As the title asks. I have all passwords saved there, including my banking ones as well. Are these safe? I cannot even imagine writing down these stuffs, it's just way too many.
I moved to 1password after all those hack stories about lastpass and never looked back.
Can you share hack stories of Lastpass please as I was short listing Lastpass and Onepass to try out?
LastPass Hacked - Identified Early & Resolved - The LastPass Blog
Update: July 10, 2015 @ 8:00 PM EST Thank you for taking the time to read our posts and follow our recommended actions after the recent events. Behind-the-scenes, our response has been ongoing. As we mentioned before, we’ve engaged security experts and firms to help us, and we’re working
Google Warns LastPass Users Were Exposed To ‘Last Password’ Credential Leak
Google Project Zero security researcher reveals that the LastPass password manager could, somewhat ironically, leak the last password you used to any website you
remove all the banking passwords from Lastpass and note them down manually.
It's a bit on the expensive side.No love for 1Password, been using for the last 7-8 years.
it was cheap in earlier days and they upgraded the old user to lifetime pass when they introduced subscription. Nowadays almost most app uses sub based model which is like plague.It's a bit on the expensive side.