Is our country a lost cause ?

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Will we ever reach near developed status in our lifetimes here in the next 40 years ?

The biggest interlinked problems in our country of Religion/caste, corruption and politics does not seem to have any good solution and hardly any progress since the 90s. Feel doomed sometimes with the snails pace of betterment of our country when we have such great potential. What do you people say ?
Hardly any progress since 90s is pushing it. We're not that bad.
We are around 8 years behind where we ought to be.

Atm only 1% of the population pays income tax. With a population of over 1.2b, even if that number gets pushed up to 2%, that's a massive leap.
At 3%, we could become a first world nation. There would be so much revenue coming in, the politicians couldn't steal fast enough.

Actually, that doesn't seem right. Either I totally suck at economics or those are some really low numbers to aim for real meaningful progress.
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IIRC, a chinese article once wrote, that reforms/progress in a democracy like India, is inherently slow (the Indian retort being - but, deeper and more stable, sustainable).
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IMO, investing in education and research is one way.

Atm only 1% of the population pays income tax. With a population of over 1.2b, even if that number gets pushed up to 2%, that's a massive leap.
At 3%, we could become a first world nation. There would be so much revenue coming in, the politicians couldn't steal fast enough.

A bit of analysis about this topic answered in Quora
Yeah i feel not just education but we need morals involuntarily set in us. Education will do nothing if the IIT/iim people itself become corrupt and powerhungry, There is literally noone in power who has a iron will to reduce corruption which imo is the biggest factor holding us back. Just today say govts. and politicians announcing rewards of well over 5 crore for our bronze medal winner. If they only also spent the same 4 years ago we would have got a lot more medals imo.
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It is a question of maturity.
You can't expect a teenager to have wisdom and behave like an adult.

(Though even adults seldom behave like "adults", we are all just slightly more intelligent monkeys after all)
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IMO, investing in education and research is one way.

A bit of analysis about this topic answered in Quora
Thanks that was an interesting read. I always like it when people try to look behind the numbers being quoted in the papers. At the risk of derailing the thread, I would like to say the answer is not entirely correct. He actually doesn't take the same advice when quoting the workforce numbers. Here's what happens:
"To another question, Sai said as per the NSSO survey of 2009-10, the total employment in the unorganised sector is 43.7 crore."

Now one assuming even a 1% increase yoy for the next 2 years till 2011-2012, the numbers will be ~ 44.5 crores , leaving ~ 2.8 crores in the organized sector.This distinction is necessary as it differentiates the income tax payments. Organized sector is more likely to have a TDS program or more structured towards paying income taxes compared to unorganized sector. (
Even if one assumes there is an issue in reporting, the organized sector is still ~ 3.71 crores which is one helluva of abysmal number. This is important because its not the "agriculture employed" who don't pay taxes, it more from the unorganized structure.

Secondly I don't even know what to say about the comment on economics study in India. Frankly it will take a lot of time to talk about it, I can only google and find this link:
"GDP (Gross Domestic Product) is a measure of national income / national output and national expenditure produce in a particular country."
The number he is looking to conflate with is called GNI:

And there are other things but I rest my case here.

On the topic, not to write another wall of text. No our country is not a lost cause. Things take time. It is much slower than other countries in the world and it is faster than some.
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The percentage of population paying income tax in India is approximately the number of people who can think beyond their caste religion and community, not saying they are the exact same people, but the percentage is more or less the same.
Till Indians can move beyond voting for their community, the politicians will keep exploiting them and this country will go nowhere. One other problem in India is civic sense, wild animals have more civic sense than an average Indian, the chalta hai attitude of breaking rules and accepting that this is how things are in India has to stop. Have a look at how people behave in public, whether driving on the streets or waiting in a line, makes me want to puke.

2-4 generations need to pass, before there is any hope of real change, hopefully a good percentage of the population would have been educated by then. Nothing is going to happen when you and me are alive.
Now, you and I have the same question in front of us the freedom fighters had in front of them in the 1940s, fight for improvement of society and country - the fruits of which we may never see, or immigrate to a country that is better.
They chose the former and our lives are much better today. There is no right or wrong choice, its about what is more important to you, your today, or their tomorrow.
Will we ever reach near developed status in our lifetimes here in the next 40 years ?

The biggest interlinked problems in our country of Religion/caste, corruption and politics does not seem to have any good solution and hardly any progress since the 90s. Feel doomed sometimes with the snails pace of betterment of our country when we have such great potential. What do you people say ?

Were you alive in the 90s? Doesnt sound like it.

"Hardly any progress since the 90s" I genuinely laughed out loud in the office reading that nonsense. Anyone who says that is either about 15 or lying.
Hardly from 90's is too much. Don't agree. Wrong I would say.

But I would say we are at where we should have been in 200o or 2005. Max. There needs to be a disruptive shift of thinking. Beyond others religion, caste or language. And we are not capable of it.
I wonder how many of people typing here have a religious trinket/charm/picture on their wrist or neck or anywhere on body or infront of their machines or desk or anywhere in their room or house or bike or car.
Some might say that doesnt mean I can be impartial. Hope you are correct there. And I am wrong. We are really a backward lot. like we hold on to our past and try to move ahead. I think we are reaching the limit of that.
At some point, we need to decide what all to hold on and what all to leave behind.

Invest massively in education and improving basic infrastructure to be the sure shot way to move us ahead. Everything else will come along. Religion, caste and language can only take you so far. Hey you can always discover things once you are successful. :)

Education should lead people to think that we all are equal. If not united we will fail. Just because he is not tamilian or he is from north east or he is not hindu doesn't mean he is my brother. Fellow partner.
I can close my eyes and believe he is not. But the moment we cross the border we are the same. We need to be inside the borders as well.

I dont support any fanatic faction of any parties. All have their sub groups. But the current central government does seem to do some good things. Atleast they are finishing the UPA government legacies in their way atleast.

We need to stop the servant-master culture. Indians always look up to someone to lead us. We need to lead ourselves.
I didnt say I was satisfied. Can things be better? Absolutely. Are they massively better than they were 20 years ago? Absolutely. Its stupid to even pretend your quality of life isnt massively improved over the 90s if you lived through the 90s.

I lived through the 90s in India's capital. I remember 12 hour powercuts. I remember going to a shop everytime we wanted to make a phone call. I remember no access to internet and paying for hourly access at a cafe later on. I remember shitty black and white TVs with 2 channels. I remember getting cable later that broke down daily. I remember public transport being woeful without any Metro or Uber. I remember the days of no Amazon or Flipkart where I couldnt find half the books I wanted to read anywhere. I remember politicians have no accountability and the only source of news being the state run DD. I remember casteism being so much worse than it is today. I remember women having jobs was a negative thought.

My nephews and neices and kids will never know half of that.

Are things perfect? Nope. Will they ever be? Nope.

But you are massively deluded if you think there hasnt been a tremendous amount of progress in the last 20 years. We arent in a great place. We are gonna get there though, we have been on the road to it for a while. I dont have low standards. I am an optimist. :)
My 2nd two bits on this topic:
This whole thread is like good old nostalgia. Just like we feel older serials, snacks etc to better than today's, we also feel we live in the "worst time".

Forget the 90s, things have changed even from the 2000s. By the mid 2000s, girls were working in companies right? But in my small town, where someone in my family was constantly chastised for sending his wife to manage a shop. He was always chided for bringing shame to the family. Last year, even the most critical of the relatives finally started having his wife helping him out on the shop, not feeling the same bit of "shame".
One might feel this is minuscule change but they don't realize how many years it took that change to happen. Trying to overhaul everything at once is not going to help.

I wonder how many of people typing here have a religious trinket/charm/picture on their wrist or neck or anywhere on body or infront of their machines or desk or anywhere in their room or house or bike or car.
Some might say that doesnt mean I can be impartial. Hope you are correct there. And I am wrong. We are really a backward lot. like we hold on to our past and try to move ahead. I think we are reaching the limit of that.
I am flabbergasted by this one. What does trinkets or religion have anything to do with the topic at hand? Pardon my french, but as they say opinions are like , everyone has one - no one can be impartial. If one doesn't have trinkets or religion etc, I think he is "partial" to atheism :)
But reading through the post, and in spite of the cover it tries to put on towards the end, I feel it is more to do with "He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named" and the central government. Are we really going to turn this into another of the political threads on TE with all its cursing and no actual point to be made? If yes, I am out.
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my duanni :) - one crucial aspect very pertinent to a discourse on a subject like this, & that usually gets overlooked, but is verily central to it, is about, 'stability, for sustainability'.

any and all progress and sustained development and what-have-you, can take place only when the environment is stable and is conducive for work towards the aim(s).

this nation, right from its independence, has been continually tremendously suffering from/struggling against a hydra of destructive impairing forces with its multiple heads of tragedies, wars, insurgencies, external overt & deep state pulls 'n pushes-interventions-subversion/subversive ploys 'n tactics, identity politics, radicalisation, terrorism & its politicisation/politics over it, yearly & continuous natural calamities & disasters, greed, political tug-o'-wars, & what-not! these are some verily potent & terrible energies whose one most prominent common effect is, at the least, destabilisation. one could do well to recall the times of the 90s when jokes about the 'just came-now gone, aayi-gayi' governments were commonplace. we may keep asserting & reasserting (which MUST be done) the importance of core issues like poverty, education, employment, infrastructure, facilities (like also the internet :)), etc., but these could be tackled only in a stable, steady, secure atmosphere, because when such debilitating problems keep consistently striking & impeding, you are constantly busy diverting & spending a considerable chunk of your time, efforts, focus, resources to keep battling them.

at the time of our independence, two parts of this nation were bloodily cut away to form another nation. now it wouldn't behoove us to compare ourselves with them for obvious reasons, but just for the sake of the commonality of time of 'neo-inception' on the timeline, it could surprise some to come to know that pakistan, was quite better than us on some core economic parameters for about around 2 decades or so, and/but we saw what path it went & is on (to) now and where we have taken up to...India being a huge democracy with such humongous variety in virtually everything, (with) having a federal structure or formation with multitudes of political outfits & organisations/parties and no absolute central command for all and the nation, is bound to suffer from tussles & impediments every-now-and-then (as a small instance, FY 2016-2017 is the first time in the nation's history that the central grid is at a power surplus, as well as the country stands a good chance to become a power-surplus nation in upcoming 5-7 years; but that doesn't mean the surplus would flow down to each block, i.e., state, automatically; here is, again, where the leadership of these states come into play...this is one manner/way how developmental and other works 'percolate' to units of an enormous-more-than-just-in-size/extent body like India), but also then after all the churning, whatever 'essential oil' gets extracted out, even though yes, quite a few times unnecessarily painfully slow, is mostly a 'stable compound' with the property of exuding a sustained effect...
...India's journey thus on the macroscale is quite like that of its performing athletes on the microscale, who win accolades and earn medals, inspite of the many setbacks, lack of critical support, etc., and that is why, all the more worthy of hearty, honest appreciation and attention. similarly, despite its shortcomings, troubles, slow pace on account of the aforementioned issues & then some others, am appreciative (quite reasonably) of OUR journey and milestones covered/achieved, and like some others here have written, quite hopeful of the much more ground that we need to cover; so as @cellar_door wrote, I too would like to think of myself as (being) an optimist. :)
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