Is India is a dumping yard for inferior IT products ?

Thx LN that pretty much covers it :)

How would you explain our supposedly improved performance of late in the auto parts industry. It seems ppl here are crowing about how we are giving the others a run for their money.

help said:
there is a difference between industrialized nation and developing countries
if you open up trade(globalization) without proper local industries here local products would suffer the result economy slows down and manufacturing here becomes almost impossible and less jobs for people hence there is no profit in that but the huge global industries can survive and supply product in these counties and the developing countries are only place for outsourcing their jobs and no real development in any sector
which is monopoly
Monopoly for whom ?

Does it matter whether its an external or an internal one. I think any monopoly is bad. So my thinking is if products flood the market in areas where we have no competence what is the problem. We have been harping on about self-reliance since independence so tell me where are the areas where we became world leaders ?

help said:
why do you think we have more than 10% inflation and its getting worse?
Economic stimulus from last year. The resulting inflation is the expected by product and is by design instead of a depression with its attendant unemployment. Which would you pick ? Any country that used a stimulus will have inflation.

Basically more money is present than goods & services in this country so it becomes cheap and prices rise. It happens because its easier to print money than create the goods & services but its tightly controlled otherwise we create other problems.

help said:
i would say that nothing have changed in this country in the past 50 years despite all these economy growth(stocks) that you people say
our standard of living is the same and its getting worse
stock doesn't mean anything.
If you mean it has not changed due to ever present stimulation thats mostly due to excess printing of money. We are living beyond our means and borrowing from the future to finance the present. Now so long as there is growth this is not a problem.

How much has our growth rate been for the last 10 years ;)

help said:
foreign investments makes up for most of the industrial growth
but getting help from world bank and allowing outsourcing companies would only deplete all out resources and kill local economy
we will eventually have no power to produce but to give services for these global industries and become dependent on them
a country full of slaves thinking that their country is getting better :)

i hope this answers most of other peoples quote above...
As you said in your opening line there is a difference between an indistrialised nation & a developing one.

See what i'm interested in is going from developing ->developed. To concentrate on our core strengths and import the rest if required. That way we pay the least for anything we want. Of course this is in the ideal world.

Look at the developed countries and see what % of their GDP is derived from services vs manufacturing. You might be suprised to know that they are overwhleming in the services area. Simply because the cost of labour is more in those countries and it becomes cheaper to outsource manufacturing abroad.

This does mean they are dependent on manufacturers but so is the opposite. Without markets where does all that excess capacity go :)
blr_p said:
Monopoly for whom ?
Does it matter whether its an external or an internal one.
yes it does

Economic stimulus from last year. The resulting inflation is the expected by product and is by design instead of a depression with its attendant unemployment. Which would you pick ? Any country that used a stimulus will have inflation.
you cant understand any facts from reading news papers and fancy words on the internet :tongue:
Basically more money is present than goods & services in this country so it becomes cheap and prices rise. It happens because its easier to print money than create the goods & services but its tightly controlled otherwise we create other problems.
you don't really make any sense here...
and how do you think they got more money japan and korea was totally destroyed after ww2 but they built up their economy but we cant
there are most factors in play than you think

If you mean it has not changed due to ever present stimulation thats mostly due to excess printing of money. We are living beyond our means and borrowing from the future to finance the present. Now so long as there is growth this is not a problem.

same here

Look at the developed countries and see what % of their GDP is derived from services vs manufacturing. You might be suprised to know that they are overwhleming in the services area. Simply because the cost of labour is more in those countries and it becomes cheaper to outsource manufacturing abroad.

This does mean they are dependent on manufacturers but so is the opposite. Without markets where does all that excess capacity go :)

well its your opinion...
i made my point before and i am not going to argue about that.
help said:

yes it does
you cant understand any facts from reading news papers and fancy words on the internet :tongue:

you don't really make any sense here...
and how do you think they got more money japan and korea was totally destroyed after ww2 but they built up their economy but we cant
there are most factors in play than you think

same here

well its your opinion...
i made my point before and i am not going to argue about that.

He is right, creating excessive printing money is inflationary. Recall what happened in Germany after World war I, they printed too much money which ultimately become worthless and a common man have to use a wheelbarrow to make his living..:)
help said:
you cant understand any facts from reading news papers and fancy words on the internet
Right, so here's where you dazzle us with your knowledge. Will you accept :)

help said:
i made my point before and i am not going to argue about that.
Assertions are useless unless one sees your reasoning. I've shown you mine but your past replies have not really given me any inkling into yours.

All i can guess is you like goods better than services. But in reality they both add to the nations bottomline.
help said:
you don't really make any sense here...

and how do you think they got more money japan and korea was totally destroyed after ww2 but they built up their economy but we cant

there are most factors in play than you think

Japan developing has a lot to do with discipline than anything else. Its something that we Indians thoroughly seem to lack. Even if we let lack of commitment towards work and laziness go by, tell me one city in India where industrial productivity and in general productivity is not affected due to the silliest excuse for starting a protest. Our protests are almost always of a disruptive nature and always cause a 1000 times more damage than good.

Just take the case of the telangana agitations in AP. They got those goonda's to destroy buses and disrupted road and rail traffic. When the home minister released an ambiguous statement, the goondas in telangana stopped and the ones in the rest of andhra started their work and then again vice versa with the next statement. The govt lost crores of money due to the public property damage and lack of revenue from rail and bus services. More importantly there was a lot of impact on industrial productivity as well. Its not just AP, its the same everywhere in our country.

The Japanese on the other hand are committed towards productivity first and foremost. if they have to protest, they do in their own time and in a non disruptive manner as far as possible. They understand that as long as they are committed to their goals and achieve them, they may not have reason to protest at all. They are disciplined in what they do.

Here half the population is out looking for a free lunch. How can we expect such growth rates even when everything else is the same.
How can we expect such growth rates even when everything else is the same.
Yet here we are with comparable ones to when Japan & Korea were in the same phase.

The other point is homogenity. Both those countries tend to have a fraction of the shit we've had to put up with. Also they benefitted from favourable trading status with the US. Who do you think was responsibe for their growth ?

Did i mention that they are tiny in comparison. Our problems are easily an order of magnitude more than theirs. Yet here we are with those growth rates.

Oh and one more, they dont have much of a defense budget to worry about as they fall under Uncle Sam's umbrella.

help said:
there are most factors in play than you think
Heh, you bet :)
Lord Nemesis said:
Japan developing has a lot to do with discipline than anything else. Its something that we Indians thoroughly seem to lack. Even if we let lack of commitment towards work and laziness go by, tell me one city in India where industrial productivity and in general productivity is not affected due to the silliest excuse for starting a protest. Our protests are almost always of a disruptive nature and always cause a 1000 times more damage than good.

Just take the case of the telangana agitations in AP. They got those goonda's to destroy buses and disrupted road and rail traffic. When the home minister released an ambiguous statement, the goondas in telangana stopped and the ones in the rest of andhra started their work and then again vice versa with the next statement. The govt lost crores of money due to the public property damage and lack of revenue from rail and bus services. More importantly there was a lot of impact on industrial productivity as well. Its not just AP, its the same everywhere in our country.

The Japanese on the other hand are committed towards productivity first and foremost. if they have to protest, they do in their own time and in a non disruptive manner as far as possible. They understand that as long as they are committed to their goals and achieve them, they may not have reason to protest at all. They are disciplined in what they do.

Here half the population is out looking for a free lunch. How can we expect such growth rates even when everything else is the same.
people are all almost same everywhere nothing to do with discipline
sure there are political parties and and other stuff hampering our progress but there are also factors happening outside india
most of the european countries like norway had almost no way of developing in early 1950 because of no resources there but they have the highest GDP now because of globalization.
we indians work more hard and longer compared to any other people in developed countries i can tell you that for sure.
[strike]most of the european countries[/strike] like norway had almost no way of developing in early 1950 because of no resources there but they have the highest GDP now because of globalization.
Norway has a population of 3 million with abundant natural resources.

Try again :)
blr_p said:
Oh and one more, they dont have much of a defense budget to worry about as they fall under Uncle Sam's umbrella.
well there's one clue there...
Heh, you bet :)
don't take it personally no one here is better or worse im just trying to show you things in a different point of view

blr_p said:
Norway has a population of 3 million with abundant natural resources.

Try again :)

abundant natural resource like only fishing?
help said:
don't take it personally no one here is better or worse im just trying to show you things in a different point of view
And i wish you do that instead of asserting it.

Explain your reasoning.
help said:
abundant natural resource like only fishing?
Oil & gas ;)

No need to be in the EU.
blr_p said:
Explain your reasoning.

what do you need to be explained?

Oil & gas ;)

No need to be in the EU.

The economy of Norway is a developed mixed economy with heavy state-ownership in strategic areas of the economy. Although sensitive to global business cycles, the economy of Norway has shown robust growth since the start of the industrial era.

Aside from mining in Kongsberg and Røros, industrialization came with the first textile mills that were built in Norway in the middle of the 19th century. But the first large industrial enterprises came into formation when entrepreneurs politics, leading to the founding of banks to serve those needs

Economy of Norway - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

which means economic development after globalization.
which means economic development after globalization
On that same page see where it says oil & gas, i'm thinking that was the turning point.

That would be the 60s onwards which is pretty much when the middle east kicked off as well.

I'm not sure when globalisation started, we've been trading for centuries, all around the indian ocean and abroad. If one goes by the simple definition of import-export of goods not available locally.

what do you need to be explained?
What you said about monopolies wrt to globalisation. I thought the latter would decrease the former.

and..why you think manufacturing matters more than what we have currently ie services.
I'm not saying manufacturing isn't important, it is, but more gains could be made faster with services and importing the rest. You seemed to think the opposite.

LN's alrady explained the difficulty with hardware & its risks. Is it therefore wise for the govt to be subsidising such when the chances of rewards could be low.

eg, communications equipment and the embargo on chinese products for reasons of natinal security. That right there creates a monopoly of EU & US manufacturers. Now for some reason we think its safer to buy from them than the Chinese. If the firmwares & its sources are provided, we are able to determine whether there is a risk or not. Its not a good move i think.