit. Thats it.
Do you know why we are against it??... Coz WE NEED TO PAY FOR THEM. Simple. Nothing personal to them. Just we dont want to spend our money and listen to news about conversion.
And about this "foreign money" we get... Do you know what this is?? Vatican is not sending us millions. There are common people who donate or sponsor people. For education. For welfare facilities. They are just sending their small shares monthly. Dont we give money to charity? I know I do.
When did India just became for Hindus?. BJP with Modi went to power with development agenda. Not Hindutva.I understand the recent vigor for this is due to BJP being in government. But damn.
He is doing things. He only was elected by 31% of the Indian population. I think that number is right. Dont you guys want him to go into power with more mandate?
Recent Amit Shah dialogue about Vamana Jayanthi. WTF? Myth may be true. At some point Onam stopped being a Hindu only festival in Kerala. its a state festival. I have seen hindus take offense in Keralites correcting Amit Shah. "No you guys got the myth wrong" "Its time for you guys to make it right" "This is the proper hindu definition"
What the ****ing eff?
I'm sorry, but most of your thoughts indicates your hatred than other way round. Out of six Indian states I've lived only Kerala had people approaching me (probably because of my atheist attitude) for religious conversion (subtly initially and more annoying later ). If I remember correctly, Pope Benedict was snubbed by Indian MEA for openly opposing legislation against religious conversions in India in 2006, so its more rampant and has blessings of Church than you think it is.
Its pretty common for any Non vegetarian to be called as Animal by vegetarians (even I'm teased the same way) , I don't think it means much.
Amit Shah does not represent Hindus, he's a leader of a political party which thrives on pseudo Pro Hindu politics, much similar to pseudo secular political parties. They both have to be reprimanded that politics of hatred doesn't pay.
Its last 10-20yrs with the advent of internet we're having a meaningful dialogue amongst communities, I'm pretty hopeful that we'll be able move towards a more Secular and pro country policies instead of religion and caste based politics in near future. Our democracy survived in first 50yrs, now we're on the way of learning how to run it to the advantage of every individual.
Running a democracy has a steep learning curve, we're on track IMHO.
I don't hate religions per se, but the way they're practiced in this country is very disappointing.